Something Strange

Avic, Custos, and Eliisabet had arrived at the Outer Yard just in time. It was a large area at the back of the campus that was free of infrastructure. There was only a grassy field that stretched a hundred meters long and 80 meters wide. It looked as if it was used to host special events and other important venues.

On the field was a small platform where an instructor stood. He had a bald head and a long scar just underneath his sea-green eyes. He was of average height but as expected from an instructor, he had a muscular body type. The other students stood at the front of the platform, listening diligently to his instructions.

"Now that we're done with introductions, it's about time we got down to the real reason you came here. Behind me is what we like to call a Hemo Capsule! It contains a cloud of rampant red Hemo Energy collected from dangerous monsters. You'll all be called up here one at a time to control this rampant Hemo Energy. The goal is to compact the Hemo Energy into a ball! You'll be assigned to a specific class depending on how well you can execute this task!"

Everyone then turned their eyes to the Hemo Capsule behind the instructor. It was a large see-through dome-shaped structure that seemed to be made of hard glass. This immediately sparked chatter among the students.

"Man, just great... I can already tell I'm going to end up in the worst class! They just had to test us by our Hemo Control!" Murmured Avic.

"Why are you so worried, Avic? Back when we were doing the tasks for Mister Amon, your Hemo Control ended up being even better than mine. Maybe even Custos' too, if I'm not mistaken," said Eliisabet.

"You might not believe me when I tell you this but that was a fluke... Even I don't know how my Hemo Control got that good. I just tried imagining myself sleeping and then I somehow aced it!"

"Then why don't you just try that again?"

"I guess it's worth a shot..."

"Quiet down, you two. The first person is about to go into the Hemo Capsule," interrupted Custos.

They then turned their eyes forward. This was when they saw a young lady entering the capsule. As soon as she went inside, the cloud of Hemo Energy covered her entire body, preventing her from being seen. Time slowly went by as everyone watched intently. However, even after almost a minute of waiting, nothing happened.

"What's going on..?" Asked a student from the crowd.

"I don't know. Is she even okay in there? I mean, that Hemo Energy looks pretty potent," said another.

"Time's up. Get her out of there," ordered the instructor.

Just then, a few people dressed in white hazmat suits rushed inside the Hemo Capsule. Before too long, they came back out with the student who had somehow fainted. This immediately caused a commotion among the students.

"Quiet down!" Shouted the instructor. "As mentioned before, the Hemo Energy inside the Hemo Capsule was collected from dangerous monsters. This means that it's quite potent. Not only do you need a great amount of Hemo Control but you also need a great amount of Hemo Resistance. If both your Hemo Control and Hemo Resistance are low, then you'll end up the same as the girl who just walked in. For a few people, it could even mean death!"

Avic glanced over at Eliisabet and Custos who were both unphased by the news.

"How are you two so calm?! You do realize that thing could kill us, right?! The Old Geezer never taught us about Hemo Resistance!"

"Huh? He didn't because Hemo Resistance is common knowledge, Avic. Don't tell me this is the first time you've heard about it..?" Sighed Custos.

"Fine, I won't tell you then."

"It's not a big deal. Potent Hemo Energy is rarely known to kill anyway. It has to be at least radioactive levels for it to cause a major threat to life."

"Man, I hope you're right..."

The two then turned their attention back to the stage. The instructor continued to call upon students one at a time. Most managed to reshape the cloud of Hemo Energy into different shapes but none managed to create a perfect ball. Another handful couldn't handle the potency of the Hemo Energy and was immediately left unconscious. And two others had no resistance to the Hemo Energy whatsoever which left them in need of urgent medical care.

However, after almost thirty minutes of selecting, the instructor chose his next pick.

"Next up, we'll have Custos Fictus! Step onto the platform and enter the Hemo Capsule!"

Eliisabet and Avic immediately looked over to Custos.

"Well, I guess it's my turn."

"I'm sure you'll do great, Custos!" Encouraged Eliisabet.

"You better not die, Custos, or I'll kill you!" Warned Avic.

"I know. I know."

Custos then quickly left their side before moving up onto the stage. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and then immediately walked into the Hemo Capsule. For a moment, nothing happened. Everyone watched as the cloud of Hemo Energy encompassed him in silence. It looked as if Custos was about to become another failure. Even the instructor got ready to send in the medical team.

However, as expected from Custos, the Hemo Energy inside the Hemo Capsule quickly began swirling around. Gradually, it began taking shape. First, it was an irregular shape then it became a rectangle. A little after that, Custos did the most unexpected thing.

Instead of turning the cloud of Hemo Energy into a ball as requested, he shaped it into the words "I'M NOT DEAD, AVIC.". A second later, he released it, allowing the Hemo Energy to go rampant again, all before exiting the capsule.

Everyone was left flabbergasted. They couldn't believe what they had just witnessed. It immediately sparked another massive commotion among the students.

"Okay, Custos was just showing off there! Acting as if he was about to fail then when everyone thought he was dead, he pulled off a big stunt! That's the oldest trick in the book!" Murmured Avic.

"Well, it's nothing short of impressive and I think most people here agree given their reaction," chuckled Eliisabet.

As Custos stepped down from the platform, the instructor congratulated him. However, that was not all. He looked to the back of the crowd to see an old man watching him. To his surprise, it was Principal Palem. With a single wave of his finger, the Principal called him over.

Custos didn't know why Principal Palem was calling him but he decided to go over to him anyway. A few seconds later, he met the principal at the back of the crowd who greeted him with a warm smile.

"You're one of the three students who were late earlier. Your name was Custos, was it? I had no idea that you were such an exceptional talent!"

"Thank you, Principal Palem. I was just doing my best."

"Hoho! I believe you were doing more than just your best there. It seemed as if controlling such potent levels of Hemo Energy was mere child's play for you."

"Well, I guess I do have some talent for it..."

"Hoho! So modest! I'm sorry, but I must ask, how did you become so good with your Hemo Control?"

"Uh... Practice, I guess..."

"Hmm? Practice, you say? You'd have to be practicing for years to achieve Hemo Control of that level. Were you taught by anyone?"

"Taught by anyone..? Well, I guess I was a little. He could be considered both my old boss and master in a sense. His name's Amon."

Principal Palem's eyes broadened as soon as he heard this. Custos took notice of this.

"That reaction... Do you know Mister Amon?"

"Well... No, it's just that I had an old friend a long time ago with the same name. However, he died. Your master's name just reminded me of him."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

Principal Palem smiled at Custos' kind words. However, the next few words that left his lips left Custos a little lost for words.

"Thank you for your kind words, Custos. That Amon was a good friend of mine so I remember him every now and then with a little sadness in my heart."

"If I'm not being rude, may I ask how he died?"

"Yes. He died right before my eyes in the Great Spirit Disaster 10 years ago."