The Stevensvilles

LG narrates

The Stevensvilles were icons from humble beginnings. Some would even wonder how they exactly came to fame? As a writer, your fame is dictated by the depth of your reach to a target audience.

If they vote your artistry to be fabulous, whether it is music, film, sculpture, paintings, or writing, they tell their friends and families. Or even better, they buy your artistry on a massive scale and provide free advertisement. The more positive exposure, the more popular your brand becomes.

John and Kelly Ann were married right after college. With all the student loan debts, they were minced in Hell's kitchen in a cozy one-bedroom studio apartment. It seemed almost overnight; they were out buying a mansion in the Hamptons. Their luck changed. They were no longer starving writers. They had a fanbase worldwide. Was it all talent or did the cult have something to do with it?

They were introduced to the esoteric cult by their agents.

A cult that teaches its fanatics to brutalize others in order to attain a higher level of purity, clarity, power, wealth, creativity, inner-peace or eternal life. The deeper the pain, the closer one is to gain their ultimate goal.

The Stevensvilles became the well-known director and writer couple of the most critically acclaimed movies, "Apriltown" and "Hell in Apriltown." They were neighbors to the Miguels.


The Miguels lounge room is to die for. Simply divine. Six sizeable red velvet lounge chairs with a golden leaf definition on the armrest and headrest of each chair, arranged with Feng Shui precision, around a gilded Baroque table in the center with a red marble top. The chandelier is a masterpiece, in the shape of a red crystallized octopus with gilded light fixtures illuminating the red room.

Two marvelous tea tables, a stingray body with golden Victorian accentuated legs, staged magnificently in the eastern and western parts of the room. Four Van Gogh paintings celebrate the lavishly colossal four beige walls proportionately. A substantial Moroccan rug elevates the elegance of the room, a festive part of the tapestry of the rich marble floor.

Two Baroque floor lamps, with floral golden accents on the legs, post guards, respectively, are in the northern and southern corners of the room. A gilded Baroque-styled fireplace with cherry firewood burning for the aroma, at an angle, with Victorian and Baroque-inspired vases on its mantel.

"My wife and I sort of sold our souls to the devil. We had mountains of bills. But now we have millions of our books sold worldwide. We are renowned directors. Any price to pay for luxury beats never knowing where the next meal and rent money will be coming from," chuckled John, in between sips of Pinot Noir, to the Miguels.

"An elite icebreaker if I know any, my man!" remarked Joseph, as he shifted in his chair uncomfortably.

"We wanted to come by and pay our respect like you and Ymora did for us last January when we had Michael. Our little bundle of joy," beamed Kelly Ann.

"Thank you for the gift basket," acknowledged the Miguels in unison while looking more constipated than eccentric in their expensive lounge chairs.

"I hope you are happy parents like we are," grinned Kelly Ann while facing her husband.

"Michael would have a friend to grow up with," added John musically.

"We are certain of it," admitted Ymora emotionlessly.

"Ymora and I have a dream. And with April, this dream will finally come true," declared Joseph before two gulps of wine.

"Oh...yes, children help one realize their lost dreams," acquiesced John quietly.

"Indeed, they do," asserted Joseph, with a sly smile.


Kelly Ann

A thirteen-year-old without her parents. Heartless world or brave new world. Spin it like it fits.

We have been nothing but doting to April. We treat her as our own loving daughter. Sometimes, we could not help but feel that April doubted our generosity and pureness of heart. Since most adults she has been around, have always either abused her or facilitated the abuse. Ergo, our egos were not too bruised. Such a strong girl, she never told a soul about the "treatment" she received from her parents, but we knew. And if she were made aware of our knowledge of the "treatment" or "torture sessions", it would destroy her. So, we kept our mouths shut on that subject.

She recognized the cult was far and wide. She was a smart one, I did not need to be reading her diary that she hid in the library to establish that. She also believed that some of the cult followers might be keeping tabs on her right now. However, she refused to let that take over her life again, which made us proud. She decided to start fresh, the day she took it upon herself to move in with us. She wanted to be happy, to be loved, and one day to love someone. We finally had a daughter to spoil.

"Mike, we have some rules since April will be living with us now."

John and Kelly Ann gathered in their secret panic room with their son.

"What?" questioned Mike, feeling annoyed.

"She can't ever know of our involvement in the cult or that we, that means, you, your dad, or me, knew about her "treatment" and "birthdays". Ever. Is that clear?" the sternest Kelly Ann had ever been with Mike.

"Agreed," answered Mike curtly.

"I can see you falling in love with her, but she is ours first. Remember that. Say it!"

"Yes, she is ours first," repeated Mike flatly.

LG narrates

September 2010

April is in the company of the Stevensvilles in their luxurious car en route to Columbia University.

The Stevensvilles talk about their children's future at the school and how this is a life-changing event for both April and Mike.

"Son, what is the first thing you are going to do, once you get to Columbia?" asked John excitedly.

"Since I have already completed orientation. I know exactly where everything is. April and I decided to go out to the city for our first weekend. I cannot wait to explore the city and all its secrets," replied an elated Mike.

"I can hardly wait." April smiled vibrantly.

"You will be having the time of your lives in Columbia. I am so jealous," teased Kelly Ann.