A Turn Of Events

Droplets of blood trailed behind Brad's head as it flew through the air. It almost looked as if time had slowed down. Ralph looked on in shock as his teammate's head flew right past him. It was both unprecedented and inconceivable.

Eliisabet glanced back at Ralph with the look of a tigress in her eyes. Purple electricity flashed around her body like tiny streaks of lightning. She held her bloodied yari tightly in her hand with Ralph as her next target.

"I already told you— I won't hand over our scrolls to you! We worked far too hard over the past three days to lose them to someone like you. I'll protect not only the scrolls but also my teammates with everything I have!" She declared willfully.

Ralph's frown quickly turned into a smile before further turning into a hysterical laugh. He laughed like a mad man that was enjoying himself to his heart's content. This confused Eliisabet significantly.

"So you killed both Crystal and Brad. And now you're telling me that you're going to protect your scrolls and teammates? So what? None of it matters to me! Because you've pissed me off and anyone who pisses me off ends up dead at my feet!!"

In the blink of an eye, Ralph dived forward. He drew a sword from the side of his waist and commenced his attack. He swung the sword through the air, aiming to slit Eliisabet's throat. He no longer cared whether or not she was killed. He was now eager to punish her for enraging him.

"Die!!" He shouted.

Eliisabet was forced to respond. She jumped back, trying her best to avoid his blade. However, Ralph's relentlessness was unheard of. He jumped at her again, this time slicing down at the crown of her head.

Eliisabet quickly brought her yari up to deflect the attack. As the blades screeched from contact, Ralph doubled back his other fist and delivered a painful punch to Eliisabet's liver. Her knees buckled and her body was fueled with pain. A liver shot was anything but pleasant.

She fell to the ground, trying to cope with the pain. However, Ralph was not about to let her recover. With a sharp whistle, Ralph brought down his sword. The only thing on his mind was to see Eliisabet dead.

"Bloodline Art: Thunderbolt!"

Eliisabet screamed, activating a Bloodline Art. With a bright flash, a streak of lightning was generated from the air, coming down at Ralph. Ralph was frightened to see this. It was much too fast to dodge.

Ralph screamed in pain as electricity coursed through his body. It was a direct hit. This gave Eliisabet the time she needed to recover, springing back to her feet and moving away from him. She breathed heavily and her face was covered in sweat.

Truthfully, it was the first time Eliisabet had pulled off such an attack. She was desperate and simply thought of a random attack, envisioning a bolt of lightning in her mind. With enough adrenaline coursing through her veins, she had been able to call upon a perfect amount of Hemo Energy that zapped Ralph immediately.

She watched Ralph with anticipation. He was down on his knees and his skin was charred. Steam climbed up into the air from his body and even some sections of his clothes had been severely burnt.

Eliisabet then took a deep breath. The battle seemed to be over. She didn't know how she was able to pull it off but she managed to defeat three enemies, all by herself— or so she thought.

"Bloodline Art: Wind Scythe!!"

Eliisabet looked down in shock as Ralph used a Bloodline Art of his own. It was an Affinity Of Wind, creating a sharp slash that cut through the air.

Clenching her teeth, Eliisabet was forced to throw her yari before her. The Bloodline Art clashed with her yari with a powerful bang, even causing her to fall over from the force. Fortunately, she had avoided any fatal injuries. If the attack had hit her then she would have been cut into two separate halves.

However, Eliisabet was shocked. She was sure that Ralph was down for the count. She had let her guard down far too soon.

"Urgh..." She moaned softly.

Ralph picked himself up. His rage was boiling over like hot water. He clenched his fist and tossed his sword aside. With eyes like that of the devil, he looked up at Eliisabet.

"As if a weak bitch like you from Class B would ever beat someone like me from Class A! I'm not going to make your death quick nor pleasant! I'll beat the shit out of you with my fists until that head of yours is as flat as a pancake!!"

As Eliisabet struggled to pick herself up, Ralph charged toward her. He slammed his fist into her stomach with everything he had. Eliisabet's eyes broadened with tears and the air from her lungs was forced out through her mouth.

Before the momentum of the punch could throw her back, Ralph grabbed onto her shirt collar and pulled her back toward him, snapping a few buttons. He then jammed his fist into the side of her face, slamming her head-first into the ground.

The ground trembled from the impact and was even slightly cracked open. Eliisabet was now mostly unconscious. Her senses had left her and all she could feel was pain. Even the side of her head bled from the pounding she received.

Finally, Ralph violently grabbed onto her throat, choking the life out of her.

"This is it for you! If you hadn't taken the initiative to fight back then this wouldn't have happened to you! I'm going to turn that head of yours into mush! Bloodline Art: Air Punch!!"

With Eliisabet struggling to breathe, Ralph pulled his arm back once more. A coat of Hemo Energy flowed around his fist, covering it in wind. With a final punch, something snapped.