
Still in that tense atmosphere, the whispers in the crowd were getting louder and louder. What is the villain planning?

“This is the game.. if your friends are able to prove who the real Erick Silverstream is between you and me.. Blue Spirit will come to you.. but if they are wrong, I am the real Erick.. then I will banish you forever from Draecorona and you ..the former King.. will be branded as a traitor and banned from entering this kingdom forever..” he said while pointing at Ninefinity and Ziel.

Ninefinity looked at each other with doubtful eyes but tried to reassure each other.

"..Ninefinity.. I believe in you guys.. I believe in my friends.." Erick looked at his friends once again. He was sure the bond that had been created between all of them was not that weak. Ziel also nodded at the eight Kings who were being challenged by the imitator, believing..

".. friend?"

They gulped. One little bit of the fate of Erick and Ziel at stake. Ryota took a step back, doubts filling his mind.

".. get ready all of you"

Wuuuussshhh..... The fake Erick also created a big wind that dispelled their sight. As soon as the wind dissipated, the two Ericks stood side by side. Their differences are now even more blurred. This time, the imitator also imitated Erick's attitude and movements according to what he had observed earlier.

"...Erick?" Peter starts the game by calling his friend.

"YES..??" both answered at the same time. Their voices and intonations are exactly the same. The atmosphere grew tense at that time. Around them the residents of Draecorona were getting more and more crowded watching them in front of Eispalast. They themselves could not tell which Erick was the real one, just waiting and guessing according to what they saw.

"... what is my name??" asked Peter again. He chose simple questions as the start of the game.

"PETER Ainsley .." still in unison they answered. Even this time their intonation was no different.

"Wow.. how is this.." Ziel who was standing at the back was getting more and more doubtful and annoyed at the imitator who took advantage of the situation to pay attention to Erick's attitude.

“... say something about us that only our friend Erick knows.” Damian challenged while holding Andrew and Peter's hands tightly. One question that will certainly be asked in the same situation everywhere.

Fake Erick answered..

“You are Damian, the Spirit of Darkness ruler of Mavr Lykos…”

This time the real Erick chimed in..

".. Peter studied magic with a Unicorn named Cyari.."

Not staying silent, the fake answered again.

"Andrew Cerise, you are the ruler of Thalassas.. Cyrus Xaviersky the Prince of Nereida, Adryan Dawson the ruler of Groilandia.. Ryota taka.. Takahiko Priest of Foxes, Nathanael Sam who has white wings, Ruler of Asteria .." He answered one by one the names and the title 7 Kings while pointing. The look on his face looks very confident that he can beat the real Erick. It sucks.

"Hahaha.. you..!!! You only mentioned our names and titles.. which obviously all the residents of Arc Chaestra can guess easily.. now I challenge you.. if you are indeed our real friend Erick.. how do we seal the Gate of South..?? ” Cyrus replied with both wings opened, defiantly while pointing at the fake Erick. The child's voice sounded really loud getting tired of all this game.

“whooaaa… good question”

"even we who are here don't know how, right?"

"Only the 9 Kings themselves know exactly what happened"

“I am with you, Prince of Pixies…”

"He said the Demigod didn't survive the disaster right?"

"Let's just listen to the testimony of them there .."

Everyone who had watched them since earlier was shocked by the question because they themselves didn't know the answer either. A question that only the real Erick could answer considering that it was only the Arc Chaestra leaders who sealed the sacred gate that day.

The real Erick took a deep breath preparing to answer but..

“..the Father of Demigod sacrificed himself by plunging into the fissure of the earth and 'we' all sealed the gate with full force.. and you Cyrus Xaviersky, is a spellcaster who uses the language of heaven in place of himself plunging into the fissure.. He chose you because your magic level is the highest among 'us'…” Again the fake replied with a grinning smile. Leaving the original Erick who was silent and lost quickly.

The crowd of Dragons was amazed and surprised to hear what happened that day..

"Oh my God.. that's how it happened..."

"No wonder I heard that the current Demigods have no leader..."

"He is our real King, he knows everything... he is Mr. Erick.."

Everyone there began to point out that it was indeed the real King of Dragons.

"Hehehe... I won" said fake Erick in his heart. He looked at the Blue Spirit who was still hovering between them. Game isn't over yet...

