Maria looks trembling, especially when she sees her master staring intently. She was so nervous, her hands that were pale from washing all day were getting colder, but all he could do was kneel down and bow her head hoping not to get punished.

Lucia's image was not good. Either from the general public, or in the midst of her own subordinates. A woman from a wealthy family, being the sole heir to a giant family at a young age made her arrogant and conceited.

Lucia's family wealth is equal to Brian's family, you could say they are the perfect couple if only they have a good relationship. In fact, when their parents were still around, they were predicted to be a harmonious couple among the nobles.

Born into a high-class noble family, not to mention a rapidly growing business and having lots of shares in various large companies, Lucia and Brian live in wealth. However, if the two of them don't immediately fix the flow of destiny, it's not impossible that the unfortunate incident will repeat itself.

Not only their arrogance, the two of them are also known as violent people, even outsiders call all their servants more suitable to be called slaves because they are treated less well. In fact, all the rumors must have come from Rose and also Ethan, those who have damaged Lucia and Brian, making them like an antagonist in this world.

"S-sorry Lady, I accidentally tore it off," Maria whispered still with her face down in fear.

"Is it true that you tore it up?" Lucia tested with a tone full of emphasis and a sharp gaze.

Maria who was still very innocent at that time immediately nodded even though she didn't do that. "Y-yes Lady… I'm sorry."

Lucia took a deep breath. She likes this submissive side of Maria, but she needs a strong Maria to fight against the cruel world. "Stand up."

"I-I dare not, Lady."

"Stand up!"

Finally, with trembling knees Maria got up but with her face down in fear. "Y-yes, Lady."

"Answer me one more time and answer honestly or I'll cut your tongue out," she threatened. "Did you tear my dress?"

Maria was silent for a moment, she hesitated to answer for fear of being wrong. However, to be honest or to lie, no one can guarantee it. So, she decided to be honest and let out all the worries in her heart.

"Not me!" she shouted but with her gaze still downcast. "I'm not that stupid even though my heart is upset! Every day I have to wash everything myself and iron in the afternoon. I'm not so stupid as to rip your dress, Lady," she insisted.

In Maria's heart she had already surrendered if at that moment Lucia would punish her. She closed her eyes tightly, waiting for what Lucia would do now. However, to her surprise, Lucia laughed and it confused her.

"Oh my… you sound so loud when you're upset, Maria."

"Lady, I—"

"That's okay. I know you're telling the truth, so I won't punish you even if you're being presumptuous by yelling at me. Then, about the dress… I tore it up," said Lucia lightly. She walked to the edge of the bed and sat on it. "Sit down."

Maria obediently sat on the floor, directly facing Lucia like a maid. "Y-yes, Lady."

"From now on, be my personal maid."

Not to mention that she was relieved, Maria was again taken aback. Lucia might have said good things about the promotion of her status from being a maid in the laundry department to being her master's personal maid. However, what Maria imagined was the exact opposite.

Rumors that Lucia was a cruel and abusive master of course were well known among the servants. Moreover, butler Yun often said it, so of course it was confirmed to be true—Maria thought.

"T-thank you, Miss."

Lucia smiled bitterly. What Maria was thinking of course had already been read by her. Instead, she would use Maria as a tool to change her image and slowly regain a lot of trust from the people who had abandoned their trust in her all this time. "Good."