The Vial Of Hypnos

The Vial Of Hypnos

Fantasy71 Chapters49.3K Views
Author: Prince_nonchalant
Table of Contents

The Three Vials Of Deus are said to keep the balance of the universe. But mankind's greed has led them in search of that which is forbidden by the heavens for their own selfish needs.

One such human is an 18-year-old boy by the name of Avic. After losing his parents in the Great Spirit Disaster 10 years ago, Avic made the ultimate decision to find the Vial Of Hypnos and revive them.

Making this dangerous decision, Avic sets out on a perilous journey to find the Vial Of Hypnos, waging war against Sicarius, Demons, gods, Angels, Monsters, and Devils.


Avic: Eliisabet! Custos! Get over here! I'm in some dire need of help!!

Eliisabet and Custos: (Come running as fast as they can.)

Eliisabet: What is it, Avic?! Are we under attack?!

Avic: No, I can't reach my water pouch...

Eliisabet and Custos: (-.-) You do realize your pouch is just next to you, right..?

Avic: Yeah, but it's a few centimeters out of my reach... I think I'm going to die of thirst if I can't reach it soon..!

Custos: Sigh... (facepalms)

Eliisabet: Avic, you lazy idiot!

Avic: Aw! Don't be like that! I'm not lazy, I'm just highly motivated at doing nothing...


The update schedule is a minimum of 3-7 chapters per week with a likely increase. This book is also a part of the WSA 2022. If you like, please don't hesitate to shoot a power stone and a few Golden Tickets! Of course, the more support the book gets, the more I'll reward my readers. Best of all, I currently have no plans in locking my chapters, even if contracted, so good news to all you free-to-read readers! Please share the book and show your support if you like... Thanks!

Key (May be subject to change):

25 PS - 1 Bonus Chapter

50 PS- 2 Bonus Chapters

75 PS- 3 Bonus Chapters

100 PS- 4 Bonus Chapters (If I have time, I'll make it 5)

35 Golden Tickets- 1 Bonus Chapter

70 Golden Tickets- 2 Bonus Chapters

105 Golden Tickets (Max For now)- 3 Bonus Chapters

10 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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In a few words: very interesting opening, the MC has a realatable personality, the links between characters are easy to understand and the "bad guy" is easily identified as a threat. and now in a bit more then a few words: the opening sequences is a bit long, the main idea has already been established, no need to one and one about the the monsters and the weird portals. Indeed I hade no other events to compare it with, which me made me a bit confused on one hand we have the apocalypse and on the other a normal guy working in a tavern with lots of people around, which sevearly down plays the "end of the world" flashback After that initial intro everything is good, the characters give just enought info about the world and themselves for it to be realistic and their actions are logical, except for Elisabeth. She spend a eternity explaning that they MUST please the costumer and fails to bring 1 of 2 things he asked: the beer and the MC (not her). other then that, the siracus is very cliché, which isn't always a bad thing if you know what your doing and the author seems too. However the main issue is a sever lack of description, beyond the MC's bathroom everything is described by their name without any reall indication. Is this a mediaval tavern, a modern bar, a futuristic space station or a combination of all the above? It looks like the author just got bored of making descriptions in the midle of the chapter. The first are really good, but mostly useless and the one at the end are, well... not here... I won't criticize the grammar since I'm really bad at it myself, that English isn't my first laguage and that I slept throught every grammar lesson I had in both French and English! (and spanish too guess) Anyway it's a good story with an interting beginning, will defenitivly keep reading!

2 years ago

Writing quality: So far this is one of the best points of the novel. The author does a very good job describing things, making it very easy for the reader to imagine. Story development: this is the only category I will give a 4. The first conflict of the book seems forced and a little bit unnecessary. I think the author may have plans to make it important but as of now it seems like it was an illogical fight for both parties to get into. Character Design: the character design is amazing. The author makes it very easy to imagine a characters physical appearance. The author also does a great job of showing the characters personality. World background: The world building is also very good. The author slowly builds up the world around the MC without having to do massive info dumps. Most of the information we get about the world from the first few chapters is through dialogue, which I think is a very smart choice. Overall good job author and keep up the good work.