Ninefinity looked at each other. They seemed to make sure that at this time their thoughts were the same. Spontaneously, Andrew shouted at the original Erick who was lost in thought.


The real Erick immediately turned to Andrew while the fake didn't pay attention. The Blue Spirit flew over to the real Erick and reattached it to his forehead.

At that time, when they had finished bringing the other 6 kings back to their respective countries, Andrew and Dragon Erick were left. The Earl of Siren deliberately wanted to be the last one to be escorted because going back to the north sea was not a problem for him. He wanted to be with his Dragon brother longer.

"...if after this I ask us all to stay connected, or visit each other maybe... do you mind Andrew?"

"..I'll be the happiest about it, Erick.."

"I thought you would reject it.. I'm tired of being labeled as a blood-thirsty clan.. I'm sure Adryan as a Beast is the same way.. let's unite the 9 kingdoms like before the Gate of South war broke out... huh?" Dragon Erick's formidable wings are tireless even though he has traveled around the Arc Chaestra to escort his friends. One day's rest at Asteria when taking Nathanael home was more than enough to restore his strength and Magia which was exhausted after the sealing.

"Of course.." Andrew who was sitting on Dragon Erick's head was now leaning on one of his horns. Erick's white hair gave off a fresh mint scent. The ruler of the sea enjoys the journey while closing his eyes, feeling alive..

“By the way, what is Dragon's time span? One Siren year is 8 years.." He asked suddenly.

"12 years.. I'm currently 23 years old Dragon, or 276 years old.."

“Almost 300 YEARS?! That means I'm much younger than you huh.. I'm still 20 years old Siren.."

"Hahahaha... than your brother I'm more like your great-grandfather huh.."

"But it's still a matter of age from our clan year, which means I can call you brother..."



"Draecorona's local language for 'brother' is Eldri.. you can call me that if you want.."

"can I? Alright.. Eldri Erick”

"Eldri is enough, Andrew.."

Again, Andrew smiled. He didn't expect the Dragon he had seen in his childhood to become a big brother figure who loved him so much now. Far from the shadow of Erick who feels that he will not be loved by the outside world, it turns out that there is one in a million who still want to appreciate him.

Spread kindness as much as possible, then He will return to you many times in unexpected ways.

The brilliance of the blue spirit when it was re-attached to the owner's forehead was dazzling. Sparks of silvery Magia scattered, celebrating the return of the original King of the Dragons clan.

The fake was emotional to see the Blue Spirit re-attached to the original Erick's forehead which indicated that he had lost his own game.


“Yes, you correctly answered the question Cyrus asked.. but did you forget that your previous words were 'if my friends can prove who the real Erick is..' meaning from the start it all depended on them .. and Andrew proved it. . Eldri is a special call for him for me.. you are consumed by your own words .. " Erick said as he approached and embraced his younger Siren brother. They are now reunited in one group. Ninefinity managed to beat the imitator at its own game.

"You may have found out who we were before.. but you never know the memories we have spent together.. I don't even understand why you can know what happened when we were at the Gate of South while we never divulged it to anyone but the Demigods…” still embracing his friends, Erick said while sneering at his imitator who had messed up not only Draecorona but also other countries in the Arc Chaestra.

"Just admit your defeat.. there's no point in dodging because the Blue Spirit has returned to our Erick.." Cyrus said in the arms of his Dragon friend.

“… how dare you.. deceive us all this time..”

Now Marco and Gregory were brandishing spears at the fake again. Followed by several other guards who had been watching the events there. Eispalast's servants also flocked behind Ninefinity as well as Ziel. Now Draecorona and Arc Chaestra are ready to defend the proven truth.

"Yes.. surrender.. show who you really are, take responsibility for your crimes.. return the peace we have worked so hard to bring to this world.. clear the name of the Dragons clan because right now for sure.. 8 other clans are cursing us all..." pupils of Erick’s eyes constricted, secretly preparing the Magia in his bloodstream to attack the enemy at any moment. Peter gripped A Froura, Damian ignited his Magia. They are ready.. to fight.

Feeling he was cornered, there was no other choice but to confess. The imitator smiled faintly, still not feeling daunted by the unification of the 8 royal heads of the Arc Chaestra clan. He dragged one leg dragged backwards, his eyes glanced at the crowd on the left and right and in front of him.

As long as there is light there will be shadows.