Has beginning
It is told by the lands of elven that when he sends his darkness onto the world, males, and elves will rally against him, in the long history of elves or males this is the first to come. " name of war, asked. Aeson. The dark war is on, every elf and man charge head-on doing their new attacks. They told their archers now, as they fall back and open fire at them, dark elves fall on the ground dying, they send forth their calvery, they full galloped at them down the Valley drawing out their spears, they are smashing through them. "war, they all said. Not a single dark elves were lifted alive this day. They saw smoke raise from the south, " mother, the peace kingdoms are being attacked by docks, their daughters all said. " then Wing wood will right to Richwood to aid, said. Theodas, looked at his wife, " when have war doesn't go to those who need help, Darshee takes your scouts out and hold and send, said. Seldanna, "yes my war queen, scouts move out! They galloped back up the valley, " Thallan join your wife, said. Theodas, " yes my war king. Move out, they left them, " we see you all soon our friends, in the name of wartime to war aid, wing wood head out. They ride South, " we will he attacked those that can't fight back, we will aid them in Pluthwood, what do you think my love? Asked. Aeson, " we shall go and turn the tides of war, Roshia take them out and send word when you are there, said. Symina, " yes, my war queen, army head out, they ride North to Pluntwood where there are a peace and protection kingdoms are. " Montwood move out! Yelled out Aeson. They ride north, "we ride east there lies our brother and sister war kingdom, long with Love kingdoms peace kingdoms and protection kingdoms. Said, Delmuth. " then we waited for, some went east, south, north, and west to aid others. They send out their scouts to scouts. The war is far from over, and the dark one is just getting started. Back in Richwood, the kingdom of peace is under attack by Dockas, We attack and hold them here, Selphine ride to the warrior queen and war king, and tells them where we are. Go, weapons! They pull off their spears and rise them, " wait you picking me to go, " there is no reason why we all do our part Selphine, someone has to raise the alert to them, to be a great scout is not to go to war in the name of war, is to spot, and report that what makes a great war Scout. Darshee look at her after telling her this, she nods and rides back, they galloped down to the castle attacking them. "
Elves screaming and running, " we need help Theodore in the name of peace. Said, Sillivana. They strike like lightning, and Selphine rides up to them. " my war queen, my war king! They are at the peace kingdom Funny looked duck things are attacking. The report, Selphine." Good my granddaughter, move out, they galloped down to them, destroying every last Docka. " I guess peace can't survive without war or protection. Said, Theodas, " much as you hate her mother they need us to live on, said. Sana, " the four meet on elven land war will provide aid if protection provide protection. Said, Theodmer. " in the name of war, said. Lusha and Tarron got off their horses and walked up to the entrance, Theodore and Sillavana walked up. " we provide aid to all of the peace kingdoms, hear me that is all we give, we are in war Theodore those that don't have an army those cant not fight. He is sent in dark armies of Docka's, Peake's, Dark elves, and Delmar Dark Knights to attack, peace maybe not be without War and protection, all three are in a war right now we can always come to defend, said. Theodas, " word of wars peace get your people into your castle, make a powerful speech that wants them to aid you in peace, put guards on your walls armed them with weapons defend what is yours, do not wait for aid to come to you, said. Seldanna, " if you do your aid be too far to get to you, no we not spare knights to guard you, we need all our war knights in this war, talk with the kingdom of protection see will they provide you with protection. Time for your ad the rulers to become rulers and shield and aid yourself said. Theodas, " if you have magic to provoke change you have the power to shield and protect you and your people, he sees you and the others as defenseless and helpless Sillavana he knows all of the peace kingdoms not going to rally against him in the name of war, said. Seldanna, Theodmer, Lusha, Tarron, and Sana. "
this is serious now, time in war you both need to take a stand against, can't is an option anymore, said. Sana, " even Protection knows that it is time to rally out in face him head-on, doing nothing and celebrate nothing has come to an end. Meet all the war kingdoms halfway at least, said. Lusha, " you want aid for peace, do the work meet us half, repair, your defense guard yourself if you are open you only welcome those who do not care that you are harmless. Said, Tarron, " tell your others to do the same, in you have a defense of peace, knights of peace but you do not use them, instead, you want someone else to do it for you, lazy cow, get off your rare put your guards on the walls, your knights in the city to shield, what kind of king are you!? snapped out Theodmer, "my boy down son. Said, Theodas. " who the flick are you to talk to them like that! Show some respect in the name of peace! Said, Jassin. " shh son, he speaks the truth, I have failed as a king, but no more this day forth the kingdom of peace with have peace of guarded and patrolling, said. Theodore, "I tell you what I am boy you are looking at the future king of war, you want us to continue to aid, shut your trap and stay out of this conversation! Seldanna and Theodas looked at their son in shock, " what? Said. Theodmer, " the son just claim his birthright, my love. Said, Theodas. " yes my love will his sister do the same, will the future step to the throne finally? Asked. Seldanna, " father I didn't claim anything I was merely showing the boy who is over him, said. Theodmer, " mother I know where are you heading stop it, size didn't you say my goal is to be a war second? Asked. Sana, " no son you said you are the future war king, and all six of you are, my wife we need a third, they grow up so quickly in war, Mount up, this how you want your future to be Theodore, take is spot a chieftain, take his spot a second of command, the day raises in all war power as the war kings and war queens of Wing wood, we had ours way before you son they grown in war, claim their path in war, step up in war, had families in the war, raised their kids in war, look at our grandchildren already claim their destiny, that how it should be. You not only failed your peace, but you failed as parents, you should always have spots in the kingdom. That you also need to be done, just because you are in peace doesn't mean you don't have a lot of work to do, They walk away," being war second is your calling, being chieftains of the lancers is their calling, be a war calvery and war scout is your children path, said. Seldanna, " but your destiny is to rule wing wood together one day, said. Theodas. They ride away heading home, to slumber and eat, " who do they think they are!" He is right we failing you as parents that are going to stop too, if you want this crown and kingdom you are going to start earning your birthright as the future peace king, " maybe you think you have it so easy because we don't train you to fight, or do anything, their son knows that he the rightful heir to his parent's throne, but do not want it, but he has earned it. That is what you need to start proving to us that you want it. They walked into the castle and close the door,