2 years ago

Let me sum up each point individually , the story is very well written and very easy to underatand, there are no issues with words and sentenses are well put with almost negligible grammatical issues which make reading it very smooth. The background is very well described and each thing is properly explanied. The characters are written after a lot of thought which makes reader imagine various scenes vividly in their minds . The progression of story fill your heart with lots of expectations and suspense maybe its because of writing style of novel which is unique in its own way. The build up to various events dont take extra time nor stretches over unnecessary chapters. But at same time it gives reader to expect more and more as the storyline has lot of potential to do various things . Would love to upgrade rating to 5 stars when more chapters get uploaded to get Better picture of where we are heading with story To sum it up i would only say - instead of reading those generic novels this is a real gem hiding waiting for you to unravel. 😊😊

2 years ago

this story is pretty good so far, the characters are great, and the writing is very well done, compared to most other novels. the updating is good, I just wish the author could update more per day. another thing, is the world, so far, we haven't learned that much about it, but from what we've been told, it seems quite intresting. finally, this story is just pure fun, I found myself reading a lot of chapters before I could stop, just because I couldn't stop, and wanted to know more. I recommend giving it about 10 or so chapters, before deciding if you will continue with it or not.

2 years ago

Writing quality: I love how the Author used figurative language to evoke some emotions. The writing is great, however, you could do more without passive voice and past perfect tenses, especially at the beginning of the chapter. Some sentence lengths are overwhelming, cutting them short or breaking them into fragments will do the trick. Updating Stability: Can't give a credible answer since I just added it to my collection. Story Development: Although stories that start out with dreams are somehow considered cliché nowadays, every Author is capable of making any rule unique and you just did that. Character Design: So far so good. I can already relate to the character, which is a great accomplishment. Most Authors fail to do that at the beginning of their stories. World Background: Since the story starts with the MC's point of view, I would prefer the Author to make the character interact with the world and leave everything to the imagination of the readers. The MC already knows that he lives in that kind of community, it is weird when he suddenly wakes up one day and starts telling how the houses look in his town. If you could make him interact with the setting, the reader is smart enough to understand the environment. Conclusion: The overall story is great. All I pointed out are minor issues which if the Author address will upgrade his writing skills to an ultimate level. Nobody is perfect and I've seen novels far worse and with greater errors. Please keep up the good work, the narration and descriptions are top-notch. I had no problem absorbing every piece of information.

2 years ago

You have a unique writing style. The male character is really relatable and I like the way you build the world. Thank you for showing the world your wonderful masterpiece.💯

2 years ago

I love your book cover. your book cover is unique. the start of your story is amazing. your plot is strong no doubt. On the whole, your story is heart-touching.

2 years ago

I am not a good I in writing reviews but let's some up basics. writing quality: full marks. I mean I ain't a English professor and by my standards the quality of your writing is good. But try to focus on breaking paragraphs into 2 two three sentences only. Story development: This lacks a bit of imagination. I don't know why but most of the actions of MC looks kinda forced. character design: I hate super perfectionist or Gary Stu type of characters but your character clearly looks realistic with a personality. update stability: good. world background: Best part of the story. It is far better to describe world as the story progress than dump everything at start.

2 years ago

This novel is so good, i love the charcters and the world backgrounds, i just had to added it to my library[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

2 years ago

It' s is a fascinating novel. Though it also conveys what to expect from the novel, the title is quite straightforward I look forward to reading more chapters the description, character plot, and writing style are excellent. I haven't gone that far yet, so I cannot say a lot about this matter. But I would say this story had a good hook. I recommend this novel and keep it up, the author .

2 years ago