The Museum

Henry took Ryan and Michael to the city museum.

"Look for it in the "RELIC" section of the museum and don't act like you are foreigners". Henry told them as they hoped out of the car.

"Don't worry... We have a BIG plan". Ryan laughed.

"Stay in contact guys". Henry said.

"Sure". Michael nodded and they went away.

Ryan and Michael booked two tickets from the tickets house and went in.

"Without getting noticed, we have to go to the toilets". Ryan whispered.

Michael's eyes widened on seeing the big, spacious Museum. "Alright, lemme tell you, this_museum is SO big..". He said.

"It is". Ryan nodded.

"Oh! So many snaps to click today!". Michael exclaimed in excitement.

"Are you crazy?_ we didn't came here to vlog or take pictures". Ryan punched slowly on Michael's back. He was trying to speak as slow as he can.

"Okay-Okay! Maybe another day". Michael said.

"Great! Now let's go to the toilets_ they're that way". Ryan looked at the museum map and pointed towards his left.

"Let's go". Michael said.

Michael and Ryan approached the toilets. A card was hanging on the door. "Toilets are closed. Sorry for inconvenience". It said.

"That's more good for us". Ryan smirked and walked into the toilets.

There were two sweepers in the toilets. They were cleaning the floor when they noticed Ryan and Michael.

(The following conversation is translated from Romanian to English and was only understood by Ryan and the sweepers. Michael kept quiet during the conversation).

"What are you doing over here? Didn't you saw the note hanging out on the door?". One of the sweepers asked.

"Oh! Was there a note out there? Well, I didn't saw it". Ryan chuckled.

"Get your ass out of here". The other said.

"Who the hell are you to stop me or tell me to go out?". Ryan moved forwards to the sweepers.

"I'll call the security". The sweeper took out his cell phone.

Ryan slapped him so hard that he fell on the ground, unconscious.

"What are you doing!". The other sweeper shouted.

He moved forwards at Michael who was standing quite nearer to him.

As he was about to attack him, Michael grabbed his hand and punched hard in his belly. He beated him until he became unconscious.

Ryan took a breath and looked at Michael. "Yai yeah". He gave a high-five to Michael.

"What now?". Michael asked.

"We'll exchange clothes with them". Ryan replied.

"Alright". Michael nodded and moved to one of them.

"Take their nameplates as well". Ryan said as he opened the buttons of the other one.


Asher and Rosie arrived home.

"VICTORY". Asher shouted as he entered the house and hugged Jaxon tightly.

"You did it!". Jaxon was really happy.

"It was OUR day today". Asher laughed. Rosie went to her brother.

"You're quite brave, aren't you?". William kissed on his sister's forehead.

"She is". Josiah nodded. "Indeed she is".

"Let the happiness return!". Jaxon exclaimed.

"Thank you so much both of you. We couldn't have done it without you". Josiah said.

"You're welcome". Asher nodded. "Umm.. let's enjoy the moments! Beer?". he said.

"Sure! Why not". Jaxon smiled.

Asher poured out beer in five glasses and handed each to all of them. "Cheers!". He said.

"CHEERS!!". Everyone repeated after him and clicked the glasses together.

"Gosh! I look so dashing in this uniform". Michael said as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"Seriously? You're a SWEEPER!". Ryan was surprised by Michael's comment.

"Yeah.. but still, I like it". Michael smiled.

"You're so stupid Michael!". Ryan said and they went out.

"We'll go to the control room first... To disconnect the CCTV camera". Ryan told Michael.

"Alright". Michael said.

They entered the control room, there was no one. Michael and Ryan went to the CCTV system and pulled out the wires.

Ryan looked up. The live footages of some places of the museum disappeared.

"Great! It's working". Ryan said. "Let's find the wires of CCTV cameras which are inserted in the RELIC sector".

Someone opened the door and stepped in slowly. Michael and Ryan looked up.

"What are you doing?". The guy asked. (translated from Romanian).

"Jesus". Michael said in a low voice

Michael and Ryan stood up facing the guy.

"We were_ mending the CCTV system". Ryan replied.

"Really?". The guy was serious enough to scare the boys.

"Y-Yes". Ryan said.

"Get out of here_ I'll take a look, go to the RELICS.. a young boy spilled chips and juice on the floor... Go and clean it. and tell them not to eat or drink again". The guy ordered, his mood was changed.

Ryan's eyes enlightened, he looked at Michael.

"Let's go". Ryan whispered and went away.

"That was a great chance". Ryan laughed as they walked to the RELICS.

"I can't imagine it would be so easy!". Michael said. "Wait, what if he inserted the wires before we reach there?".

"I'm a spy Michael.. I have been trained for all this". Ryan winked as he held the bucket of water and the mop.

They ran to the RELICS, as the managers said, there were chips spilled on the floor.

"Don't forget to look for the red marble stone". Ryan told Michael and they started collecting the chips.

Michael looked around. There were precious stones and relics placed.

His eyes searched for the red stone.

Finally, he stopped his eyes on a stone which was shining brightly in the lights.

"Gotcha". Michael whispered and turned to Ryan.

He told him in gestures that he found it.

Ryan saw a fat guy who was coming towards him. He took out a small bottle of oil and spilled it on the floor.

As the fat guy stepped forwards, he slipped from the oil and fell down.

Michael looked at the guy. He remembered what Henry said as they were on the way:

(Henry took out the bottle of oil and a red stone. He passed the oil to Ryan and the stone to him. "You'll create commotion in the place and Michael will replace the stone with this fake one when everyone's attention will be moved to the guy who will slip by this oil").

Everything went as planned.

All the people who were there, moved to the guy to help lift him up.

Michael took the opportunity and easily replaced the stones.

He took the targeted one and hid it in his pocket.

As Ryan saw job getting done, he lifted the guy up and mopped the floor swiftly, cleaning the juice and oil.

They ran out of the sight along with the stone.