You are sus, sir.

"What's in that bag?" Eric asked as he just noticed another brown paper bag at the back of his seat. He glanced at Ayana who looked quite nervous for a while but managed to keep that wavering buisness smile on her face with eyes focused on front.

"Ah.. that's actually a souvenir I bought from that shop to remember this trip." She decided to tell the truth since she couldn't made up any lies on time.

"I see. Did you liked this trip that much?" Even though the question sounded fun to start a new conversation his face said so otherwise. His expressions were back to that frigid face which he carried since birth.

"Well ofcourse I did! Not that I got to attend a beach party for the first time in my life, thanks to you, I also got to sleep in such a luxurious resort which I highly doubt I would've ever got to enjoy(?) in my life." The brightness on her smile returned.

Even though she had that radiant smile on her face, Eric still didn't buy the last part for which she was being so grateful for. He didn't bothered to ask as he already knew the answer in the back of his mind.

"I am glad to know that you enjoyed it. So, for whom is that souvenir for?" He continued to ask in his monotonously.

"That's for me, haha! I really liked that tank top at the counter so I bought one for myself as well." She said with a cheery tone in her voice as the atmosphere seemed awfully dim than before. Her boss had gotten into a mood since she spilled water over him, and apparently it seems buying him new clothes didn't helped much.

She was quite pissed off as it wasn't even that big of a deal, but then she realised how inattentive she was when it comes to her behaviour and actions. There was still a minor possibility that she probably offended him unknowingly back at the store, but she couldn't figure it out how?!

Nevertheless, the worry didn't last long as she soon realised it was pointless to ponder over things she don't know. They will be on their separate ways in future anyway, and she had already made up her decision to not sign that deal since it was so risky for her.

She peeked from the corner of her eyes to look at Eric who was deeply lost in his own world, but didn't dare to utter a word since it was better that way.

Eric, who managed to convince his heart to finally let go of her, was starting to feel the tides turn within upon hearing she was having the same tshirt as him. It's a popular trend in his motherland that couples often wear matching clothes when they go out on a date. But just the thought that something like this first popped up in his head after hearing her words was so ridiculous that he couldn't help but completely cut off any kind of communication between them.

An hour passed by in silence, and they were now fifteen minutes distance faraway from the main office building. Ayana insisted him to drop him at his home, but he refused frankly claiming he had already send a text to his driver to pick him up at the office building.

Ayana understood from the first go, but Eric's face was little too red to be normal. Even though they had the heater on all the way, he had a wheezing noise which he forcefully suppressed while speaking to deny her constant offerings.

It was clear he had catched a cold, but he just wouldn't admit how serious it was.

There was a healthcare center which was on their way, but no matter how many times Ayana insisted, he just wouldn't let her provide any help to him. It infuriated Ayana so much that she even once thought of dragging him to the doctor like a small kid with their parents, but she couldn't let it express on her face as despite the situation he was her boss, and it was his choice whether to get treated or not. The most she could do, was to arrive at their destination as soon as possible.

The minutes passed by, and they finally found a car standing right in front of the office building. Ayana was shocked, as the car was far more flashier than her expectations. It was navy blue Mercedes car, which looked so awesome that for someone who fancies expensive car like Ayana, it was a dream come true to see such a marvelous piece.

"Mercedes-Benz AMG C 43" She muttered under her breath in awe while Eric flinched upon hearing her say the full name of the car model.

'Does she have interest in cars?' a curiousity raised within his mind but he crushed it down in an instant since it was pointless to think of such by now. He set foot on the road after a long while and felt dizzy as soon as he managed to fully stand on his weakened legs. His body was feverish hot and he needed urgent medical care after bidding farewell to her.

But it seemed his body had gotten far more weaker than he had anticipated. He leaned on the car's frame as he walked forward to grab the bag of his clothes but Ayana stopped him in doing so, and carried them in his stead from the other side of the door.

"Wha- what are you doing?!" He almost shouted in his shivering voice as he felt someone raising his arm around their shoulders. It was Ayana he soon realised when he looked at his back, who was carrying the bag with other hand.

"You have a very high fever. Please let me do atleast this much since I am the one who caused it." She said while supporting him. Even though her gaze were fixed at the anonymous figure coming out of the car, her voice carried a heavy load more than her shoulders showing how guilty she was.

It would've been an insult if he still denied her help because of his selfish reasons to keep his heart in place but considering his heavy weight, would she even be able to carry him?

He didn't said anything in response, but walked ahead instead while tagging her along. He tried his best to walk mostly on his own but Ayana was far more stronger than he had imagined. All he could do now was walk limply with her support until he reaches his car.

On the other hand, Ayana didn't knew what exactly to feel regarding this situation. She was frustrated from this silent treatment but at the same time the guilt still kept ringing the fact that she deserved this in the first place.

It didn't take long for the driver to meet them at the intersection but there was something wrong with him. He was strangely covered from tip to toe. There were those normal uniforms of a driver, but what's with that suspicious mask and black sunglasses on his face?! Is he really the same driver Eric asked for?

She looked at Eric for confirmation but his eyes were shut close from fatigue. The amount of sweat had intensified on his forehead and she could see the white fog escaping his mouth and vanished into thin air. She could feel his heavy breathing and body temperature as his chest touched her forearms.

Ayana was in a dilemma since she still couldn't trust the driver yet, he was a little too suspicious considering how eager he was to get hold of Eric off her shoulders.

"Hold on a second. Please show me your identity card and driver's license first." She asked while tightening the grip over Eric's arm on her shoulders. The driver was puzzled as he didn't replied anything for a second but soon opened his mouth while loosening his grip over Eric's other arm.

"I am forbidden to show my identity to strangers. However, I assure you I am not a kidnapper or any suspicious identity. Master has known me for a long time so if you could leave him under my care, I would be grateful." His voice unexpectedly wasn't that deep and mysterious as Ayana would've had imagined. But even so, she still couldn't trust this mysterious guy.

"I am sorry I can't leave my boss into the hands of someone who dresses so suspiciously. The sky is filled with dark clouds yet you are wearing sunglasses and there's no one besides us in this square. You can atleast show me your face, since I am very certain no company has such kind of rule to even have their drivers masked up." She boldly affirmed, but it wasn't as convenient for the driver since he couldn't afford to agree with this statement either.