Sweet Hotel Heat | Cabba x Kale

A continuation from Dark Little Fantasies

Cabba stares at the flat screen in front of him, packed with endless channels, if it wasn't for the bountiful supply of food, he would be easily distracted with the TV. He watches as Kale politely eats her food, smiling softly at how delicious it is. Cabba couldn't help but blush at the sight of her. "Goku Black's real nice getting us this place." Cabba chuckles sheepishly. Kale nods in agreement, turning over to the massive heart shaped bed with candles surrounding it, blushing soon after.

"How do you think Caulifla and Goku Black will spend their night without us?" Kale asks with a smile.

Cabba reddens, giving Kale a long hard stare, swallowing any air that clung to his throat to loosen his embarrassment. "Y-You know...h-how they usually spend them..." sweat rushes down his face as Kale gasps, getting a visual as she too, turns a dark red. "A-Ah! W-Well...! O-One c-can asume..."

The two quickly turn away, the awkwardness flooding the air. Finally, the two collect themselves as they finish off their food. Once Cabba had realized that dishes piled high, and didn't want Kale to do her daily chore, especially on their little vacation, he piled them up in his arms.

"O-Oh! I-I could wash those!" Kale says.

Cabba shakes his head. "It's alright, Kale. I can do the dishes." Without another protest, Kale simply smiles and thanks Cabba, heading for the bed and plopping down to watch some TV in the meantime. Not much was on, and the curiosity got the best of her as to wondering how much pleasure and thrills her best friend and her dark boyfriend got out of sex. Just the thought of herself and Cabba indulging in those endless pleasures made her insides tremble and her legs shake in anticipation. So much so, that she wanted to touch herself, but with Cabba washing the dishes, she'd embarrass herself since he would obviously look over from time to time.

Instead, Kale kept her eyes glued to the movie in front of her as she laid down on the bed. Already halfway through it, Cabba finally finished washing the dishes, half of Kale felt burdenous for her much larger appetite.

Cabba dries his hands off on the white cloth resting on a rack, joining Kale for the movie as he sits on the edge of the bed, watching the movie, even though he had no idea what was going on in it. Kale sits up properly, jumping out of bed as Cabba's gaze sets on her.

"I'm going to take a bath, Cabba." Kale declares.

A deep glow of scarlet takes Cabba's cheeks as he forces a smile. "E-Enjoy your bath..."

As she yanks the red towel from resting up on the hanger, she says lowly, "Actually...I want you to join me..."

Cabba felt his bulge squeeze inside his shorts from her words as he quickly covers his groinal area with his hands. "A-Ah! Okay! If you insist!" He launches off the bed, a little too fast as Kale felt the heat rise. He too was excited, that much made Kale giddy. Kale skimpily walks into the bathroom, as Cabba follows, watching as Kale throws the towel over the shower rack. Her fingers nervously pinch her shirt as Cabba notices this.

"I-I can go in first if you'd like." Cabba suggests.

Kale nods in agreement, watching as he slowly strips, and before he became fully bare, she had to quickly look away. She hears his footsteps draw close to the bath, then his body's weight submerge into the water. Oh if only her talk with Caulifla was much longer.

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"S-Sis, may I ask you a question?" Kale walks into Caulifla's room, seeing as Goku Black took Cabba up on that sparrring offer. Caulifla puts the book Goku Black recommended to her down on her nightstand. "Lay it on me, sis!" Caulifla smiles. Kale noticed her sweet mood, so that meant that she and Goku Black had a steamy night.

"Well," Kale approaches her bed, taking a seat beside her. "You don't have to answer this if you don't want to."

"Of course I'll answer it!" Caulifla replies, adding with a quick giggle. "After all, who better to get advice from than your very well experienced and awesome sis!"

Kale admires her boldness.

"Well...how was your first time with your boyfriend?" To Kale's words, Caulifla reddens, hugging herself immediately after. "O-Oh, I-I get why you ask that...I've seen how close you've gotten with Cabba lately." She nudges Kale.

"Well to be honest, the first time hurts...a lot. I kind of ended up bleeding a bit, and cried a little, but Goku Black was patient with me and all. He waited until it kinda stopped hurting, and then kept going...the second time still kinda hurt, but once you become accustomed, it's kind of like an addicting drug...you get so lost in the pleasure and being so pleasured by your lover..." she nearly sticks out her tongue at how cheesy she sounds. "And don't be afraid to test your pleasures too, there's lots of fun positions you guys can try and stuff...just make sure you and him are comfortable!"

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As she reminisces her talk with Caulifla, she begins to strip, Cabba covering his eyes since Kale looked away when he changed. Once she stumbled into the bath and the bubbles and petals cover their bodies, do they finally take a look at each other. Their scarlet glows forever remain on their faces as they smile at each other.

"I can't wait for the tournament." Cabba mentions.

"I-I promise to protect you, Cabba." Kale says sweetly, and before either of the two could control their bodies, they float towards each other, trapping their lips into a deep kiss. As Cabba backwardly swims towards the end of the tub, Kale numbly follows, continuing their kissing as Cabba props himself up, Kale sitting up top of his legs, Cabba fighting the urge to get turned on, distracting his ever growing thoughts by running his fingers through her hair and focusing on the kiss. Kale throws her arms around his neck and continues to passionately kiss her saiyan.

Their bodies speak for their own, as Kale begins to grind on his dormant member, Cabba gasping through the kiss. "I'm sorry..." Kale stops, breaking the kiss to look at Cabba apologetically.

