chapter six

it was the day of my graduation the day I was looking forward to for the last two weeks, the day I was excited about but ended up waking up late, it wasn't like me to wake up late, especially on good occasions.

I knew how long I took to get ready, that's why I made it a habit to wake up earlier than I should, but after SHE came into my life I barely spent time on myself, nevertheless, the habit stayed, yet today it all changed, I only woke up late on the weekends.

not weekdays.

it was quite strange to me how such a habit could change overnight, I didn't even know I could get more than eight hours of slumber, I mean I set an alarm to wake me up at exactly eight, could it be that I slept through it, or did it not ring?

it couldn't have, right? I double-checked.

I questioned myself and my alarm throughout the day until we made it to the ceremony, once I received my diploma, I stood in front of all my classmates wondering what I should say, wondering how I would leave and if anyone would clap after I'm done with the speech I never planned.

I didn't want to be remembered as the person that made the most stupid speech at graduation during a reunion in the future, but then again I wasn't sure if I was going to even live that long, nevertheless, I decided to say whatever came in mind, there was nothing to lose anyway.

"life is like a box of chocolates, sometimes there are bittersweet days, sometimes it's all sunshine and rainbows, and I'm sure our box of chocolates was mostly bitter not sweet, for me it wasn't school that made life bitter, but rather a small mistake I made, I wanted to be like everybody else after it happened...

I froze a sudden impact knocked me to the ground from the platform, I rolled about five times until I bumped into something when I opened my eyes it was all dark and misty, but I was again on the platform, the difference wasn't the darkness or mist-filled room, it's just everyone didn't look like everyone.

they all smiled from ear to ear, it wasn't a normal smile it seemed like their mouths had been cut far beyond their length, and none of them had eyes, no, none, I was looking right through a bottomless hole, where their eyes should have been there were little tiny fingers coming out of them, slowly they all moved towards me.

I tried to turn and run but my body didn't move my hands my feet my head not even my pupils just my lips.

tears sprouted out of my eyes as they got closer and closer, "please please spare me please!!" After I yelled those words they all backed away slowly, but soon after they all started moving towards me again, as they got closer and closer to me I felt the tiny hands all over my face and collarbone.

"no no no please leave leave" this time they all stopped to look at me with their lifeless eyes, "end your speech!!" she yelled bringing them all back to their seats, I could feel myself trembling but still there wasn't a single movement in both my hands or feet, "what do you what from me!!" I cried, only amusing her even more.

she joined the audience before they all started chanting whilst comer closer and closer like before, "end your speech end your speech!!" a woman in the audience let out a howl causing me to scream as well.

I figured that the only way to stop this was to END MY SPEACH, it was the only thing they asked of me after all.

"These four years my box of chocolates got worse whilst others had theirs changed from bitter to sweet all around," I continued breathing heavily and trying my hardest to maintain a calm demeanour, it was practically impossible but I still tried.

"mine has only started getting better, I hope that everybody else gets a nice set of chocolates next year, including myself, I do need it, I guess what I'm trying to say is that today I, unfortunately, picked an 'I'm not prepared for a speech' chocolate, so I made up some random box of chocolate thing but it still doesn't make sense" I chuckled whilst tears fell down my face, my want to get out there increased.

"end your speech end it"


"end your speech now!!"

right there I realised I didn't have to say the whole thing I just needed to end it, "happy graduation everyone thanks very much" I rapped, my eyes blurred and once I could see properly again everyone was clapping.

I didn't remember a thing I said, was it that good, even my teacher looked impressed, "w-what did I say" I muttered to myself as I made my way down the platform, I met Michael and henry on the way to my seat as they congratulated me.

"I knew you would look good in an academic regalia" Henry exclaimed pulling me into a hug, I giggled as he lifted me a little, he placed me down with a worried expression on his face, "what?" I asked, him and Michael looked at one another.

"And you said I was overreacting," Micheal said, soon enough I figured out what was going on, I slouched, "guys I'm fine I promise" Micheal sighed, "you were heavier as a baby Leah"

"I'm working on it, you should trust me" I reassured, placing my hand on his shoulder, "let's enjoy today"


to say dinner was good is an understatement, because even though I had to practically force myself to eat it after some time the delicious flavours were dancing in my mouth, if only I could go for the fourth time.

my chin rested on my palm on the table waiting for Henry's supposed MasterChef desert, I wasn't hungry I was simply wanting more of that gourmet dish henry made, it was like he trained for this very day and at the end, he left us wanting more of the food that he couldn't make more of.

"When is it going to be ready," I asked, henry turned around and placed both his arms on the counter, "five minutes, why are you so impatient?" I rolled my eyes, "are you going to make more of that delightful rice?" the dish wasn't just rice, it was rice and some other ingredients that he refused to tell us about.

"you already know the answer to that, but...I can make you some tomorrow" I thought about it for a minute, "sounds like a plan"


Henry turned around to check on his desert leaving me to check on Michael, he was sleeping, "typical" I muttered, he is a busy person anyway, so it was understandable for him to fall asleep.

when henry came back with the desert I didn't hesitate to say "thank you" not for the desert but for making dinner for us, "meh it's just desert, not all that special" I chuckled, "not for this, for making dinner for us" he shrugged, "I only did so because I didn't want to have dinner alone" he joked, I giggled.

"by the way when is your mom coming to town?"

"Tomorrow, she said she was going to make it today but something urgent came up" I nodded as I took my first bite of the cake, "how is it?"

"delicious as always"