chapter seven

the hospital, the abandoned hospital in the forest where henry and I would go camping, along with some other friends, where all my problems started, one of the girls suggested that we explore the building a bit far of, and none of us opposed to it, thus we all went.

whilst I held to Henry's arm scared out of my mind, some of the boys behind us were telling all of us a bit of an insight about the hospital, I listened closely making sure to pay much attention to every word he spoke.

"the hospital's name is san opus mali" the name sounded oddly familiar, I just didn't know where I heard it from, but that wasn't the weirdest thing I heard that night.

"This hospital was running wonderfully until one night in 2003 April twelfth at exactly 20:41, when a woman in labour died in this very hospital, suddenly they were losing patients every day, crime was constantly being committed inside and outside of this hospital, nurses and doctors were dying mysteriously and sooner or later the remaining nurses and doctors abandoned the hospital, nothing was the same after that woman's death and it's been said that she still roams around this place looking for her next victim."

he continued, "but they were found dead the very same day at their houses or their partner's houses, some were framed for killing them, but at the end, none of them went to jail, there are theories about this mystery, the most popular being that they killed her on purpose for a blood sacrifice, though I say she was just a witch"

the memories of that night rushed through me like wildfire and they wouldn't go away until I reached the limit where nothing could be remembered.

as we made our way through the hall I found myself losing the group that I was in front of now being behind them, the weird thing is they seemed to not notice my disappearance among them, they just walked and talked as if nothing happened as if a friend wasn't missing, I tried to catch up with them but the pace in which they were going was almost inhuman.

even if the fastest human on this planet tried to catch up with them it would be impossible, from afar you don't see them running but walking yet it was so fast.

that should have been my first clue about what was going on but I dismissed it as just me being a scary cat, something I will regret for the rest of my life.

After being strangely abandoned, I decided to... explore, I don't remember much about the other rooms I went to, but I had a detailed memory about where I met HER, at first she looked like a shadow, but her face appeared slowly through the darkness.

and even though I tried to run my feet wouldn't move, some type of force was holding me to the ground, scared and unable to move I simply closed my eyes wanting everything to stop, but it didn't, it got worse.

because when her face came in view...I saw myself, the horrifying sight was enough for my feet to finally move, only for me to slip back and fall on my back and head, before losing my consciousness I felt myself getting pulled but to no avail.

she tried from the very beginning.

as those memories flooded my brain I couldn't help but stop in my tracks, looking at the pact I lost my friends in, I didn't want to move any further, but I had to, I was the one that Decided to come here, and I needed to finish whatever cause I came here for.

the cause is that I needed to find out why she wanted my body, why she couldn't take any one of the doctors and nurses' bodies, but mine, I remembered vividly which room I found her in thus I didn't waste any more time, I swallowed my fears and sprinted through the hall until I found the room.

it was dark just like the first time I saw it except this time there was no one to be found in it, I didn't see her anywhere, I turned the flashlight on and looked around the room, a certain cabinet catching my attention, I went toward it and opened it, there I found a needle covered in blood.

some pills and a letter with the name Esmeralda, I took the letter and started to read it.

it's only a matter of days until they kill me, the pills I have been taking make me feel worse and the pain in my lower abdomen is not subsiding, no one ever told me that childbirth was this painful.

it seems I'm not getting any better a\

half of the paper was torn, I couldn't read it to the end, curious about what she wrote next I searched the drawers and the other cabinets but saw nothing not even another piece of paper.

I felt a presence behind me as I searched for the other half of the paper, it was heavy, it was almost crushing me, it was so heavy that it knocked me to the floor the blood covered floors, but I didn't make a sound I didn't want to trigger anything.

I just kept quiet waiting for it to be over.

soon enough it did thus I slowly stood up and saw that the door was closed, I quickly went toward it turning the knob to open it but to no avail, panic took over me and chills ran down my spine.

no, I'm not going to be stuck here.

I looked around trying to find something to break the door down, knowing well that this was a sign that she was close and she could come anytime but was just teasing me, scaring me, making me think I'm inferior.

I sighed and stepped back, bracing myself for what I was about to do, I lifted my leg and kicked the door as hard as I could, repeatedly, until I made a hole in it, I kicked it a couple more times until the hole was big enough for me to fit through.

Once out I ran as fast as I could, yet somehow I found myself rounded up in the same place, I stopped to catch my breath checking my surroundings, with limited strength left, I decided to stay calm and walk, calm, no so much but walk, I was walking whilst trying to pretend I wasn't scared.

eventually, I made it out of there in one piece, the relief that I felt was almost indescribable, I had escaped her hands, but only because she didn't want to do anything, she was just teasing me, yet still was as equally as scary as when she would attack, it's just with that there are no warnings.

this I knew why she didn't attack, she wanted me to leave, for what reason, I don't know but all I knew was that I was determined to find out.

not only for myself but for my loved ones.


"Benjamin, did the hospital ever get rebuilt?" I asked the boy who told us the history behind the abandoned hospital that night. I invited him for lunch the next day to find out a little more about the hospital, I was curious to find out the truth behind why this woman chose my body.

he sipped his orange juice with a Questioning look on his face, "that was so long ago, why are you asking now?" I sighed, telling him the truth was far from what I wanted to do, but his constant question to my question was making it very hard.

"Because I'm curious" he tilted his head as he rose a brow not convinced with my answer, "you are random Leah" he chuckled placing the cup filled with juice on the table, "yeah.." I faked laughter whilst scratching a none existent inch on the back of my neck.

"Well to answer your question, yeah they did, Agnes actually went there for a check yesterday" Agnes is the girl that suggested for us to explore the hospital, she is a good person, "why what happened?"

"she broke her leg after graduation, got a cast, it's not too serious, she's not gonna walk with a cast anymore as of today" he explained, I nodded, "did you drive her there?"

"yea, I'm her go-to driver since she doesn't have a driver's licence" I chuckled.

the two of them have been close for as long as I've known them, it was nice to see that same closeness even after graduation, they seemed to be drifting apart towards the end of the school year.

"Can I ask you a favour?"


"Can you drive me there tomorrow at seven?" I asked sternly waiting for him to answer, he thought it over with his last bite in his mouth, after he was done he looked at me and let out a sigh before answering.

"of course, but why?"

"I will tell you on the way there"