Queen of Disaster | Turles x Caulifla

This one shot is for potaraprincess from Wattpad

Red juices bleed out from within the plump bumpy fruit as the nectar trails down his lips. It was absolutely succulent with its sweetness and juice that it provides. Every bite was savored as much as the last, unless he was in a fight then he could only savor so much. After exhaling in delight, he casts his eyes downward to the pitiful planet that had an infectious tree growing mighty on the surface of it. It didn't matter anyway since most of the inhabitants were already dead. This wicked saiyan was already proving his power to the galaxies and he intended on letting everyone know who he was.


She heard the news that spread like wildfire. A wickedly evil saiyan was going around planting gigantic trees on planets and harvesting the fruit that came along with it. She was warned by her best friend Cabba and his boyfriend Frost that this saiyan was unlike any other saiyan they have ever met. Of course, she knew they hadn't come close to the man yet.

She hadn't either, but deep down and secretly, she wanted to meet the saiyan behind the slaughter. She was always up for a good fight, and she really wanted to taste that power for herself. Caulifla was stupid yes, but she wasn't that stupid to purposely seek out such a grand threat.

It was already dinner time as Kale had called her over with a simple holler. Caulifla of course could smell the food, as she got up from where she sat and made her way to the dining area, Frost and Cabba were already seated as Kale was serving them plates. Kale had sensed Caulifla strut into the dining area as she looks up at her with a soft smile on her lips.

"How'd you sleep?" She asks, assuming Caulifla had taken her daily dose of a nap.

"Hah! Funny joke, Kale! I didn't take a nap today."

This causes Cabba to gasp from where he sat as he points his fork in her direction. "Whaaaat, Caulifla not taking her naps? It's the end of the world!" He cries out.

"I don't need to take a nap." She snaps, before taking her seat, staring at the food Kale had made today. "Damn, that smells good Kale!"

Kale smiles beamingly at Caulifla. "You really think so?"

"Duh, why else would I say it?" Caulifla says with a smile as she proceeds to dig in.

Kale then takes her seat at her spot of the table as everyone enjoys the dinner Kale has made.


Caulifla is one of Frieza's favorite saiyans—though not enough to become a permanent play thing. The icejin would be lying if he didn't have the idea of toying with her and using her for his amusement once upon a time. A certain pampered prince simply wouldn't allow the emperor to add another saiyan to his collection, because if he wasn't allowed to fuck anyone else on the down low, then Frieza wasn't allowed to either. Of course no one knew that prince Vegeta had this sort of power over Frieza aside from Caulifla when he used to attempt to reel her in.

He pours himself a glass of red wine as he sits upon his throne, staring ahead at his massive rectangular crystal that would portray any saiyan of his that he wished to see. So far, he had checked up on those that went out on missions, the only one who hadn't ventured out of the safety and comfort of the village provided by Frieza was Caulifla.

He wasn't upset or anything, he knew she didn't have a mission in store for today. For the most part when he monitored this small saiyan on her days off she chose to spend it on training, sparring with fellow saiyans, or take leisurely relaxation time at the hot springs. He was surprised that Caulifla didn't have an active sex life at this point, judging by the way she loved to carry herself on a high pedestal and how gorgeous she was—though he wasn't about to admit that last part out loud. Especially not when he had a mate who would throw a tantrum over his emperor complimenting another saiyan that wasn't him.

Then again, Frieza wondered why she hadn't made any attempts to getting herself a mate or a casual fuck buddy? Then again, most saiyan boys her age were skinny and scrawny like Tarble and Cabba. She didn't seem interested in those in her age range. Once upon a time, would she flirt with Kakarot before the barbaric saiyan was taken by a hybrid saiyan. Frieza noted that she loved the older saiyan men, though she hadn't struck up anything with any of them.

Frieza takes another swig of his wine as he exhales graciously. "I guess Caulifla will just remain a mystery, that little monkey."


She knew she had the day off and that she could basically do whatever the hell she wanted to. She hated her days off. She felt as though she never got anything done and felt the least productive on these kinds of days. This small stubborn saiyan failed to see that that was what days off were—days of relaxing and being unproductive, because she wasn't expected to do anything by the emperor up above in his spaceship. Perhaps he knew that as well and maybe that's why he gave her an extra day off above all other saiyans.

