
Avic and the others were left stunned. Delilah, who had been Valkyrie all along, had disappeared after leaving them with a chilling message. No one knew what to make of it. However, Custos and Eliisabet had a nasty feeling. They could easily tell that something terrible was on the verge of happening.

"What did she mean that they already accomplished what they came here for? Weren't they mixed in with all the Sicarius Faction students this entire time? What could they have accomplished here? It doesn't make sense..." Muttered Chrono.

"I... I think I understand now," stuttered Custos. "It's similar to what they did back then..."

"Back then?"

"Yes... They've done this before... If my theory serves correct, Valkyrie and Valves were only here to serve as a major distraction. While they had the attention of every single Knight and Sicarius in Discite, there's a chance that other members belonging to the Umbra were undertaking more serious matters elsewhere."

Everyone froze. It made plenty of sense. No matter how they viewed it, it made no sense for two Hybrids like Valves and Valkyrie to infiltrate a school full of newbie Sicarius and Knights. It had to be a distraction for a bigger plan.

"Then if what you say is true, we need to hurry and report back to Principal Palem!" Prompted Avic.

"You're right but we're stuck in this stupid exam..."

Just then, a voice being broadcasted on some kind of speaker began speaking aloud over the entire forest.

"Attention all Student Sicarius! Due to a high-leveled emergency, the Second Exam has been canceled! Please exit the Forest Of Mortem immediately and report back to the Outer Yard! I repeat! Please exit the Forest Of Mortem immediately and report back to the Outer Yard!"

The voice then went dead. It fueled the four of them with anxiety like never before. Custos and Eliisabet were especially bothered by this.

"What a pain... So much for everything we've done so far..!" Argued Avic.

"We should go now," prompted Chrono.

For some reason, neither Custos nor Eliisabet moved. Instead, sweat ran down the sides of their faces and a fearful look was cast over their faces. It was as if they were suffering from some kind of serious trauma.

"Eliisabet? Custos? What's wrong?" Asked Avic, a little worried.

"We shouldn't go to the Outer Yard..." Trembled Custos.

"What? Why? Where else are we supposed to go then?"

"Listen, unless you want to be captured, you'll avoid going to any rendezvous points! The best thing we can do if we hope to survive is to find a way to escape Discite now!"

"Damn it, Custos... You already know I'm not the brightest. Could you at least explain your reasoning behind all of this?"

Custos took a deep breath to calm himself before continuing.

"I'm sure you already know this but in total, there are Several Great Nations across the Realm Of The Living. Each nation is ruled by a monarchy. However, as of this day, two of those nations have fallen. One was destroyed by the GSD and the other was taken over by the Umbra. Currently, we're in Discite which is the capital of the Nation Of Regnum. I know how this ends... All of Regnum will fall to the Umbra!"

"What..? Fall to the Umbra? How can you be so sure?" Asked Chrono.

"Because Eliisabet and I have witnessed something similar. The Umbra never makes a move unless they're after something they're certain they can achieve. I'm almost certain that Regnum will fall to them given that things have already reached this stage. Anyone who opposes the Umbra will be killed or become slaves. That's why we can't risk approaching any large gatherings. Those will become prime targets for the Umbra."

"Man, this all sounds like a massive drag and I'm way too tired to deal with it... Sigh... I guess we have no choice but to return to Initium as soon as possible..."

"Avic, you still don't get it, do you? We're not worried simply because Regnum will fall! We're worried because Initium is a part of Regnum! Once Discite falls, the other towns and cities throughout all of Regnum will quickly follow. Initium won't escape it either!"

Avic couldn't believe his ears. There was no way he could accept it. He had already lost his home back in Somnia City, 10 years ago. If he were to lose Initium too then not only would he cease to have a home, but he'd also have nowhere to go.

"Then what are we going to do?! We can't just stand by and watch them take our home from us!" Argued Avic.

"Avic, there's nothing we can do... We're not strong enough..." Muttered Eliisabet.

"I know that but I can't accept this... I can't lose my home a second time..."

"We know how you feel Avic. Trust me, we do... More than you'd think... But Custos is right..! Right now, we should be thinking of a way to escape not just Discite City, but all of Regnum before it falls. Not to mention that your friend, Agni, is barely alive right now. If we take too long to make up our minds, he'll die."

Avic folded his fists in defiance. He felt pathetic and weak. He hated to admit it but up against the Umbra, he was nothing more than a pebble. He was far too weak to even be considered a threat. He was about to lose his home for a second time and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Tsk! Let's at least hurry back to Initium! We have to warn the people there! They might not be very fond of me but that doesn't mean I want to see any of them die after 10 years together! I won't let Old Man Amon get caught up in this!"