chapter eight

maybe it was because I planned on going there, or...maybe it was simply bad luck on my side, but I refused to understand the reason behind the sudden ache in my body once I woke from one of the worst nightmares I've ever had.

it was bloody, nothing of what I was experiencing lately, she wasn't the same woman who was destroying my life she was someone- or rather something different, she wasn't deadly she was simply horrifying, enough to..kill you.

this time she didn't want to kill me, no, she wanted me to think that was her plan but it was different this time, this time she wanted to take me somewhere, I had never seen before somewhere I felt as if I belonged yet the longing feeling to pull away from her lies and come back to where I truly belonged where my brother was, never left my body, my heart, and my soul.

a flight of stairs is what it started with, I remember my hand on the railing as I climbed the stairs towards a man waiting patiently for me with his hands behind his back and a sly smile resting on his lips, he wore a black coat black trousers and a black shirt underneath.

his hair was slicked back smoothly, and as I got closer the smile on his face became a smirk and from a smirk, it became nothingness: as I reached the man on the top of the stairs, I saw the hesitation in his eyes yet he pushed me off causing me to roll off the endless flight of stairs.

my screams echoed through the hall as I fell, it reached the dining room and I saw two men who looked to be bodyguards run inside the hall with worried expressions on their faces, it seemed they were too late because once they reached me I was already dead, yet alive.

she came towards me and in a whisper, she said, "you must return home" she repeated it, "you must return home" it got louder the third time she said it, "you must return home!!" she didn't need to say it the fourth time my ears had already been pierced and bleeding by the time she yelled it the third time.

the ground suddenly opened and swallowed me up: my eyes opened and there I stood, in a hospital in a familiar hallway I couldn't quite remember, nurses ran through the hall whilst pushing a stretcher with a pregnant woman on it, they passed through me as if I were a ghost and everything became dark.

breathing heavily I found myself in a bathroom, one of a rich person's, the faucet was on making noise throughout the bathroom causing it to be impossible to hear anything else, I looked away from the water and in the mirror: there stood a young girl with blonde hair blue eyes heart-shaped lips and red cheeks, she was beautiful.

I sighed as my hands tightened around the sink before dropping my head and facing the water as I did, my eyes widened as the water turned red, I chuckled thinking it was simply color denying the obvious truth of it being blood, my feet became weak causing me to fall on my bottom.

a howl erupted from my throat through my lips as I felt thousands of needle-like things sting the surface of my bottom before something pushed it further, I felt my insides tearing apart into small pieces as the needles became bigger inside of me, my screams only made it worse but what had woken me up was the feeling of my soul leaving my body, in reality.

it was much more horrifying than one can put into words and as I had risen almost every part of it that made it a nightmare was forgotten, though I was thankful for that, I didn't want to remember a single ounce of that dream, it was beyond the word itself that described it as a bad thing, it surpassed anything that could possibly describe it.

it was simply petrifying hair-raising and spine-chilling.

she already had a wonderful influence on my life and I thought I could at least have sleep to myself but even that she conquered with every being in her.

my breaths became uneven as I attempted to recover from the nightmare, it felt almost impossible yet I kept pushing until I felt my heartbeat slow to its normal pace, I dropped myself back on my bed and relaxed my tensed-up shoulders, though not fully, I couldn't reach a hundred percent it was simply unreachable, at that very point in my life even the wind scared me.

relaxing was far from my mind yet I needed it to see the sun again, it wasn't past twelve and the night was still fresh, I knew my brother wouldn't be home soon due to his big project with Alison thus I knew not to lean on him if anything were to happen, he wouldn't be around to help anyway.

sleep refused to overcome the fear surrounding me causing a sigh to slip away and make me sit upright on my bed, I looked around my room in the darkness, ignoring the clothes that looked like figures piled up on my small chair across from my bed, clothes I told myself I would fold before sleeping, I guess it slipped my mind.

I very slowly pulled the blanket away from my legs before swinging them off my bed upon the soft carpet on the floor, my arms rested on either side of the bed beside my thigh as I sat, I lowered my head as I let out a sigh my eyes closing for a brief moment whilst I sat there just taking everything in.

I met my unpleasant-looking feet as I opened my eyes, I cringed as I saw the mole on my big toe. I squinted my eyes as I saw little movements coming from what I assumed to be a mole on my big toe, without a warning it jumped at me forcing me to fall back on my bed, I grabbed it and squished getting its blood on my hands.

