"Just where the hell were you?! Do you know how much panicked I was?!!!" Ayana shouted in whisper as she bore daggers at the driver with her piercing glare.

Her voice was echoing as there was nobody else other than them in the corridor. It seems the driver made it on time along with the doctor and they immediately admitted him to the hospital for a day. Thankfully his fever wasn't that serious and he could finally sleep peacefully now.

The driver too was at ease as he could now focus on getting rid of this woman, permanently. Obviously he didn't meant to kill her but rather creating a situation in which the woman would never dare to even look at his master eyes, and he had a perfect plan for it.

He had been putting it to a reserve so that just in case if anything mishaps happen he can use that card and seperate them, but considering what he just saw in the lobby upon his arrival, it didn't take a second to get determined to finally snap this thread of restraint.

He still clearly remembered when Ayana was hugging his master so dearly and sharing their warmth with each other. It was unacceptable. The line which he had been so beware of was finally rubbed off, and now that his master was finally unconscious he had the golden opportunity to put halt to this unrequited relationship before it gets even deeper.

"I think it's time you should go home." He interrupted Ayana's blabbering and said boldly with a firm voice. Ayana was shocked for a second upon his response.

She didn't knew why but it felt as if her voice had left her throat for a second until she coughed purposely to bought it back.

"What do you mean? There's no way I am gonna leave boss with a shady person like you." She said maintaining the confidence in her tone.

"Is that so? Very well then, I am left with no choice but to call the security and kick you out of this hospital, unless you plan to leave on your own without causing any drama."

Although he said all those words behind the mask, Ayana felt as if he was mocking her, which she definitely didn't liked.

"Call whoever you want to call. I will stay by my boss's side until he recovers. Either you show your identity proof to me , or you can go back to your residence. I don't care, so stop bothering me with those repeating questions." She too replied back firmly much to the driver's surprise leaving him awestruck and blank.

According to his prediction, she should've left this place a long time ago as he knew she spent the night with his master unwillingly. But seeing how much serious she was to be at Eric's side made his suspicious clear into false conclusion that she had already fallen in love with his master.

He was so pissed off at the moment, that he marked her the most annoying girl in his record of people having crush on his master. He sourly scoffed behind his mask and said with an eerie tone.

"Tell me, why are you so fixated on being at my master's side?"

Ayana could feel the bitterness in his question. Much to her surprise, her face also automatically smirked in disbelief and said with a mocking face.

"Isn't it obvious? I have seriously repeated it so many times yet you don't know? Fine, since it seems you've got an hearing issue I'll repeat it again. I. HAVE. ZERO. TRUST. IN. YOU. Got it?"

Her answer triggered waves of fire on both sides and things were steaming up when suddenly a melodic tune echoes in the empty hallway, making them look at each other with an awkward stare for a while.

It took a while for Ayana to realise that the music was of nobody else but her phone's ringtone. She excused herself for a moment, embarrassed, and immediately took out her phone to notice it was a call from Betty.

She was about to pick it up, but the call got cut immediately.

A tide of tension raised with her mind as she tried to call her back but the phone showed switched off from the other side. "Dammit!" She clicked her tongue and took a deep breath to calm herself down first.

It could've been a normal call, but considering she was totally drunk last night and suddenly she's now in her appartment. It would make sense if she would call Ayana to discuss things.

'But wait. Isn't she at her home? So why is it taking so long for her to get it charged for atleast two percent and sent a text?..... could it be she's not at home?"

Ayana waved her hands in the air as if she was dispersing those clouds of thoughts in disbelief. There was heavy snowfall outside and the streets were completely dark despite it was noon in the afternoon.

It just didn't made any sense!

She returned back to the patient's room where Eric was resting and ignored the driver's presence who was still standing like a statue on the other side of the bed.