I am waiting...

Things were turning bad as the driver could see his master blazing hot red on his face. The stubborn lady at front too was aware of this fact, and even proposed to take him to the hospital under her care. But that wasn't acceptable to him, until he saw a small white fur land on his master's hair.

He looked above from surprise, and noticed the black sky showering them with feathery snowflakes. The time had crossed the limit, and so did his patience. He didn't wanted to do this, but seeing how much the lady in front wouldn't budge, it left him with no choice.

"Fine. If that's what you want..." He muttered behind his white mask and turned around quickly to return to his car.

His swift movements made a shiver run down Ayana's spine and she tightened her grip around Eric again.

'Is he finally deciding to put down the act? Don't tell me he's going for a weapon!!'

Ayana instinctively called the driver out loudly and asked him to stop right there. The man flinched at first, but slowly turned to ask what did she wanted now.

"What are you try'in to do now?" The sweats of nervousness wetted her back, making another round of cold shiver run down on her backbones.

But the driver stood there like a statue for a while figuring what would be the most appropriate to answer without letting out his frustration.

"What do you think? Can't you see the snowfall has started again? If you care about him so much, I don't think you would mind if we take him to the hospital first then discuss over such petty things."

He said it all so fast and monotonously that it took a minute for Ayana to realise all the context. She was left speechless as soon as she finished processing and felt warm wheezing breath near her ear. She was utterly shocked to the core upon realising how grave mistake she had made.

Not only did she caused him to catch a cold in winters, she even made his condition worse by making him stand under cold sky.

'I...I am really such a horrible person. I can't believe I did this!' she ruthlessly blamed herself internally after laying down Eric on the backseat and approached the driver to discuss the whereabouts of hospitals.

After some last minute arguments, Ayana finally decided to follow the driver's lead and ended up reaching a nearby expensive hospital. The building itself was so huge, that her neck strained to take a whole glance at once. There were tall glass buildings, huge parks and a vast empty space at the hind side of the main building as parking area.

While Ayana was amazed to see the city's best hospital, the driver was highly focused on taking Eric to their family doctor who worked in this hospital. It would get troublesome if the appointment gets booked to another doctor, or worst Ayana finds it out about this. He had to make sure to book an appointment as early as possible.

He had already texted the doctor who now was on his way to reach hospital as soon as possible. The only task left for him was to get rid of this stubborn lady off his master.

They entered the huge hall which unexpectedly wasn't very crowded. Maybe it was because of the stormy snowfall outside, that the hospital rather looked eerie with complete silence surrounding them.

Thankfully after reaching the reception desk, Ayana's eyes happened to fall upon few patients who were going on a round for bathroom, probably. Soon, some staff people also came into vision and the atmosphere started to get normal again.

Paper works were done, and all that left was for the doctor to come since there weren't any available at that moment, which appeared quite strange in Ayana's point of view.

She was currently sitting while holding Eric in her arms in the waiting lobby, as the driver excused himself to attend a call around fifteen minutes ago. She was so filled with rage that for a second even the idea of running together hit her mind, but she waved it off right away as she reminded herself of Eric's weak state.

The only thing she could do as of now was to stay by his side and remain on her guards.

Sitting all alone with a distant noise of some nurses chattering made her feel bored and ultimately she ended up submitting herself into the habit of recalling her past.

Her memories were as clear as a shiny day when she first learnt how to ride a bicycle along with her parents. The first time when she saw her father all drunk and laying unconscious on the ground after he divorced, the first time she fall into true love in highschool, the first time when she got into an unnecessary fight.

Her journey of this carrier, and now finally this phase of heartbreak. It all played vividly like a movie reel in her mind.

Remembering her story of life in flashes almost brought her to tears and a bitter smile when suddenly a slight twitch shattered her thoughts. She was bought back to the present when she noticed the uneasiness on the man's face laying down on her lap. The frowns were deepening with feeble moans oozing out of the small space between his lips as each seconds passed by, making Ayana come into a state of panic.

She readjusted her position around his head and asked multiple times if he was okay, but it seems her voice were knocking on deaf ears as he was still restless on her lap. His forehead was drenched in sweat as he kept calling someone in a different language. Ayana tried her best to understand but no matter how many times she bought her ears closer to his mouth, she couldn't recognise those words.

She raised her head to look if someone was there, but to her misfortune, the hall was as silent as the grave. She grinded her teeth as she found herself stuck in the dilemma when suddenly a tight grab made her abdomen feel warmer than usual.

With her eyes wide opened, she looked down to notice Eric's head was tilted closer to her belly. She was taken aback for a while but this wasn't the time to be feeling embarrassed. A much more serious concern had emerged at this point.

She could literally feel his rising temperature through the thin layer of her clothes!

"He needs urgent medical care! Just for what is that mofo taking for so long?!!" She showered the driver with tons of cursing internally and hugged Eric tightly while bringing him closer to her chest, to provide the warmth from her embrace.