Bound by Black | Goku Black x Goku

Grunts escape his lips as he struggles to move as he pleased, thanks to these ki draining chains that bastard somehow managed to make or get his hands on. Goku didn't care much for the answer, all that mattered was that he wanted to go home. Feeling completely trapped and utterly hopeless wasn't the best feeling ever, and Goku felt rage seething through his veins. His grunts transform into burly low growls, the saiyan himself forgetting he was capable of making such noises.

"Grrrr...BLACK GET THESE CHAINS OFF OF ME!" He shouts, and if he had enough ki, he most likely would've transformed into one of his super saiyan forms. Pulling and tugging at the chains, he hated the fact that he was struggling with measly chains. Vegeta would be reminding him right now that to get a grip, and that the chains were ki draining.

Where was Vegeta anyway? Was Vegeta currently in the same situation? Goku felt like Vegeta would be throwing an even worse temper tantrum, and he found himself laughing at the thought. He then became serious and looked around the room he was placed, the cold cement floor and the dark walls made it hard to attempt to get a sense of his surroundings. His boots glide against the floor, and he maneuvers his hands in circles to regain his balance as he backs up against the wall, sighing softly.

What the hell was Goku Black doing right now anyway? Stirring up a batch of tea? Terrorizing the poor innocent people outside of this hideout? Maybe he was sorely losing against Vegeta as the prince fought his way to retrieve Goku. Goku really hoped it was the last one. The last one was the best.

He hated this, he hated all of this. The feeling of being trapped here, being weak and vulnerable and having endless thoughts of what Goku Black had planned. A harsh chuckle fills the air as Goku growls lowly under his breath, knowing exactly who that was. Searching all around the room, Goku's scowl never fades away from his face.

"Aww, what's the matter, Goku? Saddened that your eyes can't look upon a divine god?" The dark god chuckles in amusement, using a tone to talk to a child—or rather, one that pitied his victim.

"Show yourself!" Goku barks.

"I will in do time, Goku."

"Quit playing these games, Black! I'm done playing them!"

"Oh, but I'm not."

Feeling a heavy and rough texture press up his back, Goku knew from the shape that it was the bottom of his boot. With little force, the god pins the saiyan down the cold ground, Goku shivering once he felt the ice cold surface touch up against his face and arms.

Straddling on top of Goku's waist, Goku Black's knees rest on each end as his fingers snake towards the cuffs that kept his wrists bound. "I guess you won't be needing these." Ripping them off with ease, the metal breaks into brittle pieces as they clatter on the floor and bounce off in every direction.

In attempt to get a decent punch in—or anything at all, Goku's eyes widen when he couldn't even pick up his own arms anymore. Not even a flimsy punch was possible. Goku Black chuckles, watching the saiyan struggle. "Oh, how delightful it is to see such powerful creatures being tamed," The god lowers his head towards the saiyan's ear and breathlessly whispers into his ear. "All that's left is for you to submit to me."

"Like hell I'm going to do that!" Goku squirms, waiting for a miracle to happen.

"Oh, but you's only us two in this world, and I intend to keep it like that."

Goku's stomach drops so low that he almost felt like he was going to vomit. Vegeta and Trunks—Mai—the remaining survivors! No. Goku Black couldn't have—there's no way!

"What have you done, Zamasu!" Goku says through terrorized growls, shivering within his skin. Goku Black grins, delicately coiling his hand around his neck as his other arm snakes around Goku's waist and flips the saiyan over so he's laying on his back. The god straddles the saiyan again and gives him a widened wicked grin, and his lustful obsidian eyes were a dead giveaway.

"N-No! N-No! You didn't!"

"Oh but I did, my little saiyan. You see, we can't have anyone interfering with our perfect world. You belong to me as I belong to you. And with Vegeta and Trunks around, there's no telling what they could do!" He dramatically gasps. "So I killed every single person that remained—of course, besides you my love."

Goku arches an eyebrow in confusion. Goku Black didn't intend to kill him, but to keep him. Goku's heart aches for every single person that resided in this desolate and horrible planet—and for Vegeta! What will everyone back home be thinking?! How will Goku have the guts to tell everyone a second time that Vegeta was dead!

"You're gonna...regret telling me that!" Goku hoarsely shouts, hoping that he wasn't going to cry now—there were times where he was close, but now—everything seemed hopeless.

"You'll accustom to this world, Goku. You're my mate now, and as my mate we shall consummate."

Just the friction between their groinal areas was enough to send Goku Black into a frenzy. He's dreamt of this day for so long! To have Son Goku as his! The god chuckles darkly, and before Goku could comprehend his intentions, he gasps as he feels the hovering god start to grind against him.

"Ahh~ I wonder if this is how good you'll feel!" Goku Black sings happily lowering his face towards the saiyans, capturing his lips into a hungry kiss. Goku's eyes resisted the urge to shut as he looks upon the passionate face of Goku Black. This evil emperor was enjoying every moment of this! Savoring it as much as he could!

Feeling something cold and wet lavish against his lips, Goku shakes his head, realizing that the god wanted their tongues to clash, to savor each other's taste longer.

Losing his patience, Goku Black slams his fist into Goku's stomach, the saiyan lets out a yelp as his tongue swarms into the caverns of Goku's mouth, exploring around before settling on his tongue and tasting his sweetness. Hearing his whimpers from inside his mouth, Goku Black wraps his arms around the saiyan to comfort him, as he rubs the place he punched.

Breaking the kiss to allow themselves to catch their breaths, Goku Black declares, "I apologize for that uncalled blow earlier, but if you defy me, I'll have no choice but to punish you, my saiyan."

Goku says nothing as his eyes are filled with nothing but despair.

"Now then, shall we continue?"

Goku could only simply nod with what little dignity he had left as the god pounced on top of him like the predator he was.

It was only going to be the two of them in this world, and that much made the god happy.