
"I am. Mostly I am a protective man. But I feel like if I trust the woman I am with, I don't need to be jealous. I.." he departed from her stare for a second, "I can watch her date someone else and still not is jealous because I know what she and I had was way more superior to what she will ever have with anyone else."

"How can you be so sure about yourself?" She asked, she widened her eyes right after. "I'm sorry... I was thinking out loud."

"It's fine." He chuckled, "I'm not sure about myself Claire, I'm sure about that woman and my love story. There are not many bonds like those out there."

"But wouldn't it be painful seeing the woman you love with someone else even if you know their bonding is weaker than the one you had you two had?"

He remained in silence for some instant, wondering whether he could answer her with the truth or pretend it wasn't as painful as it truly was.

"Yes, it is." He said, lowering his voice. "It is very much. But that doesn't mean our faith will cross again."

The noise of the door opening caught Cole's attention, when he turned to check he noticed his brother walking in. Perfect timing.

He flashed a wicked smile to Cole and then he headed to his girlfriend with a staggering walk.

When he reached Claire he place his hand on the table and wrapped his other hand around her holding onto her.

"Hii, are you two lovebirds having fun?"

Claire narrowed her eyes and creased her forehead as she looked at him from head to toe, "God, Brendon. You smell, have you drunk?"

"Excuse me." He lifted his hand to the waiter and gestured. The waiter somehow deciphered his gesturing and carried a chair next to the table.

"Why did you drink this much, Brendon? Had something happened?" Claire asked preoccupied, if she knew he would end up like that because of her, she wouldn't have gone out with Cole.

Brendon exploded in a laugh, his gaze darted to the two of them, shaking his head in disapproval.

"You!" He pointed his finger to his brother, "I won't let you get in the middle. Not this time. Have you heard me??"

"What are you blabbering about?" Claire covered her forehead with her hand.

"We shall head home." She stood up and helped her boyfriend to stand up.

"Get him in the car. I'll pay."

Cole ignored that comment, even if deeply down he was confused. Why would Brendon say the words: not again? Was that a coincidence? a mistake or was it on purpose?

Why would he be that jealous if he didn't know what they two shared in the past?

Cole got suspicious, once he paid, he walked out and found Brendon almost asleep laying in the back seat of his car.

"Get us home," Cole said to the driver.

"He barely drinks. I don't know why he is so drunk today. Maybe that's why he was yelling earlier."

"Let's get him home. He needs to sleep. We will ask him tomorrow." Cole glowered at his brother even if with his eyes close he couldn't see him.

He felt the loath growing in his guts. His brother ruined their amazing dinner out. Something was off about that entire situation and Cole was willing to find out more.

Cole and Claire both lifted Brendon and carried him inside. They left him down on the sofa, they couldn't carry him through the stairs to his bedroom.

When Brendon fell asleep, Cole whispered. "I had an amazing dinner today."

"Me too. I had a great time… You're a good person, Cole." Claire said.

He smiled, staring at her straight in her eyes. He wanted to kiss her so much.

He stroked her hair behind her ear and rested his fingers on her right cheek as he tenderly lifted her head to look at her better.

"I know he is my brother. But you deserve more. You deserve someone who put yourself first and who loves you more than he loves himself."

His words cut sharp through her, what did he mean?

"I…" Claire was wordless.

"You deserve more."

He said it again, and he smiled.

He took one step backward and departed her hand from her warm cheek.

"Good night Claire."