war skillful

A day of training.

It starts to rain this night, as they follow the wild dogs' tracks, they are wet and cold, " Darshee goes out again, we are going to stop for the night, said, Seldanna. there's n human army of males is out tracking the wild dogs too, the Elven Scouting army followed the tracks out of the woods, Darshee younger sister Shalaevar Wyngwyn spot something up ahead, she held out her hand to tell them to stop, "now they are turning Darshee, something got them to spook, said. Shaleavar, out of the corner of their eyes an arrow fly at them, which knock Shaleavar off her horse, " you okay!? asked, Darshee. "yeah where did that arrow come from, know they know out of the hilltops the Ifguard kingdom their scouts attacking, " weapons form up war strike, ride back to Seldanna tell her we being attack make haste, said. Darshee, Jeardra Norlen full gallop back up the hills to the warrior queen, they pulled up their elven blades and went on the counter-attack, " my war queen, my war queen! she walked out of her tent as she rides up to them, " human males is attacking us, my war queen! reported, Jeardra, " leave our let' s mount up knights full ride to aid, they jumped up on their horses and gallop down the hills, " my lord our scouts is under attack by dark elves scouts, said. Rollin the Little, " weapons charge Ifguard! yelled out Rolvo Bo-Me, a male knight kicked Shaleavar and stab her, she screamed, Darshee cut his head off, take off her helmet and hold her sister in her arms, " was a good run, my sister, said. Shaleavar, " what you talking about, we both came to serve the great war queen of Richwood, my sister, we made a pack to scout together, to fight together, er and to die together, they arrived at the same time, " throw down your weapons dark elves! you just killed one of my scouts! ordered, Rolvo Bo-Me, " you males as dumb as you are blind, we are not dark elves! we are war elves from the war kingdom of Richwood! she jumped off her horse, and kneel, " let me see Shaleavar, the wound is bad but not serve, she pulls out her medicine pack and open it, " what happens?" we were following the wild dogs like order when his scouts came at us! you are outnumbered, and out skilled, males!" shh-shh, Darshee, this can not be forgiven what happen to one of my scout's human king, she put the king soil powder on her, and speak in her tongue the healing cure, " you say there were dark elves, Rollin are you blind! we are following the wild dogs, they attack a village of ours, said. Rolvo Bo-Me. " you want them to have them, now this is a Rally of war, human king, for the attack of my scouts, all of the war kingdoms will rally against you and march to Ifguard, I got you, she picked her up and put her on her horse, Darshee got her horse and said, " I look forward to finishing what you have started, " knights the rally o lay is done we heading home and preparing for war, to waken my entire army, they turn around and left, " there are a lot of Elven war kingdoms if one is attack, they all rally to aid, the same goes for the Elven protection kingdoms, the ones that don't rally to war or to protect is the peace kingdoms, said. Hemon del Río, " that was Seldanna of Richwood she doesn't rally against the weak, or the non-challenge, the third powerful Elf on this land, every war elf have a massive force that in slumber mode, we just waken every massive force thanks to our scouts, nice going Rollin, they are not dark elves, dark elves is in black armor not gold, they do not go on horseback war elves does, use your eyes next time. said, Rainard the Hero. " what I need is to see if one of the peace kingdoms can help me, so they ride to one of the peace kingdoms to seek help, they ride into the gates of the castle, they help her off the war queen horse, Seldanna jumped off her horse, and they carrying Shaleavar into the healing room, and put the healing gallon on her, " rest my friend I see to some food send to you, you are home now, said. Seldanna, she strokes her hair, her war Blitzer chief Vanya Beigolor, walked up to her, " we are awakened my war queen, and war hawks been sent to every war kingdom as will, said. Vanya, " good job Vanya, I need every chief and my seven heads of war in the war room, everyone walked inside the room, they arrived in the peace kingdom, Sillavana, and her four minds walk out of the castle, " when a human king ever comes to a kingdom of peace using to break peace who they wrong, said. Hubys, " whoever this may go will get both Seldanna and him to work as one to aid and protect us, said, Allyuna, " he is a human king from Ifguard he can't come across the country to aid us, but Richwood is in the woods she can, said. Jhaan, " let' s found out who he wrong my queen of peace. Said, Sumina, " I need your help, my scout party just attack another scouting party and even hers took one of mine, and mine injured one of hers, I can't be in war with all of the war kingdoms and their massive forces, I need a scroll of peace between me and her, said, Rolvo Bo-Me. " he attacks Seldanna war scouts, when will these human males start to look before acting? Asked. Hubys, "I have it drawn up, as we speak rally hawks already been sent out, let me speak to her and see would she come to a peace call between you and her, she got in the carriage and ridden out to the war kingdom, " this may not go well my queen of peace, said. Allyuna, " she has a second army? asked. Jhaan, they ride up to the gates and Sillavana got out of the carriages and walked up to the gates, Kali and Alias walked up to the gates.