Cabba shakes his head. Placing his hands on her hips, he moves them again as she shivers, getting the idea as she nods, following his lead and continues to grind again. Cabba moans, throwing his head back against the cold bathroom tiles, tightening his grip on her hips as she smiles at the sight of him crumbling underneath her. "O-Oh Kale! That feels good!" He cries out. She quickens her pace at the compliment, as she whispers into his ear, "We should take this to the bedroom."

Breathless, Cabba nods. Lifting her up as she blushes, with his free hand, Cabba takes the towel and wraps it around both of them as they stand in the bathroom, waiting to adequately dry off.

Cabba places Kale down the bed, kissing her again as she pulls him closer, the sound of the TV distant. Cabba breaks the kiss, lowering himself down to her chest, and looks at her breasts, perfectly sculpted and her nipples perk. Goosebumps parade her skin, probably a mixture from barely getting out of the tub and now this. Cabba hungrily licks one of her nipples before sucking on her breast, Kale shivers as she moans loudly, his other hand kneading her other breast as she becomes putty underneath him. "Oh, Cabba!" She squirms underneath him, watching as he worked on her breasts.

Breaking the teasing, he whispers softly, "Would you be alright if I ate you down here?" He brushes a couple fingers up to her exposed core as she nods slowly, placing a hand on his face. "Allow me to do the same for you." To this Cabba reddens, nodding slowly as he gets on his back, Kale crawling over to where his erection was, straddling perfectly so that her sensitive spot was in his face. Starry dazed, he waits until he could feel her luscious lips enveloping his tip. Taking the opportunity to lick up her wet folds, Kale trembling, but keeping her focus on sucking him, slowly taking inches of him in until she was comfortable. Spreading her lower lips, Cabba indulges in her sweet taste, Kale rubbing the rest of his member as she keeps a consistent deep throating pattern. Cabba moans, in response, slowly inserting his tongue into her entrance, greeted by her endless juices as sweat slicks up their bodies. Before the two knew it, pleasure erupts, causing the two to be greeted with their sweet supply, which the two happily indulged in. Cabba sits up, as she slowly crawls away to give him space.

Cabba smiles, pulling Kale into his arms, kissing her shoulders.

"Cabba, I'm ready to have you inside me." Kale says with a mischievous smile as Cabba's jaw drops, his heart hammering in his chest. "Are you sure?" He asks, as she nods. "I'll always be sure with you." Kale replies, adding, "Sure, the first couple times will hurt but I'll adjust." Cabba nods, watching as she graciously lays on her back, Cabba clambering on top, kissing her lips again. "Tell me to stop if it hurts too much."

Kale nods, her lips quiver once his tip rubs against her entrance. "P-Please." She desperately pleads as he smiles, kissing her again before thrusting inside her. Kale gasps into the kiss, the pain flooding through her, first it was slow and minuscule, then it grew stronger. Kale can't help but cry out, tears pricking the end of her eyes as Cabba gasps at the intense heat he was feeling from being submerged inside her. It felt so good, but he waited. He waited until the pain at least subsided for her.

Giving him a small nod, he pulls his erection back slowly, keeping the slow slow rhythm back and forth for her sake as their naked bodies connect with each other by sweat and embraces. Biting down her lip, Kale feels both the pain and pleasure collide as Cabba groans, refusing to let his lust take over. "Kale you feel so good!" He breathes out, groaning softly into her neck before planting butterfly kisses everywhere. "You feel good too..." she agrees, throwing her legs around his waist to deepen his thrusts. "So good!"

Cabba's sloppy thrusts send Kale on the edge as she grips his shoulders tightly, enjoying every single fluid thrust, every pulling and pushing, every touch. Before Kale could realize what was happening, an intense wave of pleasure bubbles in her stomach, releasing in endless waves, as she felt her orgasm flow, Cabba groaning, unable to take it anymore as he quickens his pace, Kale moaning again, as he grips the bedsheets, so close to his orgasm as his groans fill Kale's ears, and before he knew it, he pulls out, unfamiliar with this type of orgasm as his cum splutters on Kale's stomach and chest. Yelping, Cabba fights the urge to get turned on by the sight. "K-Kale! I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Quickly, he grabs the towel and cleans her off as she sheepishly smiles. "I-It's okay, Cabba!" Once he made sure she was cleaned off, he settles beside her and pulls her into a deep embrace, the two kissing each other with dazed expressions.

To allow themselves to cool off, the two watch the movie. Kale occasionally glances over at Cabba, her sexual appetite not entirely fulfilled.


"Yea, Kale?"

"I wanna be on top."

Cabba smiles, breaking their embrace as he comfortably lays down. "Go ahead, Kale. Ride me~."

Kale's inside get excited over that statement as she takes off her scrunchie, tossing it on the ground as she straddles his hips. He grins up at her as she rubs his member up at her entrance before settling herself on it, letting out a loving moan once he was all the way in. Swaying her hips, she arches her back, her hair pooling behind her as Cabba takes in the erotic sight, placing both hands on her hips as he guides her. "Oh, Cabba! It feels soooo good!" She cries out, riding him faster and rougher as Cabba pants, his response a bit rugged. "Y-Yes, l-like that...don't...stop...."

Their screams of pleasure fill the room as Kale drops her body on top of his, trapping her lips onto his as her breasts rub up and down on his chest. Cabba wrapping his arms around her as her animalistic side takes over, the bed creaking underneath them. Addicted to how wet they both were she quickens her pace, causing Cabba's groans to grow stronger, and before long, the two were thrown into another orgasm, not quite sure who came first. Their sweat drenched bodies embrace again as they giggle happily with their newfound favorite activity.

"You know, we still have six more days...thanks to Goku Black..." Cabba chuckles, tangling his fingers into her hair.

Kale giggles, mischievously rubbing his member within his grasp.

"I'm sure we'll be well entertained with this hotel~."