Not a date

Claire turned on the music, from the stereo she had in her room. Loud enough to be heard from the closed rooms but not as loud to be annoying.

She sang along to Amy Winehouse as she mopped the floor.

"Singing and cleaning? It means you're in a happy mood?" Brendon pointed out.

"I just feel different. Something is changing in me, I can say that."

Brendon struggled not to glance, or roll his eyes. He knew very well what was changing. He didn't know he would be the cause of his downfall.

"I am glad. If you're happy, I'm happy." He kissed her cheek and smiled at her.

"I care about you Claire, I have faith in us. Do not let me down."

His comment didn't sound suspicious to Claire who just nodded and smiled back.

"I care about you too."

She fixed his necktie and pinched his cheek slightly, "go easy on me."

Brendon stole her a quick kiss on the lips and then walked away to start his day in the office.

Cole was already away, that morning he had a special meeting he couldn't miss so he didn't get to say good morning to Claire.

When she heard the door of the house closing and the key turning in the lock she turned the music on to continue her cleaning.

Cleaning always had something relaxing and stress-releasing.

As if the gesture of polishing a marble surface was soothing to stare at.

If only life was that easy that in a sweep you would clean up your messes.

Maybe Claire would have swept off the kiss with Cole.

Or maybe not.

When she finished cleaning the entire room, she proceeded to the nearest rooms. She continued to clean until her energies were drained off like the dirt on the furniture.

Cole only came back a few hours later, at that time she was laying on the sofa to recollect her energies.

"Back?" Claire asked as soon as she heard his footsteps walking in. Brendon had set hours of work so the only one who was allowed to get out of the office and come back was Cole.

The confirmation soon arrived when Cole peeked in and smiled.

"Hi. Did you clean up the house? I can smell the cleaning soap from afar."

"I did. Lots of cleaning actually. I was indeed taking a rest because after all the work, I feel so drained off energies."

"Do you need me to get you something? It's lunchtime. Have you eaten?"

Claire shook his head at Cole's question.

"Why don't we go out for lunch together? I know a nice place."

Claire reddened at that invite, was he seriously speaking?

"What kind of lunch? Like a date? I doubt Brendon would like that."

Claire soon replied.

"Well, let's not call it a date then. Just a lunch out to thank you for having cleaned the entire house. I usually have a lady to do that for me. Let me at least bring you out as a sign of gratitude."

Claire hesitated for an instant, then she took a deep breath in and gave up. "Fine. If we do not consider it a date then I accept. Let me go change."

Cole struggled not to smile when she stood up in a hast from the bed and headed to the closet in search of a dress.

If that wasn't date then why did she look like she was in a desperate seek for the perfect dress?

He walked out of the room to give her the time to dress up, meantime he did some calls and sent emails informing everyone he would be away for the evening.

In less than half an hour, Claire walked out of the room.

The vision took Cole's breath away and his eyes filled with tears of commotion and love. His chest swelled with love in the purest form.

The dress she wore, got his hands trembling.

How was that possible?

It was the same dress she wore the first time they met.

He remembered it so well, even the scent she put on was the same.

Just the makeup was slightly different.

"H-how do I look?" Claire asked with a faint shy voice.