Chapter 4 Survival Rules of A3128 Planet

Bai Yueyue ran away from the scene of the "crime" as fast as she could and soon met Amanda.

She put Salley's clothes into her accompanying backpack. It was said that Noah had completed a routine inspection, and the two of them quickly left the assembly hall and boarded the airship.

"Come back!" Before Salley could react, he chased after the woman in the direction she escaped, but he was randomly transferred to the hall of the station.

At this moment, the noble man in only underwear became the focus of everyone's attention.

"This guy has so a handsome appearance. Is he the son of the Empire?" Someone in the crowd began to whisper.

Feeling the commotion in the hall, Maha also rushed over to join in the fun. When he saw the Salley being surrounded by the crowd, he wished he could immediately teleport himself to the Tyron Star, pretending that he saw nothing. Under the resentful gaze of Salley, Maha quickly found clothes for him to put on.

"Who is the woman who broke into my private domain just now? Find her back for me." Salley had never lost his composure like this. He could remain calm even if he accidentally fell into the Interstellar Forest. But today...

Was it because of the woman he had been talking about? "How could anyone break into your private domain, unless..." before Maha could say anything, he saw the terrifying look on Salley's face and immediately said, "I'll investigate it right now!"

"It's so strange. The head of the transfer station said that there was no registration information of that woman in the station. After she entered the resting place, she directly entered your room. Was it really arranged by the emperor?"

Maha showed Salley the surveillance video of Bai Yueyue entering the resting place. Salley, who had just calmed down, was once again enraged.

Seeing the two of them lying on the ground kissing, Maha couldn't help laughing, and the screen instantly went out.

"My bro's first kiss was sent out like this. The emperor must be very happy to know it. Ha-ha, I have to report it to him right away!"

"If you want to be trained in the wilderness, just report it to him." Salley threatened Maha and said.

"Of course, I won't! And I will help you find that woman!"

As for Bai Yueyue and other people, they soon arrived at the A3128 planet. "Bai Yueyue, why have you always been absent-minded since you left the transfer station?" Amanda asked the absent-minded Bai Yueyue.

"Oh, nothing. I might be too hungry. I don't know why I've been hungry all the time..."

Bai Yueyue secretly touched the clothes in her bag and thought, "Who is that black and smelly guy? These clothes look expensive. Did he steal it?"

"All the newcomers should come and log in as soon as possible. The people who get off the refugee ship should hurry up. Don't waste time!" The interstellar commander under the ship shouted.

"Do you have the interstellar ID?" It's Bai Yueyue's turn to register. She patiently told them about her experience. "No, I was kidnapped to a lab, and then escaped here."

"No is no. Don't talk so much nonsense. People without legal citizenship are under unified code management here. Your name is AX919 from now on."

Another officer type the information of Bai Yueyue into the system and handed a chip to her. "Take your identity card. Here is all the information about you on the planet. If you make money in the future, you will receive it directly through the interstellar chain."

As soon as Bai Yueyue took the chip, a current came into her body and the chip was directly stored in her body through her palm.

Her personal information appeared in her mind, "AX919, a woman, 20 years old, personal wealth: 0, date of entry: February 2, 2022."

After a while, Amanda was also assigned. "Bai Yueyue, it seems that we have to live together here in the future. Without a citizen identity, we are no different from beggars. It's even difficult to make money."

"It doesn't matter. Let's find a way to get the civil identity!" Bai Yueyue had always been unyielding since she was a child. She had always believed that she could change her fate through hard work.

"Do you think it's so easy to get a citizen identity? Now let's solve the problem of food and clothing first. Young girls, please understand the reality. If people like us want to live on this planet, we should first learn to pick up trash."

"I came from the planet of B3320. There are too many refugees there, and I have to risk my life to go out to pick up trash. I heard that planet A3128 is the garrison base of Tyron Star, and it is rich in resources. There should be a lot of valuable garbage and food." An elder in the team gave an introduction. He was so thin that there were nearly only two big eyes left on his face.

"Attention, please note that people without interstellar ID are not allowed to walk around on the A3128 planet, and can only move in Area E. On the first day of every month, the refugee office will distribute materials to each of you. Remember to take your identity card and come here to get them. The other survival problems should be solved by yourselves." As soon as the leader finished his words, the crowd dispersed.

"Ah, it's February 2nd today. We have to wait almost a month for the next distribution." Amanda was depressed. "Let's find a place to live first. I heard that the slum also needs to be grabbed as early as possible."

"Well, it seems that the poor on every planet is the same pitiful. On our planet, there are also many people who have eaten breakfast but don't know where the next meal is. They live anywhere and go wherever they can make money."

As she spoke, Bai Yueyue couldn't help thinking of her parents. She didn't know what they would do if they couldn't find her. They must be very anxious.

"I have to adapt to life here as soon as possible and find a way to connect with the earth." Bai Yueyue made up her mind.

Within a moment, Amanda successfully found out where the two of them could live through her extraordinary social ability.

"Bai Yueyue, the young man just now has been in A3128 for a month. He lives under a bridge hole that is not far away. There are not many people there and there are no monsters at ordinary times. It's very suitable for us two girls."

The two of them came to the bridge cave soon and found that there were indeed not many people living in this cave. And most of them were young.

At this moment, a man and a woman came back with bags of food and living goods. Amanda's eyes lit up and she hurried forward to inquire, "Excuse me, are these so many things distributed by the refugees?"

"How could it be possible? The stuff sent by the refugees is far from enough. We got these from the Deserted Land..." when the man was about to show off, the woman beside him slammed him.

The man stopped talking immediately. According to the rules, these refugees could only walk in Area E. If the interstellar guards knew that someone had left Area E without permission, they would be in big trouble.

Bai Yueyue and Amanda exchanged a meaningful glance and stopped asking.

At night, when other people were asleep, Bai Yueyue finally had time to take out the clothes hidden in her backpack.

There was a device similar to a mobile phone in the clothes. On it wrote the "Tyron Stone" in the Alien Glyphs, which had the function of the time bomb, time stiller, etc.

What was more exciting was that Bai Yueyue found that the Tyron Stone could communicate with the outside world.

As soon as she opened the communication interface, the voice of Salley came out of the machine, "Bitch, where have you been with my belongings? I must find you and let you see how powerful I am!"

"Di..." Bai Yueyue quickly turned off the communication function and put the Tyron Stone back into her backpack. "What the hell is that? I don't even dare to use it. When can I get in touch with my parents and inform them that I am safe?"

Enjoying the cool wind at night of the A3128 planet and looking up at the vast ocean of stars, Bai Yueyue fell asleep unconsciously.