
“..we arrived.. this is my palace.. Eispalast..” Ninefinity and Ziel arrived in front of Eispalast. The king and former king also changed back to their half-human form. Standing tall in front of the giant gate of Eispalast, ready to reveal the truth at hand. Erick raised his right hand, splashed Magia, opened the gate with his magic.

", the solid gate that holds the power of Draecorona.."

The big doors slowly shifted in response to Erick's magic. There was a slight shock on the ground as the two of them opened to reveal a white palace complete with a snow-covered courtyard. The nine pairs of feet stepped into the courtyard of the Draecorona royal palace.

"That.. Mr. Erick..?? but.. inside??” the guards at the entrance of Eispalast were confused to see that there was another Erick in front of them.

"Yeah.. the one in there is a fake figure who imitated and stole my Blue Spirit.. I'm the real Erick.." Erick tried to explain the situation and convince the guards in front of him. He believes that with the 7 Kings accompanying their affairs, the trouble can be quickly resolved.


"How do we know if you are the real Mr. Erick?? How could Blue Spirits be stolen and used carelessly??” unfortunately the guards did not easily believe in Erick's words. They had more faith in the current Blue Spirit wearers. The spears in their hands were raised, threatening the real King who was trying to straighten things out.

“Marco.. Gregory.. you two were by my side that night.. before this disaster started.. can't you feel me? It's me, Erick."

"Yes.. did the 7 other kingdom leaders and your former kings by their side not prove enough ..??" said Peter defending Erick, brandishing his A Froura back. Proving his power as the Guardian of Chaldene who is defending his friends.

".. we obey the King who wears the Blue Spirit.. don't think you can fool us.. could it be that you all conspired to bring down master Erick inside..?!?!"'


"Yeah.. you better get out of here..!!!" the guards were in unison still holding up the spears in their hands. Erick raised his hands.

“Marco.. you have to believe me…”

"hhh.. Dragons.. stubborn .." Cyrus shook his head at the attitude of the two guards. Even though Erick has been so convincing but still doesn't want to believe.

"shut up..!!! or after we expel with violence you will leave..?!?!”

“The seven of us came all the way from all corners of the Arc Chaestra in search of the truth and after arriving here you thought we would just leave..?!?!” Damian said who didn't give up. His tough character made him dare to fight.

"What’s going on..??" finally the impersonator came out of Eispalast upon hearing the commotion outside. Without any suspicion or guilt he confidently appeared with a Blue Spirit gleam on his forehead.

“... ah Your majesty..” Marco and Gregory lowered their spears and bowed to the fake Erick.


SRAAKKK…..!!!!!!! An annoyed Erick immediately pushed him against the Eispalast wall until the wall cracked. Because he had been holding back his emotions, the veins in his hands were visible. You can see the cold air around him.

"ha ha ha.. look who's coming.. someone who imitates my appearance .." said the imitator while looking down at the original King of Draecorona. The look on his face was really annoying.

"YOU'RE THE WHO IMMEDIATE ME B******..." Erick shouted angrily. His fangs appeared in between his loud voice making his face look even more sinister.

"Erick .." Andrew scared himself when he saw his brother venting his emotions. He was worried that Erick would only hurt himself.

"hey.. hey.. behave .." the palace guards again pointed their spears at Erick who was emotional. The absolute power of the Blue Spirit that the fake Erick wore convinced them that the wearer was indeed their King.

“I TOLD YOU HE WAS THE ONE WHO STEALED BLUE SPIRIT FROM ME...!!!!” His blue pupils narrowed even more. Erick tried his best to hold back his anger for his outrageous imitators. His tail feathers bloomed, representing his overflowing emotions.

Several other guards as well as Eispalast's maids scattered out or peeked out of the windows. They were seen whispering in surprise that there were two Ericks there. One of Erick wore Blue Spirit and was defended by the guards of Eispalast while the other Erick was with their old King and seven other Arc Chaestra leaders.

"What is going on over there?"

"I don't know.. you just see, how could there was two of King Erick?"

"You know how can that be.."

"I knew something was wrong with our King now..."

"Uh look.. 7 other clan kings are on that lord Erick's side..."

"That's why I'm confused about who to believe... is it easy for the Blue Spirit tiara to be stolen?"

“The 7 kings of other clans… can we trust them too?”

"Lastly, they helped solve the Gate of South disaster... for some reason I just want to believe them..."

"Are you crazy? Since thousands of years ago, we have always been subject to the Blue spirit."

“But what if 'he' is our fake King? Lately his behavior is a bit different from the usual Mr. Erick right .. "

“But what if it was the King of the other 7 clans who wanted to destroy us? You see over there the Shapeshifter King, he must have some secret magic to imitate someone's appearance.”

"Don't make it up, we can only transform into animals.. we don't have other people's impersonation magic .." Damian who was hot to hear the whispers answered.

"Who is it that makes our gossip that can imitate any form?" he said again.

Indeed, after hundreds of years in a fractured relationship, many strange rumors were heard originating from other clans. Dragons, Beasts and Shapeshifters are some of them.

"Yeah.. we've been busy enough with our own royal affairs.. why do we have to bothering you guys... after all lying down on the bed at weekends is better .." Peter said, folding his arms. The honesty of the answer actually made Nathanael and Adryan look away and then giggled to themselves.

"We've started to dispel the rumors that Dragons are a bloodthirsty clan you know... you want that gossip to spread and get worse in the Arc Chaestra?" This time, Nathanael was the one who said.

“…. Bloodthirsty clan dragons?! Who is-"

"hoaahhmm….. this fake guy is really troublesome.. Peter's right, even though it's the weekend .. " Cyrus nagged in turn, getting annoyed with the pointless debate between the two Ericks.

"SHUT UP..!! From earlier accusing the fake the fake... can you really prove that he is indeed the real Erick Silverstream? I could just order all the dragons in Draecorona to chase you and your friends away now.." said the imitator while rolling his eyes. He is not afraid of Erick or his friends.

"hahahahaha…. Don't act like you're the real King of Draecorona.. You're not necessarily a real Dragon, right.. Now try to prove it, change your form into a Dragon..” Adryan, somehow at times like this his fad really helps.

"Tch.. bla bla bla.. well.. how about we just play.." it was clear that the fake Erick couldn't do the challenge that Adryan proposed. He had never seen Erick's form in Dragon form. He don't know the stripes on his body, the shape of his claws, or whether he has horns or not. Not to mention if Dragon Erick does have additional jewelry or attributes.

The fake Erick defied back, took off the Blue Spirit and wrapped it in magic until the tiara floated in the air between the two of them.

"What are you doing?!"

"inviting all of you to play.. and let all the Dragons who are here to witness .."

The impersonation of the fake Erick was absolutely perfect. He meticulously imitates the eye color, hair, horn shape, scales, tail, even the silvery blue color of Erick’s Magia. The color of Magia is an absolute God's creation, a gift for every clan in the Arc Chaestra that is part of the universe. Both the color and appearance of Magia should be IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to imitate. But a fake Erick who is able to imitate it, means that he is a deviation from the laws of nature itself. Ninefinity secretly began to think of a way to defeat the creature of unknown origin.

Who or 'what' is this fake Erick? How could he do the impossible for earthlings? But what is clear is that the crime must be stopped.

"Whatever you plan we will definitely win.. and reveal who you really are.."

What game is the villain planning?