Secretly she hated it, but then again, she was free to do whatever the hell she wanted to as long as it didn't involve rebelling against Frieza. Who would rebel against him when he protected his saiyans and fed them, clothed them, and loved them? It never crossed Caulifla's mind or any other saiyan for that matter.

Today, she got up out of bed and made herself breakfast, a meat lover's skillet with crispy potatoes and loaded with cheese. She chose to wash it down with milk before going into her room and changing out of her nightgown into blue saiyan armor with black battle tights and red wristbands like her master, Bardock. It's been a while since she's seen him, so she figured she'd see him soon—on a day when Kakarot wouldn't be around.

Placing a vibrant emerald scouter on, she hums as she makes her way to the backyard where her space pod eager awaited her. A circular ruby gem glows in the middle as she stares at her own reflection with a smirk.

Caulifla knew what she was going to do today.

Ever since Caulifla was a runt, she always loved space; the endless possibilities that came with it, the multiple planets that she could explore, and the stars she could harvest for her collection. Of course, her mother forbade her from going and it wasn't until she lost her family to a horrible war in another planet did she finally have that right. Caulifla tried her hardest not to think about her family, so she built her walls up high and hid her sadness and sorrow well.

She checks the coordinates of any particular planet that dared to draw her attention. She wasn't going to go to the planet just to kill some poor civilians who didn't have a clue as to why barbaric saiyans showed an interest in them, she wasn't that kind of saiyan surprisingly.

Out of the corner of her eye, she notices a golden sphere glowing rapidly, catching her attention almost immediately. She had to take off her scouter for a couple of seconds to make sure she wasn't going crazy.

"Guess I'm going to that planet." She says to herself, tapping away at the screen in order to make her pod get a sense of direction.

When she landed, the first thing she noted was how quiet it was. When she clicked at her scouter, she found some power levels, most of them hiding in their houses. It was odd when she really thought about it, but then her blood ran cold with realization. What if she wasn't the first saiyan to step foot on this land?!

It couldn't be any of Frieza's saiyans, none of them were scheduled to come to this planet anyway. Her heart almost stopped at the second and most likely theory she had.

Turles was here.

Swallowing away both her drowning fear and absolute excitement, she cautiously walks along the planet, her scouter now silent. She didn't want to jump to conclusions or overreact to something that was all just in her head, so for now she continued on exploring.

It didn't take long for her to reach a cliff, as she sat on the edge of it to take a break from all the walking. She could've simply flied, but thanks to her newfound fear of a possible killing machine she chose not to. Now that she was left alone to her thoughts, she realized she hadn't bathed since yesterday and her insecurities started to bubble. She quickly stood up and decided it was safe to go look for a body of water to get a quick bath in.


The terrifying conqueror wasn't on this planet very long and he was already bringing forth a new wave of destruction and death. He had just finished strangling a poor civilian to death who refused to give him intel on what this planet had to offer before he chose to plant his tree. The warm pink blood had spilled onto his fingers as he tries to wave it off, but knew it would dry up.

"Ahhh, what a good way to start the day." He says casually as he rose up on his feet. "I'm sure that the pathetic excuse of this species went into hiding after they've sensed me." He smirks with such pride to himself . . . But that didn't mean he wanted their disgusting blood staining his armor. He'd rather smell like the fruit he grows than the disgusting blood of these worthless space dust. "Now then, time to find some water to wash this off."

Turles rapidly soars through the skies, staring down at the land below him. It wasn't long until he found himself a body of water as he grins, lowering himself down almost immediately. His eyes widen as he couldn't believe what his eyes were looking at, causing him to pause in his actions.

An absolutely stunning saiyan girl standing a few feet away from the river, breasts exposed as Turles squint, trying to make out the perfect picture. She has her fingers digging into the waistband of her black battle tights as he watches her bend down, peeling them off her legs as she kicks her saiyan boots. He watches the bewitching saiyaness make her way to the stone and set her saiyan armor down neatly. Turles recognizes that armor from anywhere as he smirks, watching her turn around as her nice ass jiggles along with every step before she takes few cautious steps into the water. The gentle cerulean waves bless her body as she is halfway into the water.

