Ethan parked his car in the courtyard of his lover's mansion--Lucia. He intended to take her out to cheer him up and mend their relationship after their previous fight.

  As Rose said, he had to get used to being more gentle with Lucia if they wanted their plan to work. Although actually he was getting tired of this play, because Rose kept on persuading him, he couldn't help but fulfill the request of the woman he loved so much.

  A servant with a stocky build came up to him. She was the butler Yun, one of the spies he had in Lucia's mansion.

  "Mr. Ethan," she greeted.

  "Butler Yun, where's Lucy?"

  "Miss left a while ago, sir."

  "Whoa... where?"

  The woman nodded slowly. "I don't know, sir. Miss had just left, when I asked her personal maid she didn't know where she went either."

  Hearing that, Ethan looked at the butler Yun in astonishment. "Personal maid? Since when?"

  "Since yesterday, sir."

  Ethan was still surprised, even though Lucia had always refused when he asked her to hire a personal maid. Not because he was worried, he intended to hire his other subordinates to spy on his fiancé.

  "Strange," he mumbled.

  "There is something even stranger, sir," continued butler Yun.


  The woman grinned widely, then held out her hand to Ethan. "This is good information, so it's not free."

  Hearing that, Ethan snorted in annoyance. If it wasn't for the fact that he needed butler Yun's presence, of course he wouldn't be willing to spend money on her.

  "Gosh… alright." He took out his wallet, then took out some bills. "Say it quickly!"

  The woman counted the amount of money Ethan had given her, then pursed her lips. "Good grief Mr Ethan… you are so stingy. This is really important news, you will regret it if you miss it."

  An irritated Ethan finally pulled a few bills back from his pocket. "This! There is no more!"

  Butler Yun smiled happily, this kind of extra money she was really looking forward to. She put the money in her pocket. "Mr. Brian was here earlier."

  Hearing that, Ethan nailed it. "W-what?!"

  "Mr. Brian just came and talked for a long time with Miss."

  Ethan still couldn't believe it, Brian's arrival at Lucia's residence was something very foreign and had never happened before. Especially if it was true that they were drinking together at the same table, that was even more strange.

  "What are they talking about?"

  The woman nodded slowly. "No one is allowed to come near, not even her personal maid."

  Increasingly strange to Ethan, he felt uneasy but for no apparent reason. "Oh my.. what's going on?" Ethan sat on a park bench nearby. "Then make me some tea."

  "Yes sir."

  Butler Yun walked away, about to prepare food and drink for Ethan. The man was used to Lucia's luxurious mansion. It wasn't the first time he acted like a host in his fiancé's residence. Unbeknownst to him, Lucia's room had a pair of eyes watching her.

  The woman immediately grabbed the cell phone that Lucia had given her, sending a message to her employer according to the order. Lucia was the savior of her life, especially from the bullying the other maids put on her. Therefore, Martha would return the favor by working loyally and faithfully for Lucia.

  "You damn man," she growled, seeing Ethan teasing a young servant who was preparing tea for him, not forgetting to take pictures to prove it to her master.