The sound of groans sounded so loud, filling the not-so-wide room. Ethan pushed his body vigorously, sweat dripping down his body and also Rose who was enjoying his game while sighing with pleasure.

"Aaah ... deep, dear ... deep," Rose sighed as she swayed her hips left and right, following the swaying of Ethan's body who was stabbing his penis with passion.

Seeing his mistress enjoying the sexual services he provided, Ethan accelerated his movements, making Rose even more overwhelmed.

"Aaaaakkhhh!" he screamed as he stabbed his penis deeper and then he felt a warm liquid gush.

Not long after, Rose also felt the peak of her orgasm exploded, making her body roll violently while enjoying the faithful moments that were created when they achieved the pleasure. "Akkhhh ... Shit!"

They collapsed hugging each other, feeling the remnants of the pleasure they had previously.

The ragged breaths began to return to normal, their sweat mingled making the body temperature feel hotter.

Rose got out of bed, then grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her body. "Let's tidy up your room, Than. I'm afraid that Lucia will come suddenly."

Ethan felt reluctant to miss their time together, he pulled Rose back into his arms. "Just a moment, I still miss you."

"Than... come on, we can't let our guard down for now. I also have to see Brian soon, it feels weird that he's not looking for me like he used to."

Ethan snorted in annoyance. He felt jealous, he was worried if Rose really fell in love with Brian who was clearly richer and also handsome.

"You're not really in love with him, are you, Rose?" Ethan began to investigate.

Rose chuckled, she immediately looked at her lover affectionately. "Can't you see how much I love you?"

hearing those sweet words, Ethan immediately melted at Rose who was good at stealing his heart. "Oh my... how can I see that?"


"When I look at you, I always feel scared."

Rose was astonished, she even frowned until her brows knit together. "It means?"

Ethan cupped her face and stared at her intently. "I'm afraid I'll fall in love with you even more."

Any woman will feel happy when she feels loved, that's what Rose is feeling now. There is a sense of pride in being able to get the love and attention of 2 men at once, unlike Lucia who is lost in the illusion of her own love--Rose thought.

They were again dissolved in the hot caress, dissolved in the seductive solution of passion. Meanwhile at her residence, Lucia was surprised by the arrival of a guest she never expected.

The man got out of his car, then bravely walked over to Lucia who was about to go to his house at that time. However, who would have thought that he himself would come over.

"Hi, Lucy," he said.

It felt foreign to her ears, hearing greetings from people who had always been at odds with her.

Seeing Brian who was standing straight in front of her, with his tall and sturdy body made her smile bitterly, she remembered how the man's body died horribly with a body that had swelled due to being drowned at the bottom of the lake for several days by his killer.

If she had told her all about it, would Brian have believed it? She thought.

"Hi, Bri."

Brian smiled kindly at her. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, and you?"

"I'm fine too. I think it would be a lot more fun to talk while sitting there," he said, pointing to a park bench that Lucia used to relax on in the morning or evening.

"A-ah... I'm sorry. Come on, let's sit down and enjoy some tea."

A waiter came with two cups of hot tea and some snacks. Brian grabbed his cup and took a sip of his tea to relieve the awkwardness and nervousness.

Their relationship was indeed not very good, especially after their parents died. In fact, the relationship could have been good if Ethan and Rose hadn't made it worse.

They were lost in their own thoughts. Of course it would have been easier if they had been honest about what was happening to them now, but both Lucia and Brian were too worried that they would be considered crazy for telling the truth.

Even so, it is clear that they are now thinking of the same goal; save themselves from the fateful fate that could happen again if they do not immediately turn the path of destiny from now on.



They spoke at the same time, then suddenly things got even more awkward.

"Y-you can talk first, Bri."

"Y-you can talk first, Lucia."

Again, they were talking at the same time, strange and ridiculous. They laughed, breaking the previously awkward atmosphere.

For a moment there was only the sound of laughter from them, then slowly the laughter disappeared. Brian took a deep breath, he had to quickly convey the purpose of his arrival today to Lucia.

No matter how Lucia's reaction would be, she wouldn't be afraid to speak. Whether he would accept or even reject it emphatically, he would still speak.

"Lucia, let's marry me."