Can you hear that, can you see that ? I can the drums of males and war elves is gathering in a rally o war against the dark one, all of war us coming and all of war is marshibg, far as the eye can see black and white armors, in the far, what is that sound !? " he is calling is Knights p, said. Aeson, " warm up water or he trying to tired us out first, said. Symina, " funny in war that would be the day. Said, Gerrik, the gates of the Delmar castles is opening up, and the Knights Rode out, " war he mounting an attack with them, Said Theodemer," war son this is no time to turn chicken, said. Theodas, " war who said I was father, " I agree with Theodemer I rather not ride against them,said.Theodluin. " they just dark knights we stop them here and hold them here, said. Aeson, "Father we are talking about Dark knigbts, did you forget the last time we try to war them?asked, Theodliun, " war you son I wouldn't dare to, said. Theodas, " war father I want grown and cautious, said. Theodemer, " war grown and cautious, said. Seldanna, " My war queens and kings its good to be war grown and cautious, said. Gorandal, " war you scare of dark Knights nephew? Why we sitting talking about it, said. Aeson, " uncle Aeson dark elves is nothing but Dark knights is nothing to war on,said. Respen, "