Fall in love with a place

"Then why did you say you don't miss her?" She asked even more curious now.

"Because I can't miss someone I see regularly."

Claire sighed, there was something intimate going on between them and she could feel it. Maybe it was the fresh mint taste and his strong fragrance that never left her since their lips touched for the first time.

Or maybe it was the fact that he seemed to understand her as if he knew more than she told him. Something about him screamed to her and begged her to dig more in the handsome tall man who was much caring in his regard.

Maybe if he wasn't her boyfriend's brother, she would…

He leaned forward, his gaze fell on her lips making her suddenly forget how to swallow her saliva and breath in.

Her mouth dried and unlike last time, this time she wanted to taste him, she wanted their lips to collide and awake in her the desire she felt for a man. That desire she had never experienced before.

Claire cleared her voice, "do you see her regularly?"

She asked with an unsure voice, the extreme closeness between their lips was much threatening and dangerous.

Since when did she like the danger that much?

"I do." He answered, turning Claire's face even more confused. If he was dating someone and he was that in love then why his lips were approaching hers?

Claire was confused, once again his actions didn't match his words. Maybe he wasn't trustful if he would try to kiss another girl if his heart was taken.

What did he have so mysterious attraction that no matter what she felt the need to kiss him, despite all the possible consequences?

He stopped to slouch forward her when he read the confusion in her gaze, he stroked her hair behind her ear and whispered, "maybe one day you will know."

"What will I know?" Claire asked, still confused yet unable to fight the force which tied them close. Their lips were still a few inches close almost touching as if the time stopped and none of them was able to depart. As if the link between them was stronger than the chaos and the drastic consequences of what may happen if their lips met again.

"What love feels like."

'If only you let me in and you could remember...'

Cole kept that for himself.

They didn't speak, staring at each other was enough to say what they weren't able to explain.

"Oh..." Claire said, departing from his gaze only for an instant before she stared at him again, "What do you suggest me to do with your brother? Shall I give up on him?"

Cole smiled, if she asked him for help it meant that she was slowly earning her trust again. If he listened to his heart now, he would have answered her that she had to break up with him to date him. But it would sound like a rude answer since the man she would leave behind was his brother.

He shut his hearts' requests and needs once again, "I suggest you do what makes you happy, if my brother isn't in that equation then you shall stop forcing your feelings for him and give up on the fact that maybe you will never love him back. The heart wants what it wants, you cannot guide it to what you want."

"I will break up with him then," Claire said, hearing what she always thought from someone else motivated her that it was the right thing to do.

"But first, I want to visit that place in the picture. Will you drive me there?" She asked the question spilled out of her mouth unconsciously and before she knew it she had to deal with her feelings of guilt.

Why did she ask that to him and not her boyfriend?

Brendon didn't deserve that.

But before she could take it back, Cole already answered, "I would love to." He flashed a handsome smile that took her breath away for a bit, admiring how his dark eyes bordered his face, his eyes so big and deep dark that they seemed to be able to look past her and read what her heart was whispering to her.

His hair was messed and slightly curly, strokes fell upon his nose and he pulled it behind from time to time. His lips, God damn, his lips, the peachy orange color were enchanting. His lips were so big that the lower lip created a shadow that curved his lips on the chin.

His face was diamond shaped and his body was so muscled, yet not too much, perfectly defined as someone who exercises daily.

"Deal then." Claire smiled.

"Deal. I will bring you to that place, you may not be able to fall in love with a man but when you see that place, I guarantee you, you will fall in love." Cole caressed her cheek, forgetting for an instant the emotional distance between them that didn't match the physical one.