A Strong Return! A Strong Defeat!

Valves ducked as an icy blade flew right past his head. He frowned, upset that someone had ruined his reunion with Eliisabet, yet again. Slowly, he looked up with eyes that were anything but pleased. Standing before him in defense of Eliisabet was a figure dressed in full black clothing from head to toe. The only distinguishable features were a pair of golden eyes.

"Back away from the girl now and you can walk away with your life," warned the strange figure.

Eliisabet's eyes broadened with disbelief as soon as she heard his voice. She couldn't believe it. It was as if an elephant had been lifted off her chest.

"That voice... Avic, is that you..?" She asked softly.

"Avic? Of course, I'm not Avic! Pfft!! Avic's dead so what would he be doing here?"

Tears of joy filled Eliisabet's eyes. She felt such a strong sense of relief that she had momentarily forgotten that Valves was standing right before them.

"How are you alive..? I thought you were killed! I've been heartbroken for days now, trying so hard to keep it all in... I'm so glad that you're alive, Avic... I'm so happy..!"

Avic glanced back at Eliisabet. He could see the sadness that was pressed against her face. It made him feel guilty knowing that she had been going through so much pain.

"Just sit back and relax. I won't let this guy touch you!"

"Avic, no! Don't fight him! You shouldn't have come here! You can't fight Valves! He's too strong for you!"

"Valves, huh? So this is the guy Old Man Palem wanted me to find. Good thing I sent the signal before I jumped down here..."

"Avic, he did something to Custos too! I'm not sure what, but Valves bit him on the neck and then he passed out! Please just grab Custos and run! Don't sacrifice yourself like this! You'll die for real this time!"

Avic then shifted his gaze over to Custos who was lying unconsciously on the ground. He was bleeding from the neck and his face was filled with distress. Seeing this infuriated Avic. Valves had hurt his friends. It made him furious.

"I'm not running from this guy. He hurt you and Custos! That's unforgivable in my book!"

Valves looked at Avic with a strong look of annoyance cast over his face. He too wasn't very pleased with the sudden turn of events.

"Unlike the others, I think I might just kill you. Just looking at you makes me sick! Judging by that unique Hemo Energy, I can tell that we've met before. Yes, I remember now. It was back in the Medical Room around a week ago. You interrupted my reunion with Regina! That seals the deal! I'll make sure nothing's left of you!"

"So the guy in the Medical Room that day was you? That's good to know. Gives me all the more reason to kick your ass!"

Avic lunged toward Valves with his dagger clenched between his fist. Valves didn't flinch. Instead, he stared down at him with his blood-red eyes, hungry for blood. As soon as Avic's dagger came close to him, his bat-like wing came to his defense, blocking the attack.

Avic hissed. It felt as if he was trying to cut through hard rock. This was when Valves countered with a painful kick to the gut. Avic groaned in pain as the force of the kick threw him backward, causing him to roll across the forest floor. Even a little blood had erupted from his mouth.

Wreathing in pain, Avic tried to pick himself up. However, for some reason, Valves didn't attack, despite having the perfect opportunity. Instead, he narrowed his eyes with curiosity as he looked at Avic.

"The Hemo Energy that emits from your body is different from others. I knew it was unique but there's something else to it that makes it even more special. Hmm... Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to mark you as well."

In the blink of an eye, Valves teleported to Avic's side. He then grabbed him by the hair and forced his head to the ground, revealing the side of his neck. Avic groaned in pain as he struggled to fight back but it was to no avail.

Seeing this, Eliisabet quickly took up her yari and charged toward Valves. She couldn't allow him to sink his fangs into Avic as well.

"Leave him alone! Bloodline Art: Lightning Spear!!"

Purple lightning quickly coated the blade of Eliisabet's yari. She then violently threw it toward Valves, aiming to pierce his head. However, with a single swing of his bat-like wing, Valves deflected the attack. He was far too powerful.

Before Eliisabet could even think of anything else, Valves sank his fangs into the side of Avic's neck. Avic screamed in agony as pain shot through his body like a rocket. It felt as if his neck was being torn from his body.

"Avic!! No!! Valves, stop it!! Please, I'm begging you!!" Pleaded Eliisabet desperately.

Valves then slowly lifted his head, leaving Avic to wallow in agony. Avic held the side of his bleeding neck, doing his best to quell the pain. His vision slowly began to darken and his body was becoming numb.

"That's strange," muttered Valves. "Why do I smell Valkyrie's scent on you? Did she mark you before I did? Hmm... Well, no matter. My Hemo Energy will probably battle hers for dominance within your system. Whichever wins is fine. However, you'll experience a lot more pain because of it."

Both Avic and Custos were down for the count. Only Eliisabet remained and she didn't know what to do. Knowing Valves' strength, she doubted that anyone at the School Of Sicarius would be a match for him.

"Now, where were we, my sweet sweet Regina," smiled Valves.

"W-where do you think... you're going..? You're not touching... Eliisabet..!"

Valves' blood-red eyes widened as he looked back at Avic to see that he was forcing himself to stand. This came as a massive shock. After being bitten, he was certain that Avic was supposed to be rendered unconscious. To make it even stranger, Avic was also inflicted with Valkyrie's mark which was supposed to double the pain and severity he felt. Yet, he was somehow able to get back onto his feet.

"How are you able to stand? Your Hemo Resistance has to be remarkably strong to power through my mark! Not to mention that you also have Valkyrie's mark! To resist that, you'd need to have Hemo Resistance on the level of a First Class Kato or a Hybrid!"

"I wouldn't... be so worried about me... if I were you... I'd pay more attention to myself..."


A blue substance was leaking into the air from a small bottle that Avic was holding in his hand. It filled the air immediately, causing Valves to step back in fear.

"Luna's Bane!" He exclaimed in fright.

In a matter of seconds, Valves found himself becoming extremely weak. His body felt sluggish and he was quickly becoming tired. A sly smirk crossed Avic's sweaty face as soon as he saw this.

"That's right... According to Old Man Palem, Luna's Bane can be used to kill vampires. But since you're half-human as well, it will only cut your strength in about half... Or something like that! I don't remember all the details. But this is where it ends for you, Valves!"