Chapter 3 the Intersection on the Parallel

"Dear passengers, attention, please. Noah is about to reach the Parallel Interstellar Transfer Station. After completing a routine inspection, it will set off again to the A3128 planet."

After running in the vast universe for three days and three nights, Noah landed on the ground steadily and arrived at the Parallel Interstellar Transfer Station.

After a few days of communication, Bai Yueyue and Amanda had become good friends already.

After knowing what had happened to Bai Yueyue, Amanda felt sorry for her. She swore that in order to repay her for saving her life, she would help Bai Yueyue return to the earth as soon as possible to reunite with her parents. She also told Bai Yueyue the interstellar survival rules.

"Everyone who has just entered the interstellar realm knows the Tyron Star Empire first. That was the dreamland of all the high-quality aliens. The Tyron Star Empire is the strongest existence in the Milky Way Galaxy. Both the degree of civilization and the military strength is far beyond that of other planets. Therefore, it was the creator and protector of the system of the interstellar system. To be honest, it was not easy for people from small planets like us to be taken care of by the Tyron Star.

Of course, we can also have our own ways of survival. The A3128 planet that Noah is going to is the training base of interstellar mecha warriors, which is under the management of the Tyron Star Empire. Presumably, the person who saved us also aimed to send us to participate in the training. As long as you can stand out in the army of the soldiers, you can go anywhere you want, let alone go back to the earth."

When Bai Yueyue reminded Amanda that she could get off the ship and have a rest.

Amanda didn't forget to add, "And, you must know that the son of the Tyron Star Empire, Salley, is called the interstellar strongest. It is said that there are many strongest warriors on many planets who have challenged him, but in the end, no one has won."

"It sounds awesome. I wonder if I am qualified to challenge him after training." Bai Yueyue thought to herself.

After getting off the airship, Bai Yueyue was shocked by the scene in front of her. Although she was a student of the space major and had been participating in the training of the "astronaut" for the preparation for outer space exploration, this small interstellar transfer station had overturned all her previous cognition about outer space.

The entire Parallel was covered by a light blue barrier. Aliens from various planets could freely walk and breathe on the ground. All kinds of flying vehicles shuttled above the Parallel. Most particularly, the place where people had a rest was floating in the air.

"Let's go and have a look. I feel hungry again." Bai Yueyue asked Amanda to go to the assembly hall. As expected, the space layout of the assembly hall also broadened Bai Yueyue's horizon. There were countless rooms in the hall, including room for food, sleep, and entertainment. But every time they entered an area, the space would turn over randomly and come to an unknown rest area. And lucky people could even obtain super high-level mecha weapons here.

"Why is a rest station so complicated?" Asked Bai Yueyue.

"Because there is a mix of good and bad in the interstellar transfer station. In order to ensure the privacy of advanced aliens, the designer intentionally disrupted space and time. Even if some troops who dare to die chase here, they can't directly find the person they want to attack. Moreover, the nobler the person is, the more advanced the resting room he or she can enter. Ordinary people have no right to enter."

Bai Yueyue couldn't wait to explore the assembly hall. She was so hungry that she walked up a step not far away with her sense of smell. Unexpectedly, she entered a space full of white walls.

When she was about to find the exit, a man with a stinky smell and ragged clothes appeared beside her. The man looked at her in disgust and asked fiercely, "Who are you?"

Through the evolution function of the experimental potions, in just a few days, Bai Yueyue was more beautiful and outstanding.

The man didn't recognize her at all. He was still thinking in his heart, "Why is this woman in my exclusive domain? Did that old man send her to seduce me again?"

He quickly opened an invisible door and flew in.

"I..." before Bai Yueyue could answer, the man in front of her disappeared.

She was so angry that she kicked in the direction where the invisible door disappeared. Unexpectedly, the invisible door fell down with a "clang" sound.

Behind the door stood the blonde-haired man with an exasperated look. More importantly, he had just taken off all his clothes and was taking a shower.

"Ah~ Hooligan!" She covered her eyes subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, after she closed her eyes, she seemed to have a third eye, and she could even see his naked body.

He was tall and strong, and the muscles on his chest were strong and powerful. When the bathwater dripped on his body, his bronze skin was exquisite and clear.

The handsome man was none other than Salley, the son of the empire who had just returned from the Interstellar Forest.

"Stupid woman! What the hell are you doing? Don't think that I don't dare to hit a woman!"

As he spoke, Salley rushed to Bai Yueyue, trying to throw her out of the room. However, he used too much strength and directly threw Bai Yueyue to the ground.

After a long time, Bai Yueyue finally found that she was bound into a strong embrace, and there was a warm and soft thing on her lips.

Salley, who was lying on top of her, didn't react until he saw Bai Yueyue staring at him with her eyes wide open.

Salley was confused by his slow reaction and helplessness just now. He pretended to be calm and said, "Don't try to seduce me with such a dirty trick. I've told my father that I'm not interested in women now."

Bai Yueyue was confused. It was her who was taken advantage of. Why was she framed?

When she saw the clothes that Salley had thrown on the ground, she came up with an idea. "You are a black and stinky interstellar rascal! Who falls in love with you must be blind!"

Before she could finish her words, she picked up Salley's clothes and ran away.