"Come on . . . Turn around . . ."  He hisses under his breath as he could now only see her bare back and spiky waves of hair, a couple reaching below her neck. He was getting turned on by a random saiyan, and he was going to woo her into his arms.

Caulifla was already rubbing at her skin, attempting to do away with any dirt that coated her from possibly yesterday. Surprisingly this water was warm and comforting as she exhales in relaxation.

"My my, what do we have here?" A charismatic yet dangerous voice says behind her, causing her to flinch as she immediately drops the rest of her body down into the water to hide her body from this perverted sicko. Caulifla quickly spins herself around as she wraps her arms around her chest underneath the water.

Her eyes were lit with the anger and annoyance that now flooded her body as the wicked obsidian orbs proved this. Before she could start ranting at this fucker about respecting privacy and chivalry, an icy dread chills throughout her body as she recognizes who this man was with absolute horror. She was quick to hide her fear as she pouts menacingly at the man. "Don't you know it's impolite to look at a woman while she's bathing?!"

The tall muscular built lets out a subtle chuckle as he clicks at his scouter, allowing it to read the girl's power level as it chimes multiple times in response. "Very interesting, and you don't look like a grown saiyan woman, you look more like a kid." He snidely remarks as Caulifla moves towards the rock that had her clothing, the man's eyes still following her. "Do you know who I am, small saiyan?" He watches as she hurriedly puts her clothes back on, making her cringe over how uncomfortable it was for the fabric to absorb the water off her skin.

"Of course I know who you fucking are, you're Turles." She says as he quickly darts his way down and saunters towards her like a predator who caught his fresh prey.

"Ohhh, so you do know me, runt. Then you must know what my favorite way to pass time is." He says, eyeing her up and down as he nods to his own thoughts. This girl was in some way associated to Bardock, there's no doubt about it with the way this armor was styled.

Caulifla looks up at the man, her dark eyes tugging his own into an involuntary staring contest. This whole encounter was a dream come true and a horrific nightmare. She always wanted to fight him head on, but she knew he was extremely powerful and knowing his nature, he wasn't sparing anybody. Not even her.

"Yeah I do, but unlike those people that you just purge without warning," Caulifla gets in a battle stance. "I can put up a fight! You're looking at the supreme saiyan!"

Turles cocks an eyebrow at her and laughs at how hilarious this little runt was, thinking she could take him on. He was Turles for Kami's sake! One of the biggest names across the galaxy, and unlike the vast majority of the saiyans, he wasn't owned by Frieza. "Really? You think you can win against one who dines on the fruit of might?" He demands as Caulifla kept her confidence up, even though the little girl in her was screaming in terror. Caulifla nods once, causing the dark saiyan to chuckle dangerously low. "You've got guts, runt I'll admit that . . . Let's see if your little pride can carry you."

Before Caulifla could respond, Turles had teleported in front of her and slammed a fist up her stomach, causing to gasp in surprise before it turned into a couple of coughs. He kept his wicked grin plastered on his lips as he watches her keel over, swiftly kicking at her side, sending her flying to the cliff as it breaks upon the impact of Caulifla's body.

With folded arms, Turles gazes toward the sight of Caulifla's body mounded to the cracks of the surface as he hovers over towards her. "Awww, and here I thought this fight was going to be one of the best battles I've ever experienced!" He pouts in a way to mimic her youth. "And I was so excited . . ."

Caulifla squeezes her eyes shut, trying so hard to ignore the heat that splotched her face and the pain that was greeting the back of her body. With all her power she pulls herself out from being glued to this rocky surface as she takes a couple seconds to brush the debris off of where she felt it on her body.

"What're you talking about, bastard? This is just a warm up!" She smirks once her embarrassment fades away as it was now her turn to teleport to the man and throw a ray of punches in his direction, the terrifying conqueror able to dodge them all brilliantly.

Caulifla could feel the panic swell up in her feet and stomach as she throws a kick at his cheek, this time it slams right into his face as Caulifla kept her eyes matched on his, glaring up right at him with those pretty pair of eyes.

He stares down right back at her, his open jaw of shock that someone actually managed to land a blow on him quickly twitches into a smirk. "I'm impressed, Bardock taught you well." He then quickly wraps his fingers around her foot and tightens his grip.

