Not used to it

Claire's dress emphasized her curved majestically, the dress had a lace top and a short skirt that floated a bit whenever she took a step.

It had such a delicate floral pattern.

"How do I look?" Claire asked shyly.

"You look beautiful." Cole didn't lie even if he felt like lying. Saying she was just beautiful was an insult to her true beauty. She was so much more than beautiful, she was gorgeously stunning and wonderful. Beautiful was reductive in comparison to what she truly was.

Claire cleared her voice and hinted at a smile.

"We shall go then."

"Sure." Cole headed out, "I called one of my drivers. I hope it's not a problem for you."

"P-personal drivers?" Claire widened her eyes, he also had personal drivers. Not like his house wasn't proof enough that he was wealthy.

She barely could afford taxis and he had drivers.

How rich was he?

"Yes. If it bothers you I can drive or we can book a taxi."

"It's fine… I just.. am not used to it."

"To dates?"

"To being spoiled this much."

"Spoiled?" He asked raising his eyebrow. "I haven't started yet."

Claire exploded in a laugh and shook her head.

"Stop it."

He took her under her arm and walked with her to the car which waited for them outside.

"Hello Damian, she is Claire. My brother's girlfriend." His tone of voice changed in the second part of the sentence when he announced who she was.

They sat on the back of the jeep and after Cole informed the driver of the address he took off.

The driver drove them to a special luxury restaurant, nobody was inside. Not even a car was parked outside which sounded weird to Cole. It seemed a luxurious raffinate restaurant not to have any other clients beside them.

"Not much crowded huh," Claire commented as she got out, she peeked in the car to wave at the driver and thank him with a shy smile.

She didn't know how to behave in those situations, she never had a driver before. Or haven't met many wealthy people either.

"I booked the place so that we could enjoy some time alone. I hope it's not a problem for you even if.. you're not used." He winked and gently rested his hand on Claire's back as they walked inside the restaurant.

"Mr. Cole, the table you two book is ready. Follow me please." A waiter said as she gestured to a private room.

The room she headed to was small, the walls were filled with portraits and replicas of famous paintings.

The windows were huge and the curtains were made of red silk. Chairs were filled with letters and there were even pillows to the side in case we needed kt.

Last but not least, the table was made of sophisticated marble, and glasses and silverware seemed authentic to come from royal occasions.

A huge bouquet in the middle.

"Wow, you even booked a private room," Claire said astonished as she looked around in disbelief. He did all that for her.

What did she do to deserve that? Was he naturally kind and caring to everyone? Or did he deeply down like her?

Claire wandered with her thoughts to the thousands of chances why he was dedicating so much effort to her.

"I did. But don't flatter yourself, sweetheart. This is just to thank you for cleaning up the house."

Claire chuckled, "alright then. I'm gonna make sure the thanking will be expensive then. I had never been to a luxury restaurant and I won't lose my chance to order as much as I want." She winked at him and they both laughed at her comment.

"Maybe I shall have set a budget before. I underestimated you."

"Oh, you did indeed."

They began scrolling through the menu and after they both closed the menu and placed those in the center of the table, the waiter soon approved them to take the order.

"We'd like to have two trails of salty appetizers. The best you have."

The waiter took notes.

"Risotto with mushroom please for me and then a salmon fillet with a potatoes puree," Claire ordered.

"The classic authentic bolognese for me and …" he grabbed the menu to scroll through the pages one last time.

"Here. East Lothian beef with grilled vegetables to the side."

The waiter nodded and bent to thank us for the attention.

"I'm very hungry," Claire commented.

"Let's talk then so that you will forget the hunger meantime. Tell me about you, Claire."

Cole slouched slightly forward. His gaze fell on her hand upon the table.

He wished he could touch it, maybe caress it as he used to do in the past. Gently caress her silky skin and tell her how much he loved her.