Got caught into a trap


She gasped as she just realised she was cuddling Eric wrapped in his blanket all this time and flinched abruptly, so much that she ended up sliping her hands on her blanket and fall back right onto the head with a huge thud on the wooden floor.

Naturally, Eric woke up from the noise and immediately rushed to help her. He stick out his hands while still being on the bed, and pulled her quickly as she allowed him to help.

"Ow! Ow! What're you doing?! Stop touching it!" Ayana yelled as Eric instantaneously stand up on his knees and began examining her head.

"Just stay at one place, will you? I am trying to see if there are any injuries." He said seriously while touching the same spot again to confirm but before he could finish a strong push made him sit back.

" are too close!! I couldn't even breathe..." She screamed while panting heavily and eyes squeezed but Eric didn't understand what she was saying until he saw her face flushed red.

'That's wierd. I am pretty sure my body didn't even touched her nose peak. Oh! Could it be I've got an odour?!' he pondered while trying to sniff his collar secretly, but there wasn't any bad smell. His cologne specially imported from France was still intact which made him wonder if she disliked that scent.

"Ah, I am sorry. I didn't noticed the distance since I was so worried about you head. Tell me, is your head spinning? Can you see everything clearly?" He genuinely asked as if he was a doctor or something. But Ayana's heart couldn't stop thumping loudly for an another cause.

In the end, she started meditating and replied calmly after her mind felt stabilized.

"Yeah I am fine. Just feeling a little sober from last night. But don't worry, the alcohol will drain off pretty soon."

"I see. That's good the way, how did you fall? Did you had a nightmare?"

"Eh?! Uh...yes. Maybe. I don't remember." Shoot! The blood pressure was rising again.

"Haha! I see. I hope the pain disappears really quick. Come to think of it you fall back on your spine twice last night too! Do you want any medicines or ointments? I can call the room service if you want." He looked so pure and cute that it made even more difficult for Ayana to look him into his eyes.

"NO!... I mean, no thanks. It'll heal in no time." There was a quick denial from her side which only made him wonder why.

"Well, if you say so." He mumbled with a disappointed look.

The conversation ended into an awkward pause and it was getting more embarrassing for her as each seconds passed by in his presence. How can she bring herself to apologise for the crime she just committed despite being so precautious about it at all night.

She felt miserable from the guilt, as the one whom she blamed all this time was actually much more innocent than her. She should've been the one to make all those promises of his safety, yet here she was getting treated from this angelic soul.

No wait, treated?!

She pulled herself back into the reality as a cold skin touched her cheeks.

"Yikes!" She shouted and instinctively placed her hands over his palm to remove it.

"Oh! Did I startled you? You seemed to be lost in space so I called you repeatedly but you didn't respond."

Ayana looked at his puppy face but there was something else which concerned her the most.

"Your hands. How come are they so cold?!"

"Huh! Really? Are they?"

"Yes. I almost jolted from it's icy touch."

She pushed his hands in her grip onto his face, but his face didn't expressed anything.

"No, they are pretty normal to me." He said.

"Really? Let me check again."

She now pulled his hands gently and placed it on the backside of her forearm, trying to figure out any temperature difference, but he was right. His hands were only slightly cold which was a normal thing.

"That's wierd. I am pretty sure I felt something really cold..." She muttered with a puzzled look on her face when suddenly a small chuckle interrupted her thoughts.

'Does she not realise it was her burning face from embarrassment that made her feel so cold?!'

She lifted her gaze and noticed Eric was facing away while covering his mouth with other hand. His shoulders were slightly trembling and a light red tint was brushed over his cheeks.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?"

She asked out of concern, but as soon as she finished Eric started coughing loudly and wiped out a small drop of tear from the corner of his eyes. His lips showed traces of laughter.

"I am sorry. I just choked for a bit."

"Lies. You were laughing at me, weren't you?!"

"Oh no! You noticed it? Well~ yes. That's true. You may have not realised it but you had been holding my hands for a long time." He said teasingly as a broad grin spread across his face.

Ayana immediately shifted her gaze at their hands and pulled her hands off his. She had committed another crime since she arrived here.

'Seriously! Why can't I control my body whenever he's around me!' she internally screamed and waited for him to calm down alas.

"I..I am really sorry!" She finally said it out loud while bowing with her hands at front. She looked like a woman from samurai era apologising in front of her lord. Once again, she was being overdramatic.

'Is she trying to be a racist, or is that really how she is? Well, either way she's so funny that I can't hold my laughter.'

Eric cleared his throat and lifted her shoulders while holding his laugh.

"Hey, relax! It's okay. I know you didn't had any ill-intent behind this. You were just worried about my low temperature right? So don't worry." He said cheerfully but unfortunately it made the matter worse since Ayana's face sunked down even deeper from guilt.

"Th.. there's that too. But I want to apologise for something else as well..." She stuttered.

"Hmm?! What is it?" He still had that joyous face intact which made Ayana do nothing but sigh from regret.

"I..I actually hugged you while you were asleep.." she squeaked.

"Excuse me?"

" Ah! But I was asleep at that time too! I didn't realised it untill this morning. I know I made so many statements and even made you promise to not cross the pillow border, yet I was the one who first broke the rule. I am truly sorry! Please forgive me! I- "

"Hey! Hey! That's alright! Really. I don't mind you touching me since we were supposed to do this after we sign the deal anyways. Think of it as a.... training session, shall we?"

"What?! No! this is a completely different thing! I haven't agreed to your deal yet!"

"But you still made a physical contact with me didn't you?"

The broad grin which shined bright like a sun soon turned into a cresent moon of devil's smile for her. What was he trying to get at? Could it be he forgave her in hopes of getting this contract signed?! No way! Ayana never agreed to this but now he's using this excuse to blackmail her?!

This is unbelievable!