It was now Caulifla's turn for her eyes widen and for her jaw to drop. "B-Bardock?!" And before she could ask him how he knew her master, he grabs her other leg while she's distracted and begins spinning her around and then sending her flying. Caulifla braces herself for another impact and before she could think of a way to stop this, Turles was now hovering above her, staring down at her with an evil glint in his eyes. He slams her down to the ground and straddles on top of her as a loud crash was heard.

"Now what are you going to do now that you're pinned down to the ground?" He challenges her.

"I don't know, what should I do?" She stares back at him with a grin, now knowing it was time to unleash her golden form. Not even three seconds after her words, a fierce flash of yellow engulfs her, causing Turles to squeeze his eyes shut for a few seconds before opening them again. His scouter begins to go off like crazy, picking up how her super saiyan form made her power level skyrocket.

"S-Super saiyan?!" Turles gasps, getting a good look at this form as he replaces his surprise with a frown. "Alright then, let's taste that real power of yours now!" He jumps off of her as he stands a few feet, waiting for the saiyan to lunge at him with everything she's got with this form.

"Glad we're on the same page!" Caulifla charged at the sadistic saiyan like a mad bull as most of her punches and kicks were able to land. Turles blocks as much as he could and once he realized she was going to go on a frenzy he backs up and starts throwing massive circular waves toward her direction, Caulifla teleporting through them quickly.

She moves with such agileness as she spins like a ballerina before throwing a giant blue sphere at him.

Turles recognizes this move as he slaps it out of his way and ignites a punching and kicking session, amazed with a fight against the super saiyan. She catches up as much as possible as slams a knee up her stomach, causing her to scream which triggered something deliciously devious within Turles.

Quick now, he raises two fists clenched together and slams them down into her back, the small saiyan clashing with the ground below, cracks starting to form as Turles laughs speeding his way down, ready to throw a Kill Driver at her the closer he got to her body. Caulifla quickly raises her hands up and prepares her ki for a binding light.

"Solar Flare!"

And with that, Caulifla quickly fled while she had a chance, her fear over Turles shrouding over her confidence.


After that grievous encounter, Caulifla never stepped out into planets that weren't explored. She didn't even try to stick around after to see if Turles would plant one of his trees either. No matter how much courage she had and anticipated meeting him, she still had this growing fear inside of her that prevented her from doing much. Even in super saiyan.

Aside from that, she managed to go to neighboring planets to warn them of Turles and his never ending rampage as most of them either prepared themselves or created protection on their planet. It was the least Caulifla could do after she fled that one poor planet that most likely met its demise.

"Frieza's hosting a ball this weekend." A gentle voice pulls her out of her thoughts as Caulifla blinks, sitting up straight on the couch. She turns to look at Kale who looks at her with a smile.

"Lemme guess, you wanna go?" Caulifla smirks in her direction.

Kale nods, "Well, he's inviting some of his closest friends and he wants his saiyans to be able to relax and eat great food." She explains.

Caulifla thought about it, and she realizes this meant she had to wear a dress as she inhales sharply. But free food? How could she possibly turn that down?


Finally, the day of the ball came as Caulifla wears a scarlet gown that had ruffles going down the dress. Diamonds were embedded on the chest area down to the stomach as gold patterns followed along. She couldn't believe she was going to this stupid thing but free food is free food.

Kale comes out wearing a beautiful bubblegum pink dress accompanied with long pink gloves as she smiles warmly at Caulifla. "You look beautiful."

Caulifla grins and nearly blushes at the compliment. "Thanks, so do you." She says as she then turns to see Cabba and Frost approach them, wearing suits that matched well with saiyan armor as well. "Oh Kami, are you guys seriously wearing saiyan armor over your suits?" She stares at the both of them as they stare back with sheepish smiles.

"H-Hey, you don't know what might happen at the ball, anything is possible." Cabba says scratching the back of his head.

Frost nods in his direction. "I agree! Besides, if I remember correctly, a certain saiyan wore saiyan armor over her dress." Frost looks at Caulifla with a smirk.

Caulifla pauses, then debating if she should go put on some gold armor over her dress. Rather be safe than sorry, and she was already bolting towards her room.

