
Avic slowly walked up onto the platform. It was finally his turn. All eyes watched as he moved closer to the Hemo Capsule. He gazed at Chrono who was now leaving the platform from the corner of his eye. Just like Custos, he could tell that he was strong. There was something different about him compared to ordinary people.

However, Avic knew he didn't have time to pay attention to that. He needed to focus on the task before him. He needed to think of a way to maintain his focus if he wished to control the cloud of Hemo Energy.

Carefully, Avic then stepped inside. A cloud of thick red immediately shrouded his body. The air was dense and it felt a little hard to breathe. The sound of the outside world was also filtered out as if he had stepped into a soundproof room.

"Damn... It's like I'm walking through floating water... The air's so thick and I can hardly see anything. This is much worse than the training that Old Geezer had us do..." Muttered Avic.

Avic then took a deep breath to calm himself. He closed his eyes and immediately tried focusing. Calmly, he started to imagine himself creating a perfect ball of Hemo Energy. This was when the Hemo Energy slowly began swirling around in the center of the room.

However, in only a matter of seconds, Avic lost focus and the Hemo Energy was allowed to run rampant again.

"Damn it..! This is such a pain... Why is it so hard for me to concentrate? When I'm in a battle, I can create Bloodline Arts with ease. It's almost the same thing when manipulating Hemo Energy, so why can't I seem to master it..?"

This was when Avic remembered the trick he had used back in the Room Of Proditio. He had pictured himself sleeping and it had somehow brought him good luck. If he could try that again, there was a chance the Hemo Energy would bend to his will.

Quickly, Avic then sat on the floor and began concentrating once more. His eyes were closed and he allowed himself to relax. He then immediately imagined himself sleeping. However, for some reason, this strange trick refused to work.

"Sigh... This isn't working. This Hemo Control nonsense just isn't for me. And it's taking way too much effort. Don't these people know that I have limited energy? I have to spend it wisely and I'm not planning to waste any more of it on this crap. *Yawn* I don't care anymore. I'm done with this,"

A second later, Avic exited the Hemo Capsule with a nonchalant expression on his face. The crowd of students looked on at him in confusion. Even the instructor was left in bewilderment.

"Why did you leave the Hemo Capsule? You do realize that you haven't even begun to control the Hemo Energy inside, right?" Queried the instructor.

"I know."

"Then why did you leave?"

"Yeah, about that... I'm just not feeling very motivated at the moment. It's too much of a drag... It's tiring to sit in there trying to focus for so long."

"What? You've only been inside for thirty seconds!"

"Seriously? It felt more like thirty minutes to me... *Yawn* Man, I feel extra tired today. By any chance, do you guys have a bed at this school? I'm in dire need of a long nap right about now."

"Do you take this for some kind of joke, Decipi?"

"A joke? Honestly, I do. This entire thing is just like Mathematics. We're forced to do a bunch of nonsense that we won't need in life. I can already create Bloodline Arts so why do I need to control such a large amount of Hemo Energy in the first place? It's a waste of my precious time and energy."

"You must think that you're pretty funny right now! Fine, you fail this test and will be placed in Class B!"

"Okay, I guess... If that's all, can I go now? And don't forget to point me in the direction of the nearest bed. I feel like I could go on hibernation about now..."

The instructor folded his fists and clenched his teeth in frustration. He was an inch away from hitting Avic.

"So you admitted to taking this entire test as a joke, did you? Go to the principal's office, now!"

"Huh? The principal's office? What is this? Highschool?"

"For f**** sake! Just shut up and go!!"

"Alright... Alright... I hear you. Sigh... People are always preaching about freedom of speech but as soon as you're honest with them, they act like it's the end of the world. Sheesh..."

As Avic left the platform, the gazes of the other students did not desist. However, he ignored them without a care in the world as he directed himself to the principal's office. As soon as he moved past the back of the crowd, Custos jumped out at him.

"What the hell was that, Avic?!"

"What..? It's not like I did anything wrong..."

"Sigh... Not only did you give up but you also kept talking back to the instructor! Are you an idiot?"

"Probably. But that has nothing to do with it... I just realized that this test they're making us take is pointless."

"It's not pointless. It's to determine where your skill lies and what class you'll be placed in."

"And so? You were the one who told me that being the underdog has its benefits, right?"

Custos couldn't argue. All he could do was watch as Avic walked away. Despite everything that had happened so far, their time at the School Of Sicarius would be their most dangerous and entertaining yet.