war famiies

" you can step up to throne or become war second "

Everyone walked into the room, Seldanna close the door. " Sana you can take it or be war second in command which Lusha will be full deck chieftain of the war lancers, u get a decorative weapon of the warrior queen, we are going on a three-day rally training to master new given attacks, said. Seldanna," the same goes for you Theodmer, you can be the war king or war second in command which the war lancers will go to Tarron, means you get a decorative war weapon of the war king, said. Theodas, " mam you giving the lancers to me? Asked. Lusha, " yes, you can be a lancer chieftain, a great one like Sana, Theodmer, and Tarron. No one picks to leave the home they know for something greater calling, daughter-in-law, the call of a knight life picks and calls to you, you just never answered it before, you were searching for a war kingdom you found one, the same thing we told Tarron to. Said, Seldanna. " I want to be your war second in command mother, it will be my honor and I will not let you down again. Said, Sana. " Sana you never did let me down, this is your calling until you are ready to take the crown from me, pick your weapon, my daughter. Said, Seldanna. She chose her mother's war rings, Seldanna pulled them off and hand them to her, " on our training I will teach you how to use them and how to lead, " thank you for believing in me mother, said. Sana took the war rings from her, " your turn Lusha pick your weapon, said. Seldanna, "I get a weapon too?" As in charge of my lancers like those who are my chieftains get a weapon from me. She told her, she pick her elven blades. A secondary weapon of war chieftains. Seldanna pulled the belt off and put it around her, " I pick to be your war second in command father, thank you. Said, Theodmer, " like your sister this is your calling until the day you are ready for the throne son, pick your weapon. Said, Theodas. He picked up his war ax, pulled it out, and hand it to him. " in training I teach you how to use it, and how to lead. He handed it to him, he smiled and take it from his father, " Tarron my boy pick a weapon. Said, Theodas, he picked his double-handled elven blade, he take the belt off and put it on him," with the dark war rising, all of the war kingdoms, the World of males and some of the protection kingdoms are going out to train, that what we are going to do to, said. Theodas, they walked out of the sitting room, their chieftains and knights walked up to them. " the dark war is rising and needs to be ready so we are going on a three-week training rally to the war fields, there I will give your chieftains and war second war attacks, Kali, Ceada, Alias, and Jastira it also time for your guard too, they got up on their horse, they ride out of the castle and through the gate of winds, " where are we going Grammy? Asked. Selphine, " to the woods of war Selphine, Grammy training grounds, this is the first day of your training as a female war Knight, where you get your first elven weapon made, answered. Seldanna, back at the castle, the mount up on their horses, and ride out of the castle, and through the gates of wind, and the opposite way as his wife, Seldanna the queen of war, " pappy? called. Pearis, " yes my grandson, answered, Theodas. " where are we going? asked. Pearis, " to the war hills of elves, pappy's training grounds, said. Theodas. as the sun was going down in the sky and the winds were blowing through the trees. They arrived at the training grounds, there are archer fields and huts, calvary fields and huts, infantry training dummies and huts, Blitzer fields and huts, and something new a lancer training fields and dummies and huts, and a war elven weapon camp, they got off their horses tie them to the war posts and went into their tents, excepted her chieftains and war second in command walked inside of the war command tent and sit down, she passed them the new attack commands, " Kania the four-wheel arrow attack, the wheels got to even, and the arrows got to flow in the name of war, can it be mastered? asked, Seldanna, " war my war queen we will try to master it, said. Kania, "I know you will, you never fail in master an attack that I give to you, Keenor the winds attack, front and rear got to be the same in the full rally, can it be met, asked. Seldanna, " with three -day training we do what we can my war queen, war it will be mastered, said. Keenor, " you always get it master, Rania my friend the four winds attack, " we mastered it Seldanna, war. said, Rania, " you never fail in attack my friend, Vanya the blitz fury can it be mastered? asked, Seldanna. " yes my war queen, she pick up Lusha, " you are a new chieftain Lusha in this is your true calling, this what I said to the four of them, as new chieftains I don't give you attack in expect to in war order, this is your training as a chieftain so like Sana I want you both to follow me hear why I say to them, and our chieftains and armies, here your war skills grow as chieftain of the war Lancers, and war commander, let's start training good luck, they walked out of the tent, they went into their fields and take their knights out, Seldanna, Sana, and Lusha walked into the lancers trainging grounds and got them to train with the new war attack, as Lusha watch her training them, Theodas and his knights made it to the traing hills of elves, their is archer fields with targets and tents, calvary fields and tents, infantry fields and dummies and tents, blitzers fields and dummies, and tents, something new lancer fields and tents, they walked in their fields, as they walked inside the war command tent, and they sat down,