Kale sighs, shaking her head as a palm presses on her face. " . . . Of course."

Caulifla stumbles out of her room with the armor thrown over her scarlet dress as she smiles beamingly towards her friends.

"Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go!"


The ballroom in Frieza's spaceship was lit up with a bright golden aura that shined upon every guest of this night. The aromatic smells of desserts, the dinner spread, and even the alcohol filled the air as Caulifla's stomach rumbles. Her mouth watered as she watches the guests delicately pile their plates before sitting at their designated tables.

Cabba and Frost were busy dancing with each other as Kale shares a glass of wine with an older saiyan man. Caulifla smirks at the sight as more couples started to swarm onto the floor and dance with each other. Awkwardly, she stands in a corner, watching as now the saiyan man guided Kale to dance with him on the floor.

Before any lugs got any ideas for asking her to dance,  Caulifla quickly made her way above the space ship as she was able to float in peace, staring at some stars. She was careful to not avert her gaze towards a random moon because she didn't want to transform thanks to its existence. The more she stares at the many stars, the more she itches to float towards their direction and harvest them.

She's about to do just that when footsteps behind her break her focus from the stars.

"Well, well. Seems like we meet again." Says the all too familiar calm voice with a hint of danger. She could practically feel his eyes searing on her and she swallows any sort of negative emotion before turning around to face him.

She knew it'd be Turles.

Her eyes were wide as the obsidian orbs within them trembled, her jaw nearly hanging loose but she wouldn't allow it.

"I've gotta admit runt, you look absolutely stunning even with that heap of armor on you." He comments as Caulifla thought this was an occasion she'd see Turles in a suit, but he just wore long black sleeves and black battle tights underneath his deep lavender armor.

Caulifla chose not to say anything in response since she still feared this man, but then another thing hit her head hard. She helped the neighboring planets prepare for invasion and almost immediately, Caulifla rapidly took flight.

In a flash, Turles was in front of her as he slams her against the surface of Frieza's spaceship. "Where do you think you're going?!" Now his voice no longer held the light calmness it did before as he forces his hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming out for help. " . . . You think you're so sly with stopping my conquest, huh? Well, you've got another thing coming, you little brat. You should've never crossed me like you did because now, I'm going to break you." He then hits the back of her head hard enough to knock her out, as she gasps, the tears slipping out before she collapses. She falls into his arms as Turles hoists her up and holds her as he grins in the direction of his ship. He quickly shoots a glance back at Frieza's spaceship.

"Party's over."


When Caulifla awoke, she couldn't familiarize herself with the bedsheets and pillows—or even the bed in general. She groans out in pain thanks to the back of her head throbbing. " . . . W-What happened?!" She slowly rises herself up as she feels the covers fall to her waist. She massages the back of her head as a cold chill runs down her body over a husky laugh to her left.

"Look who finally decided to wake up."

Without thinking, she turns to that direction as she winces. The moonlight bathes Turles as he smirks at her, sitting on a throne of some sort before he rises up to his feet. Before she could make a run for it off the bed, Turles pounces at her and pins her wrists down his bed, throwing them above her head as he glares down at her.

"Even if you did somehow manage to flee from this hell I've brought you into, you wouldn't even know where we're located, runt." Turles says this as he pulls his hands away from her, forcefully cupping her face with and gripping her tail with the other. He tugs at it, causing her to yelp as he grins. "Though it would be very entertaining to watch you flee with a dress on."

"Why the hell did you kidnap me?!" She growls as she feels her ki build up inside of her as it rages into super saiyan. Her transformation lights up the room as Turles chuckles, running fingers up her golden waves of hair, yanking at one of her bangs that curved down.

"Seriously? You can't be that stupid, kid. It's revenge, and I'm not going to stop until I've had a good dose of you." He breathes down her neck as he whispers. "So keep yourself in that pretty little golden form of yours because the more ki you have, the longer this goes."

Caulifla winces as she's about to disperse of her transformation, Turles, ripping down the fabric of her dress in response. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. You might need that transformation to help carry you through this." He says this as he begins to attack her neck with fierce kisses.

