Mysterious Book

I was looking at a glistering book on the table, a [Skil Book], albeit a mysterious one at that. It only costs some hundred dollars but I finally purchased one.

An old man sitting in the street with a very suspicious outfit sold me his one and only [Skill Book], I can't be less happy than I am.

I always wanted to buy a skill book but only one skill with the lowest rank cost at least 1000 dollars. So, buying a skill book at this cheap rate is very much satisfying.

Well, I am very poor and that hundered dollar is still 90% of my saving. I have enough funds to last me at least a few days.

Skill book is very important as it is the only way to awaken if you didn't awaken naturally. The rich had no problem awaking themselves, their children ad their children's children. But us poor are the only one who has to work hellishly for some months just to buy one skill book to awaken.