A Battle with Goblins



Blood gushed out from the goblin's stomach as a spear pierced it.

[+100 EXP]

As I saw the notification, a smile crept on my lips.a



While my strength easily surpassed the goblin and killing wasn't that hard for me, it wasn't the same for the soldiers too.

As they charged, they killed goblins but also got injured.

Sighing off, I raised my hands.


Master of Healing spelling isn't for decoration, I am really a master of it. The green light emitted from my hand flowed into the soldier's body.

The green light passed by goblins and only entered my allies, healing their wounds. It didn't take more than one minute for them to heal, and the healing process could be seen with naked eyes. The wounds closing at rapid speed made the soldier's eyes widen and maybe deepen their respect toward me.

After a long time of the battle, and with zero casualties thanks to the little old me, all the goblins were slain.