Caulifla yelps in response, trying her best to fight the saiyan whose weight was on her, making it incredibly hard for her to move a single limb or push him off. "S-Stop! I did nothing to you!" She cries out as Turles howls out in laughter. As if her words could be any more wrong.

"You're joking, right? Because you've done plenty to make me hate you." Turles replies with a smirk as he continues to rip at her dress, causing Caulifla to shiver as her skin was exposed to the cold air. It was then when she realized what wicked act Turles had planned to do to her.

"W-Wait, you're seriously not going to . . ." She gasps.

Turles nods, "I'm going to break you runt." He says in a dangerous growl as he proceeds to keep ripping her dress off, leaving her in undergarments. Caulifla too was bathed in moonlight as he stares at her small body, breasts that were possibly a C-cup hidden underneath a lacy red bra. When Turles got a better look at her did he realize that her bra and panties were matching.

Caulifla felt the embarrassment flood her cheeks as Turles couldn't take his eyes off of her. This evil saiyan had a knack for seeing her naked, and she hated perverts. Her tail moves on its own as it thwacks Turles right in the face, a hard crack is heard in the room as Turles growls, clearly not in the mood as he grabs her tail. "You are just a childish runt, you little brat!" He squeezes her tail tightly as he then puts it in his mouth and takes a fierce bite.

Caulifla screams, feeling the electrifying jolts of pain wave up inside her body as she shivers and for the moment is paralyzed. Turles took this opportunity to take off her bra by unclasping it from the back and then yanking off those pair of panties. "You fucking pervert!" She manages to say, then trying to clamber off the bed while she had the chance but it was pointless.

Turles watches that sexy backside of hers for a good moment with a wicked grin before wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back in his bed. "The more you struggle against me, the longer you're going to be here." He says while going back to his routine, starting off with licking at her neck with his tongue, causing Caulifla to shiver.

At certain spots, Turles begins to suck on her skin, Caulifla kicking at his abdomen in attempts to get him off of her. Turles in response bites as a warning to stop. "I-I don't want this! I don't like this!" She says with such desperation, trying to think up a way to get him to stop. Then, an idea quickly came as she adds, "I have a boyfriend!"

This causes Turles to stop as he removes himself from being planted on her and gives her a look. "Oh really? Where was he when you were on that planet?" He inquires before moving on to his next question. "And where was he at the ball tonight? You know all of Frieza's saiyans were there, so who was the lucky twig?"

Shit. Caulifla couldn't say it was Cabba because Turles most likely saw him with Frost. She couldn't say Tarble either because right now he was doing some training with the Angel he loved. There was only one option left but it was risky.


Turles' eyes widened into saucers as his jaw hangs loose at the mention of that name. "B-Bardock?! Seriously . . ." And before his shock could be permanent, he smirks as he moves along with groping both her breasts and massaging them. "Then he shouldn't mind that I'm playing with his girl for a night." He says this as he grins, beginning to remove his armor as he was left with nothing but the battle garment on. "So then, it should be easy for you to take me, huh?" Turles drags a finger down to her clit and begins to rub at it, causing Caulifla to whine at his touch. With his other hand, he inserts a digit inside of her, feeling her wet heat.

Caulifla winces at the pain as she starts to squirm against his touch. "O-Ouch! That hurts!" She complains as Turles looks at her while he's continuing to finger her.

"It hurts? What with Bardock fucking your tight little hole it shouldn't hurt. Unless . . ." The dark saiyan leans his face towards her ear as Caulifla shivers at the sensation of his hot breath. "You're a virgin." He takes a look at her as he smirks at the sight of her cheeks being radish red, further proving his thought that she was lying. Besides, if Bardock had such a cute little saiyan like her, he wouldn't just leave her a virgin this long.

"I-I'm not!" Caulifla snaps.

"We'll see about that." Turles chuckles as he thrusts his finger in and out of her, rubbing at her clit to intensify the pleasure over pain for her. Caulifla hate to admit it, but when his finger rubs back and forth like that at her clit, it felt weirdly good.

"A-Aaah!" She gasps as her hips begin to sway up and down at his touch for more contact. Turles smirks in amusement as he rubs at her clit faster in response of those cute little moans starting to come out of her lovely lips.

