[Bonus chapter]Do you miss her?

"Brendon stop!"

Brendon's eyes turned cold and impassive as he put his hands in his hair.

"I'm sorry."

Claire pushed him even stronger, "I told you to stop!"

Claire was furious, her voice creaked and her fingers trembled.

What was Brendon doing?

"I didn't hear you…"

He said, his eyes filled with sadness.

Luckily enough Claire departed from his dirty touch before it was too late, yet she felt dirty, marked, forced, and charged with innate anger.

"Get out!" Claire raised her voice.

"Claire I stopped, I didn't hear you at first…"

He justified himself.

"Claire, do you understand how difficult it is for me to stay away from you? My heart breaks every time you don't look at me the same way I look at you and I just want to make love to you and have my love returned."

"You won't obtain that by forcing yourself on me!" Claire spat, "what's happening to you? Since We came here you are turning into a different person. Is work stressing you too much, giving you an attitude or something like that?"

I asked in a sigh but he shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I just hate being away from you all the time and I get frustrated. I am still the same man, in love with you and ready to give you the world if you just ask for it."

Claire nodded, "I'm feeling better here."

Brendon walked closer to her and caressed her cheek, "we will do it. We will end up together and you will return my feelings. I believe in us."

Brendon seemed determined as he spoke, his eyes enlightened of a odd light as if some memory crossed his mind and awoken hidden feelings.

"Brendon…" Claire hesitated, "I'm not so sure… days pass by and I… I don't."

"Shush… give me time." Brendon answered.

"I will conquer your heart." He said determined, how could someone be that hopeful? How could he still hold on to her if she wasn't willing nor able to return his feelings.

"I doubt you will succeed in this..."

Claire whispered with a doubtful miserable voice.

"We had a deal, if it would have worked then we could break up." Claire stated after a short silence.

"Claire, the deal sn't over yet, still few more months and then you'll give me your answer.." Brendon replied.

"Alright.. few more months."

"Good." Brendon leaned forward to place a sweet kiss on her lips and then changed his shirt to turn on his laptop. Claire walked out of the room, she pretended to look for something but the only thing she was searching for was a man, precisely the man that stole her heart and her thoughts every time she couldn't sleep at night.

There he was, Cole, writing something on a few files, he slowly lifted his head pulling his hair back. The light enlightened his eyes and he tensed.

A smile appeared on his face when he met Claire's glance.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi," Claire returned his smile and shyly walked inside.

"How are you?" Cole asked.

"I'm fine just some issues wjth my boyfriend. Brendon doesn't accept that I don't love him back." She sighed.

"He is in love. I can feel him. I had been in love already once and …" he stopped to think or maybe to process what he was going to say and make sure he won't reveal too much.

"I know how it feels like fighting for your loved one."

A sad smile curved his face.

"So you had been in love?" Claire asked with curiosity. Him in love? She wondered how he would be, cold? Sweet? Romantic?

"The woman you had loved must have been very lucky."

"I was the one lucky to have her." He replied right away, "she is special."

"Do you miss her?" Claire asked frowing.

"I did… everytime my heart took a beat."

"Now you don't miss her anymore?" Claire asked, she tilted her head to the side, his voice lowered and sounded so deep and soothing as if the feelings he had were sincere and genuine.

She wondered who the mysterious girl who made him fall in love that deeply was.

"No I don't."

"Why? Did you fall out of love for her?" Claire asked in a breath.

"No. Not at all. I still do and I will always do." Cole answered as if he spoke with all the honesty he had in his body.

"Then why did you say you don't miss her?" She asked even more curious now.

"Because I can't miss someone I see on a regular basis."