Chapter 7 at cafeteria

Today is the worse day.

How can the person I need the most avoid it, can be behind my seats. Please let this be a joke. I closed my eyes and pray in my heart and open again.

It is not a dream.

"He's so cool "

" He Tall"

" He looks amazing"

A lot of noise just around him. Every girl in my class look at Arima with loving eyes, as they were fascinated by his look. His cool and man-like voice makes everyone can't help to attract him.

It amazing,

It very amazing, just one move can attract a lot of butterflies. With how everyone reacts, he must be very charming like the devil.

It is best to not look back Yurika, Or not you will be eaten by the devil. Her back feels cool when she thinks about who he is. For my goals, never forever look behind your back Yurika.

Yurika reminds them in her head and her heart to not look back, even though she is very curious about his look. Just think that's a person with the devil-like face, it was enough.

With the word on her mind, Yurika focused on class. Sometimes she can't focus, because of some voice or sound from behind her back. She was distracted by every move made by Arima. She can't help to remember how cruel he is when in the story.

I need Yumiko to teach me homework at home, I can't focus on what the teacher teaches me. It trouble. I need to go to Yumiko's class at lunchtime before Yumiko comes to my class.

Ding ding Ding…

I stand up quickly and go to the next classroom to meet Yumiko first. Scared that Arima will meet Yumiko and fall in love. It no going to happen.

I saw Yumiko and Chiho walking toward me when I tried to look around. I walk fast to meet them first before they can reach me.

" Yumiko, Chiho I miss you already"

Said Yurika, yes! She very much misses her. How can she not miss her, with warm Yumiko and comfortable Chiho, she can relax her body. Seat close to an evil villain is very tired, I need to guard up to every move he makes. Also, be very careful to not get noticed by him.

" We only separate for hours, how can you already miss us. Didn't you do something weird again "

Asked Yumiko, begin suspicious of her twin's sister. Normal she started to act like this if she didn't something.

" No I don't do anything, I only study "

Reply to Yurika for her twin's sister suspicious. This time, she doesn't do anything. Besides how can she get a chance to do anything with the evil villain in my back seat.

" Let's go to the cafeteria, I'm hungry "

Said Chiho, a nice assistant. Better to change the topic, for safety. It getting complicated to explain it to both, besides I am also hungry. What food I should order today.

We walked from corridor school to the cafeteria together. On the way, we also talk about clothes, the teacher, or what interested happened in the class.

As we arrive at the cafeteria, we see a lot of students still eating and lining up to take orders. I wondered, should I take a seat or line up.

" Let's go upstairs "

Chiho said and lead us to the stairs to go up next floor. But, Yumiko holds Chiho's wrist to stop her and begins to ask a question. To her information, the up floor is exclusively for some elite students. How can a new student enter that place?

" Wait, Chiho. Was that's places for Star students. How can we go there"

But, Chiho's answer makes me and Yumiko look at each other speechless, how she can use her grandfather's name in this school.

" Yes! But, I am the daughter of this school chairman of course have an exclusive in self. One table was only reserved for me, so I can get my friend to join it "

At this time, what we need is the chairman's daughter to get a free place. What good friends we have. Yay! To Chiho.

We begin to follow Chiho to go upstairs. On the up floor, Chiho just shows some card and get passed on inside. All we need is to follow her and sit on a chair with an antique table.

We also just need to order food from the waitress and wait for the food to finish Cook. We have to wait for the waiter toss serve us at their table.

A lot of noise comes from Downstairs, I wonder what it is. I can't hear screaming like their meet some idol or celebrity.



I think I knew who was just excited about it. In this school and same Year, only four people can make other girls go crazy about it. There are.

" AAA…."

" It Four Prince "

" Oh my heart, can't take it"

" Is my husband"

" Who's your husband, is our husband"

" AAA… Ichijo same look at this way "

" Endo same… as always amazing "

" Sano same … always cool "

" Arima same… very charming "

" Four Prince is the best! "

What is this fuss, they are just some students in this school? But this level of fan is enough to make one idol group. The student's girl screaming is attached my attention to look what was so, crazy about it.

Chiho and Yumiko also join it, when we go to the balcony to look downstairs. I meet two girls fans of this Four Prince. I also know them, there is my future sidekick Kikuzaki Mirae and Yuzaki Imai.

As one of person who called as goddess of school. Yurika also has their sidekick, who will be my hand and my feet to do something or to get any information on this school.

Kikuzaki Mirae was a girl who's wear white lace on their uniform. She was a little short from Yurika and have black curly ponytail style hair. On her face have a few tips of makeup and also have black-eyed color.

Well on another side, Yuzaki Imai was a girl who has a little curly black hair with twins' tails. She also has a little makeup on her face, her love of hairpin shapes brings her charm as a girl. She doesn't have a black-eyed color like Mirae, but she has eyes as same brown color.

With this two, I can get a lot of information latest news on this school. If I can be friends with them. I hope they come to me first, I shy to talk to this gossip girl person. I hope Yumiko and my mother will not stop me to be their friends.