Chapter ten

I had forgotten that I had Benjamin's number, it was in our phone book in the living room on the coffee table, waiting for me to notice it, I decided to call him and tell him that I still wanted to go to the hospital but this time we would have to first go to the abandoned one.

Of course he asked questions, but I didn't answer any of them, I told him he would find out when it was absolutely necessary for him to know, he didn't have to know what was going on in my life for the last five years, even Herny didn't know.

He picked me up at 8pm sharp from my doorstep to the car, Micheal was at work he was preparing for his trip, Herny was busy with college applications and we both agreed to meet up on Monday when he would be less busy.

So it was just me and Benjamin.

The trip to the hospital was short, there weren't many cars on the road and not many people in the woods either.

We passed by two strangers who were wearing training gear, after we reached the place where we once camped together with our friends Benjamin stopped the car and pulled out his phone.

He turned to me as he opened Google, "want me to do some research?" I shook my head, "it's not necessary" I should have worn a coat because it was freezing inside the dark hospital, the scents were just as putrid as before and the feeling of HER roaming about trying to knock me out was very much heavy on my chest.

Benjamin gave me a torch light and I immediately turned it on, the first thing my eyes landed on was a pair of scissors covered in dry blood.

"Leah?" I moved carefully in the halls avoiding anything out of the ordinary, "yes?" 

"Why are we here?" I stopped by the door, it was just like how I left it, broken into pieces, and when I tried to open it, I found that it was still locked, "I need to get inside- " Benjamin pushed me aside and gave me his torch light as he shoved his phone in his back pocket.

He turned his back to me and used his shoulder to break the door open.

It worked, "there" I gave him his torch and walked inside, chills ran down my spine and I immediately turned back to leave the room but once I had turned around Benjamin was no longer there.

"Benjamin?" I got out, moved the light around the halls but he was no where to be seen, "Benjamin!" I yelled stepping further away from the room, "Ben?" I turned around at the sound of something hitting the floors.

"Ben please don't joke around like that- " another sound came from behind me, I heard light footsteps and then a shout from a voice that sounded familiar.

I ran towards it, "Benjamin! Benjamin! I'm coming- " 

I stopped when I reached a door, I moved my hand down and opend it, "Ben? Are you in here?"

The door shut behind me, and it was as if I was reliving that night all over again.

"YOU MUST SEE" I banged on the door with my fists, "COME AND SEE!" I dropped the torch and used my shoulder to hit the door, but it only hurt my shoulder.

"SEE" the freezing wind blew the windows in the room open and rushed through me like fire, i screamed in pain and fell back.

"I don't want to see you!! Leave me alone leave me alone please!!" I cried grabbing the torch, I shun it around the room trying to push her away with the light, it never worked.

"SEE" the torch went out and the room went black. 

I could hear a baby crying, not again.

I turned around, the baby was alone this time she was wrapped up in a pink blanket with her hands slightly out, she seemed to be reaching out for someone.

I went toward the baby and attempted to pick her up but I fell.

The same hospital hall way, the same stretcher, there was a woman on it she was in labour, the hall disappeared, I was planted in a room with the same pregnant woman, a man was standing beside her and holding her hand as she pushed the baby out.

She screamed in pain as she pushed for the very last time allowing the baby to come out and sound her first cry.

"Oh Jared" 


I fell.

The room was dark and ominous, three people were bowing down and deep voice laughed in amusement.

I looked up from the people and saw who they were bowing down to, it was the creature, this time it was bigger, it's horns were longer and his claws looked much sharper.

My feet moved me back and pinned me to the door, I was frozen.

Then I fell, again.


The pregnant woman was on an operating table surrounded by doctors, I stood behind a tray of knives, scissors, and blades.

The nurse picked up the scissors and gave them to a doctor, the man then proceeded to cut the pregnant woman's chest open wider.

He dug his hands into her chest and removed her beating heart.

I could feel the little food in my stomach churn, another nurse took the heart and put it inside a bag.

The doctor used the knife, the large kitchen knife to cut open the woman's abdomen, he then dug his hand into the open wound and brought out her long intestine.

They did this all the while the woman was awake and screaming for help.

The halls of the hospital were almost empty, the woman's husband Jared was sitting on one of the benches leaned over on his hands with his elbows on his knees.

He was waiting for the doctors to come out and give him some good news.

A nurse came from one of the rooms around him with a frown on her face, she was the same nurse that gave the doctor the knife and scissors.

She held her head low and hid her smile behind a mask.

"Mr. Dorderio, unfortunately the operation was not a success, your wife could not make it" 

I fell.

I was freezing on the floors of the very same operation room that I saw in the vision.

It was clean, almost spotless except for the few over thrown carts and trays.

My torch had lit back up and the feeling of her presence around me was… gone.

I stood up on my feet shakingly, my legs were wobbly but I still managed to move towards the operating table.

My hand unconsciously grazed the surface of the operating table and I couldn't help but start crying.

She didn't even get to hold her baby, nobody heard her scream, nobody not even her husband could save her from the torment.

"Then why!!?" I cried as my legs finally gave out on me, "why do you torment me?!!" I hit my chest, "why… " bringing my knees up to my chest I placed the torch down and sobbed into my hands.

I hate her, I understand her pain, but I can never forgive her, I can never sympathise with her, she's ruthless, she's cruel.

"This doesn't change anything, you're still horrible, you're still destroying my life" I knew she couldn't hear me, I knew she was gone, but I could no longer hold my anger in.

"Why don't you just leave me alone?!" I yelled, "I've done you no wrong!" More tears pour down my eyes, "I would have helped you if I could help it." 

"I would never put you through this- " 

The door burst open and behind it stood a worried Benjamin breathing heavily and swinging his torch around in search for me.

"Leah?" I pushed myself up and ran to him.

"Benjamin" i sobbed, hugging him tightly as if he was going to slip away, "don't you ever do that again" i cried, he rubbed my hair and hugged me back with his other arm.

"I think it's time to go" 


Ben drove me straight home after that, he told me that it would be best if I went home to rest instead of going to the hospital for whatever reason it is that I wanted to go.

He insisted and I lost the ambition to continue with my mission so I gave up.

I said my goodbyes to a terrified Benjamin and ran inside my house, the dark was not foreign to me when I walked inside the living room.

Her presence was still lost but that did nothing to calm me, I knew her too well, I knew she would try something, I hated her even more now I didn't know what she wanted to achieve by showing me that, and I quite frankly didn't want to know.

It was unfair, it was cruel, for her to fight for something that didn't belong to her.

as unfortunate as her death, its not fair for her to fight for something that's not hers, I had nothing to do with what happened to her, she knew that.

She killed all the people who were involved, she caused the hospital to become nothing but just a memory, why was I? A teenager her biggest target? Why me? 

Why me? Out of all my friends, why me? Out of all the people who had visited the abandoned hospital, why me? Who's father was neither a doctor or a nurse, who's mother was a housewife who barely stepped outside unless for a book club meeting.

Why me? 

My room felt foreign that night, it was as if I was in the wrong house, nonetheless I crawled on my bed and wrapped my bedsheets around myself as I got into a fetus position.