"Bardock is one lucky man." Turles inwardly thinks, fingering her faster as her slick juices are a sign that she's really enjoying this—aside from the fact that she was a moaning mess down his bed. "Come on now, surely you be able to cum at this point having your clit played with like this?" He taunts at he rubs faster, accompanied with his finger going in and out of her as well.

"A-Ahhh~ fu-fuck!" Caulifla's moans bounce off the walls of Turles' room as she grips the bed sheets, her limbs becoming jelly to his touch. Her heart was running a marathon as she could feel her body heat grow uncomfortably high. The cherry on top was the bundle of pleasures crashing down deeply into her clit that it began to spread above her stomach and down her legs a bit.

Turles fingers her faster, feeling her juices gush almost as quickly as her moans became louder. "That's it, you little runt! Let me hear your moans! Embrace your climax!" Turles' finger was coated with her cum as he takes a good look at it. His eyes then dart down toward hers and notices she's watching him with her hot face of embarrassment. He grins at her deviously as he puts his finger in his mouth, savoring what she had to offer.

"Fucking nasty, you bastard!" Caulifla turns another fifty shades red as Turles chuckles, licking the tip of his finger for dramatic effect.

"I must say, you are tasty small saiyan." He then lowers his face down towards her core and grabs both her legs and lifts them up, spreading them. "In fact, I think I'm going to indulge in you a little while longer~." He says this as he licks at her clit, up and down as Caulifla gasps, staring down at his wicked waves of hair on her stomach while the rest of him was down there.

"Haahh . . . Ahh . . . Ahh!" Caulifla moans as she never knew how good it would feel for someone to lick her like that. Her legs tremble as Turles held tightly onto them, moving himself down towards her entrance.

"I bet you're gushing here." He says, before thrusting his tongue inside of her warmth, feeling every ounce of her juices here all just for him. A sense of pride swells up inside of him just hearing her moan loudly. He thrusts his tongue faster, not letting a single drop go to waste as he slowly drops her legs down. His hands numbly venture forward the bed to grab her hands and squeeze them in firm handholds.

Caulifla's chest rises with her heavy breathing as she cries out loudly, cumming without warning into Turles' mouth but it wasn't like he was going to pull away.

"Splendid! Are you sure you have a boyfriend?" Turles asks, savoring everything on his lips as well. He grins down at the naked saiyan as he digs his thumbs into his battle garment before pulling it down, his hard erection was finally free from being suffocated in there. "Because Bardock shouldn't have kept you a secret for so long." Turles winks as he throws his battle garments behind him. "The night is still young, let's keep going!"

Caulifla trembles as she sits up, backing away up into the wall as she shook her head at him. "N-No! Please! I don't want to keep going . . . Please . . ."

Turles wickedly grins down at her with those beady black eyes. "No matter how much you may beg, plead, or argue with me runt, I'm not stopping until I'm fully satisfied! Hell I don't even care if you fall asleep on me, but that wouldn't be fun at all for either of us would it?" Turles says with an added chuckle. He stares at her body once more and then he asks, "Wait, kid how old are you?" Turles then shook his head and lets out a roar of laughter. Like he should care how old she was, he was the evilest saiyan in the world. "Ahhh! Never mind, I don't care how old you are. Let's just get to the fun part!"

Caulifla couldn't believe he was really going to go through with this! He was going to break her with that thing and just one long hard look at his penis made her even more terrified that it wasn't going to fit inside of her. Again, Caulifla attempts to jump out the bed and scramble herself out of the hell that awaited her. And again, Turles overpowered her and yanked her back to the bed and growled darkly in annoyance.

"Escape is not an option!"

Turles laid Caulifla across his knees as he stares at her candy ass, tempted to finger here as well. "Maybe I should fuck you here instead," he drags a finger down one of her cheeks. "That'll teach ya!" He then grabs a handful of it before spanking it, causing Caulifla to cry out, her face reddening up as she felt utterly humiliated in this situation. He was very amused with her reaction, as he raises his hand again, striking her once more. Turles spanks her ass as many times as he pleased, to the point where she was crying.

