Greek Life

MF narrates

Year 2010

Blissful weekend

April and Mike make their way to Columbia University and look more like a couple than family. Everyone wants to know their story.

They had already attended the orientation. Therefore, they did not miss a beat in spending their first weekend away from Columbia.

They planned to have a blissful weekend together at the Big Apple. On Friday evening, they walked from midtown all the way to 42nd street, while taking in the sights. They went to a movie showing like the good old days, but something seemed so different this time. Without Kelly Ann and John in the picture, they were finally adults on their own. Around dinner time, they had street food for the very first time. Their faces looked like they were having several orgasms back-to-back, they even licked their fingers as they wolfed their chow down.

The city is so vibrant, so full of life. So many people. With rainbow-colored streets. Plasma screens with ads on every building. The smells. The sounds. Nothing can compare. They wanted to take it all in. Experience it all! Times square at night.

For their platonic date on Saturday, they walked the streets hand in hand like an old couple to go see a musical on Broadway, Chicago. They were dressed to the nine similarly to the characters in the musical. They went to L'Ecole restaurant, right after, to wine and dine in exceptional, revered French cuisine. They applied their etiquette lessons while delighted to savor every bit of the five-course dinner. No reservation was needed. Their names were their reservations. They were so comfortable with each other. They also saw another side of each other, they wanted more. Secretly, they were both wishing they could spend the night together and do naughty things to each other. But Mike went back to his dorm instead after he made sure April was safe in bed.

They slept till 1600 on Sunday, that five-course meal had its own story, compounded by their undeniable chemistry. They were defeated. Around 1800, they decided to spend the last hours of their delightful weekend together, bar hopping and clubbing. In the wee hours of Sunday night, Monday Morning, they ended up in a Hilton hotel in the city as they were too wasted to get back to campus safely. They both had a restless night. They were so hot and bothered by each other. Everyone could see it but them. They have gone to great lengths to hide their feelings for each other from one another.

Mike was adamant about renting one hotel room to be in close proximity just in case. The city can be a scary place especially when inebriated. Mike agreed to sleep on the couch while April gets the bed.

That night, April had a 'sex dream' about Mike and Mike had a similar 'sex dream' about April.

School is in session

After their weekend together in the city, things changed immensely between Mike and April. They tried as much as they could to save face.

Mike wanted to have more female friends since he had been around April for most of his teenage years. He fears the reason he feels so horny around her might be because he has never been around other girls. He pledges for Sigma Chi, one of the fraternities in Columbia, and gets initiated.

Meanwhile, April steals all the males' attention on campus. She befriends an outgoing girl named Meagan Pinon who wants April to be in her sorority, Theta Nu Xi.

But April already knows what she wants to do while attending Columbia.

She dishes the dormitory and gets an apartment near Columbia. She starts out on a happy note as everything in her life is going somewhat exactly the way she wishes. April is easily liked by everyone. You have to envy her for her looks not to like her, but your envious self would still want her close by, so she could attract the most eligible bachelors with her beauty and charm for you to disrobe with your playful eyes.

Even women are drawn to her in that special way, but April only felt all tingly inside about one person and one person only, Mike. Unfortunately for April, Mike was trying his best to avoid spending time with her while in Columbia. Even if that meant, spending it with his flighty new fraternity friends.

He is majoring in Business and April in Psychology. They both want a career completely different from their parents' career paths. They want to be their own projection of this world. But April secretly wants to share her world unconditionally with Mike, who has no idea that April feels this way towards him. He knows she cares for him like a sister does but never imagined that she feels any 'other' way about him.

Mike wishes for April to like him romantically but instantly predicts it's doomed.

"We are practically siblings, but I want her, I crave her badly," he thought.

Mike cannot escape his feelings. Though he tries to put as much distance between him and April as he can. He is nesting his love for April secretly. He would prefer to die first before revealing his predicament to any living soul.

On that note, they both commenced their first semester in the fall and stayed on campus for Christmas break where April progressively befriends more and more people. Mike spies on April and notices how happy she is with her new friends. The realization of April slowly moving out of his grip, throws him into a jealous rage which influences him to spend even more time with his snotty, capricious frat friends to do mindless things.

Mindless things

"Bros, let's go to this strip club on 3rd street," uttered one of the fraternity boys breathlessly.

"Cool. Let's do it!"

All 12 of the fraternity boys were making their way to the XXX's Gentlemen club. On their way to there, they overheard an interracial couple arguing about their aging differences.

A beautiful olive-skinned woman had bouts of laughter while stating that "Black women age like fine wine, taste like ripe cherry in the heat of the summer. On the other hand, white men age like milk on top of a hot truck, covered in shit in the middle of the summer."

The Caucasian man escorting the lady, snickered so hard and observed, "babe, you got to stop quoting me with your fine ass."

All the while, Mike is daydreaming about him and April. He sees April as the mixed woman and pictures himself with her, having that very same joke as he chortles to himself.

"Mike, did you pregame without us? What is so funny?" asked Jim one of the fraternity brothers, with a mockingly concerned look.

"Sorry boys, just remembering something April said to me earlier," answered Mike with a smile on his sculpted face.

"Uh huh…wow, April. That's a fine piece, right there. Can you hook a brother up? She is your sister, right?" Inquired a horny Sean.

"No, she is not my sister. But you can say she is family. We grew up together. It's a long story but she is my ride or die," confirmed Mike confidently.

"I sense some tension; do you dig your sister, Mike?" instigated Sean with a mischievous smile.

"No, it's not like that," retorted Mike unconvincingly, almost on the defensive.

"Bro, it's okay, the heart wants what the heart wants," reassured Jim with his charismatic face while patting Mike on the back.

"If she is not your sister, then have you two hooked up?" queried a noisy and still visibly horny Sean.

"In my dreams," agreed Mike thoughtfully.

"Okay boys, stop with the melodrama, we gonna party like there's no tomorrow or what?" Yelled out a jovial Brian, the leader of the group, full of enthusiasm.

Their conversation was so enticing that they failed to notice that they were right in front of their destination.

The frats started giggling like schoolgirls as they paid their cover charge to be admitted to the pussy palace.