Lucia looked at Brian with a pitying look. The man's skin looks red like something burned, the moaning sound from his lips sounds sad. She can't imagine how sick Brian is right now.

  "What's the chronology, Samona?" she asked without taking her eyes off Brian.

  "I don't know for sure, Ms. At that time, Master was looking for something in the warehouse, so I went to bring him food and drink."

  Lucia nodded slowly. "Then he wasn't poisoned, right?"

  "The doctor has checked it and there is no indication of poisoning, Miss. Master had not eaten or drunk anything before something like this happened. If anything, I'm the one who gave it and it's all been checked."

  "No, I'm not suspecting you. But, hearing your explanation, that means he's not poisoned." Lucia looked at the watch in her hand, they had already missed their dinner. "Lucifer, order some food for all of us, I'm hungry."