I groaned and got on my feet making my way to my bathroom to wash it off: I turned the water faucet on before putting my hand under it to let it clean the blood away from inside my Palmers, whilst the cold water graced the skin of my Palmers I switched my attention from my hand to the window that was slightly opened, letting in the cold winter air.

I turned the faucet off before shaking away the water from my hands, though it didn't dry it whatsoever, and making my way towards the window, the wind pushed it further open once I had reached it causing me to step back yet I still couldn't dodge the window and it hit my nose.

I angrily closed the window and lucked it checking whether my nose was affected badly by the impact or not, twisting left and right and earning no result of pain calmed me a little.

I left the bathroom and closed the door behind me before leaving my safety haven that suddenly became my hell: I made my way down the stairs whilst holding on tight to the railing scared to fall likewise to my dream, I sighed in relief once I reached the bottom of the stairs my free hand resting on my heart.

my eyes scanned the dimly lit living room, there was nothing to be afraid of it was simply a nightmare, however whenever I told myself that the past five years just flashes through my eyes reminding me that indeed there was a lot to be afraid of, she could bring my nightmares into real life and torture me with them, how come I kept fooling myself like that.

I made my way towards the sofa whilst staring at the remote control and wondering what channels would be showing something good at that time, I dropped myself on the sofa before stretching out my legs on the it and grabbing the remote to turn on the TV.

the remote fell from my hands as I heard the grandfather clock on our wall far away from both the living room and the kitchen chime its unpleasant sounds, allowing me the knowledge that it was almost time for Michael to be home, it always startled me.

I muttered some incoherent words under my breath as I reached out for the remote on the floor, I switched the TV on and changed between one too many channels and as I predicted nothing good was on, I sighed before changing it to discovery channel and placing the remote down.

I relaxed my head on the cushion my eyelids slowly becoming heavy as time went on: I closed my eyes and immediately opened them only to meet the bright light coming from the window behind the TV and Micheal in the kitchen making breakfast.

I groaned and got up from the sofa before making my way towards the kitchen, "good morning" Micheal chimed as he turned around with the frying pan in hand, an omelet inside ready to be removed and placed into the plate on the counter, most likely waiting for me. I sat down a sly smile making its way on my face.

"good morning" I replied, placing my hands on the counter and waiting eagerly for him to put the omelet on the plate, he did and along with it came a fork, "thanks" I murmured before taking a small bite of the omelet, he placed his arm on the counter and rested his chin on his palmer waiting for my reaction.

"It's great, like always" he did a mini celebration before sitting down across from me a smug smile on his face, I furrowed my brows at his weird behavior, "what?" I asked placing the fork in my hand down, he shook his head with a wide smile spreading across his face causing me to smile also.


"I got a promotion!" joy spread around my body as those words were said, we looked at each other for a brief moment before erupting in joyful noises jumping and hugging each other unable to contain all of the happiness that had full control over our bodies.

I jumped into Michael's arms wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso, the smile I missed so much never leaving my face, "congratulations, I'm so happy for you" I chimed before pecking his cheek causing him to chuckle.

I cupped his face in my hands as I stared into his eyes a playfully stern look on my face, "I'm proud of you" I continued, "you deserve it" he chuckled and placed me down gently on my chair before settling down on his, "though I would have to travel a lot because of it and you can't come." I stabbed the omelet far more than I should have as those words left his mouth.

he was already barely home and now he wouldn't be at all, "w-why?" I asked straining myself from crying, "it's mandatory" he reasoned reaching a hand out for me to hold, I did, "I won't be trouble, you won't even know I'm there with you" he lowered his head as he sighed in frustration, "I asked, I even begged my boss but it just won't work"

I felt a stab at my heart but I kept it to myself and smiled through the pain, I didn't want to make it any harder on Micheal than it already was, "oh" is all I could let out of my mouth, any more and I would have cried, I wanted to scream, I wanted to beg Micheal to take me along, I wanted to tell him not to take the offer if it was going to keep us apart, but it was his life long dream to do this.

to become a name everyone knew, a face everyone would recognize, and this promotion was his one step to making that dream come true, I was legally an adult anyway maybe this was my wake-up call to get a job and start supporting myself.

maybe get my own apartment, become a little more dependent on myself rather than fully putting everything on Micheal, and expecting him to juggle his responsibilities along with mine with no struggle. I sighed and wiped away the lone tear that fell from my eye, "it's fine" I muttered, loud enough for Michael to hear.

"Just give me a headstart," I said with a little enthusiasm, "next month"