Do you love him, Claire?

The next day Claire woke up earlier than usual just to go check on her boyfriend. He was still asleep but he looked paler than usual.

She let him sleep for a bit more and she went to the kitchen to make him something to drink when he would woke up. She prepared a magnesium and electrolytes solution and some scrambled eggs on toasted bread for energy.

She brought him the glass and the dish and left those on the table. She sat on the edge of the sofa and gently shook him to wake him up.

"Brendon, wake up. Brendon."

Brendon slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them as if he slept for hours.

He tried to lift his back from the pillow of the sofa but he complained on the way up as his face assumed a painful expression.

"Ouch! My back." He massaged it.

He realized he was on the sofa and his eyes turned confused.

"Why did I sleep here? What happened?"

"You were drunk and could barely stand up or walk. So Cole and I carried you here and you quickly fall asleep. Here. Drink this and you will feel better. You have to go to work."

"My head hurts so bad. Where is Cole? Is he mad I was drunk? Damn, he is my boss. I hope he doesn't tell dad or he will be so disappointed in me."

"I doubt he will. Come on drink this."

Claire slowly leaned the glass toward him, when the glass touched the lips she inclined it to make him drink.

"Thank you." He said after drinking a few sips.

He slowly stood up and went to the bathroom probably to have a shower since the alcohol's smell was still strong.

Meantime Cole woke up as well, he said good morning to Claire before having breakfast.

"Did Brendon wake up already?" He asked from the kitchen.

Claire nodded, "yes, he is having a shower right now."


Claire sat on the chair next to him resting her elbows on the table she sighed.

"Did you sleep well?" Cole asked.

"No, I barely slept."


Claire shrugged maybe not so willing to tell him the reason behind her lack of sleep.

"Do I deserve more? He loves me since when I was in a coma. Never left me even if he knows I don't return his feelings. Do I deserve more than this?"

"Yes," Cole answered, his voice sounding undoubtful.

"But he loves me deeply."

"Come closer." He slouched forward and grabbed the legs of her chair to push her closer to him.

Their knees now touched.

"I'll ask you once again. Do you love him?"

"I- … I do… but-"

"No buts. Just yes or not."

"I do… as a friend. I love him as a best friend."

"Can your heartbeat ever speed and flutter in your chest for a friend?"

"I-… I don't know…"

The guilt was preventing her from being fully honest. He was still his boyfriend's brother.

He slouched forward even more. Now his knees pressed against her. His face was close to her and she could feel his breath against her lips.

"Do you love him, Claire?"


She murmured.

He slouched even more.

Her heart dropped and felt like exploding in her chest. It began to race extremely fast, so fast that she felt the heartbeat echoing in her chest and fluttering in the emptiness of what was left of her denying.

He slouched even more. His lips were so close to her that her gaze fell on his lips. She held onto the chair surface to push herself to retreat, but her body impeded her.

"Do you love him, Claire?"

"Stop." She complained, her heart was beating too fast that even her legs began to tremble and her mouth. She had never felt that way with Brendon, it was more than obvious that she didn't love him. Why would Cole insist that much?

"Answer me and I will stop." He said, leaning even more.

Now their lips were barely one-inch close. Both of them stare at each other in the eyes. Suddenly she felt a tingle on her knee, she dropped her gaze. It was Cole's hand that was placed on hers.

"Do you love him, Claire?"


He smiled and closed his eyes as if he was going to kiss her anytime soon.

"I don't." She finally answered.

At that exact second, Cole opened his eyes. He looked at her but she had her eyes closed, waiting for him to come a little closer.