"Huh, even with super saiyan helping you endure this you still fall apart like the little girl you are." He scoops her up from resting on his knees as he throws her down the bed, rummaging through his drawer as he swiftly pulls out a pair of ki devouring cuffs. He tightens them on Caulifla's wrists as quick as he could as a magnetic force tugs Caulifla's arms against the headboard of Turles' bed. She lies there in defeat as Turles moves between her legs, giving himself a good few strokes and then grinding his shaft on her core, slick with her juices as he growls in delight.

"Ready or not!" He declares with low groans of pleasure as his tip prods at her entrance, followed along with more of his length. Caulifla shivers at his penis actually trying to push inside of her! He was struggling to put it in as he submerges more into her until he was able to slide himself in completely. The more he thrusted his member inside the more Caulifla felt the absolute searing and tearing pain grow stronger and stronger! She couldn't take it anymore, she was practically being torn in half! A loud shrilling scream escapes her lips as her eyes widen, the shock taking over her body as the tears wouldn't stop. Her hair flickers back and forth from the jet black to the golden yellow, the super saiyan form daring to fade.

A low gasp of pleasure escapes Turles' mouth as his eyes linger up after noticing a dying light. He chuckles at the sight before easing himself out of her, staring at blood coating his member. "You're such a liar, runt . . . You are a virgin—or were." He continues to laugh after that last bit. "Fuck, you're so tight it almost hurts." He shoots a look at her before plunging himself back inside, engulfed with the heat and wetness of Caulifla. "Shit, feels amazing!" Turles marvels, keeping a moderate thrusting pace, staring at her breasts as he licks his lips. He leans his face down towards one of them and begins to suck, his tongue licking up and down her nipple as Caulifla shivers, never expecting herself to lose her virginity like this—or to Turles.

Here she was, laying on his damn bed as the much bigger, muscular, darker saiyan hovered above her, equally naked as her. Realization hadn't hit quite yet and it probably wouldn't until all of this was over. She squirms at the saiyan sucking on her breast like that and she bit down her bottom lip to stop herself from moaning. The tears still ran down her face as the pain wasn't going away as much as the pleasure had been introduced to her—the pain managed to make itself stronger.

Caulifla finally felt her senses come back to her, and the cloud of blinding corruption finally wore off. Before Turles could expect it, she cried out, "Stop it! Stop! Get the fuck off of me!" And the tears wouldn't stop coming as she squirmed as much as she could, her tail becoming stiff and trying to wack at him.

"Her fight instincts are back huh? The drug must be wearing off now . . . Shame." Turles slams her tail down and digs his fingers into the fur of her tail. "Hey! Calm down right now, you runt or I will fuck your ass just like I'm fucking your virgin little hole!" With these words, Turles thrusts harder, making sure it hurt in warning. His other hand grips at her waist as her crying became louder, a bit obnoxious but Turles didn't mind. He loved when his pretty prey cried.

The super saiyan form had finally faded away as Caulifla wanted this to end as much as when it started. No matter how wet she was, his shaft still felt too big inside of her, and with every thrust, the pain seemed permanent. Closing her mouth shut, she didn't want to hear her own sobs, but they turned into whimpers being bottled up in her mouth. Turles groans as he never had a fuck feel this good, and he wanted to make sure it would be unforgettable. Pausing in his thrusting, he got up on his knees, awkwardly fumbling in his drawer and pulling out something that Caulifla wished he didn't love.

"No! Please no!"

Turles grins down at her, holding up the textural fruit in his hand. "What? Afraid?"

"Not while you're inside!" She cried out.

And as quickly as she begged, he took a bite, and Turles' body only grew bigger than it already was, as she screamed over his member thickening inside of her. Turles lets out a deep sigh of pleasure as he tore off the cuffs and proceeded to slam the smaller saiyan down and fucking her faster than he had before. His bed creaked beneath him over his powerful thrusts as his tail wrapped around her waist, lifting her lower body up as rode out his euphoria. "I'm going to . . ." Turles growls out as he drops his thick load into Caulifla, cursing under his breath at how powerful his climax crashed through him. Caulifla wriggled in disgust, unable to do much with being planted on the bed with the dark saiyan towering over her.

Turles rolls off of her as he takes a deep breath, a part of him wishing this wasn't a one night stand. He knew that the small sobbing saiyan laying next to him was drenched in fluids, but he was willing to stay up a little longer to hear her suffering.