Chapter 8 Four Prince

"They truly live up to their nickname as Four Prince "

Said Kikuzaki Mirae, Yuzaki Imai agree with her friends. She also told her he ow worth theirs to lets others know. I was not too close to them and can hear what they said. It is good to have a free description of this situation.

" Let's talk about the first members of Four Prince. he was the heir of Ichijo Corporate which was a top group in the country and he also holds a share from this school, because of Ichijo family-sponsored money to every vocation or school trip at school. That's why he worth to be out school Prince Charming, Ichijo Hayato same."

That was the Male lead in the story ' love only You'. He is worth to up a name as Male lead Ichijo Hayato. Only on the outside, to the female lead, he was truly like a prince charming as in a fairytale. But, to the enemy, he has held grudges and always bring Justice to the right person.

I hear someone just clicking her tongue. It must be my imagination, who's daring enough to do that on fan face.

" Second member is Arima Shun same. He always tops on school exams, and the son of Chairman Arima cooperates in technology and IT. The top companies in Technology in the country. They also have a security company that shows how strong he is infighting. Arima family also sponsored their new technology and IT to this school."

Oh my,

He was the most dangerous person and evil Villain in the story. He is truly a bad boy type person, even though his IQ is high but his EQ is a problem. I believe on selection speech for new students should go to him as first place on the test. It was a tradition of this school to give students of first place on the entrance exam, a speech at the welcome ceremony for new students. He must choose this speech for his friends.

Another sounds someone clicked tongue, what's this. Someone like me, who dislikes he exists. I never thought it, I should be friends with her and establish a club of another i-Arima fan club.

" Third member is our smile prince Endo Kazama same. He was the son of president Ed's transportation company, that's is the best in the country. He is always kind to others and has a lot of friends. With his good communication, his family sponsored all transportation like buses, helicopters, and airplanes to this school. He so good "

Was that the person my future love interest, He was the second male lead in the story? He also has a sad fate in the story, I don't think I can feel in love with him. This type of person is most likely hard to predict what he thinks. He always smiles every time he sees people that why he nickname smile prince.

today I hear a lot this clicking tongue and this time I know who is it. Why Chiho does do that. What makes her don't like this Smile, Prince. I remember that she always clink her tongue every time she hear these two gossip talk about 'sponsored on this school '.


" And the last member of Four Prince is Sano Fuji, he was intelligent as always get no.2 in every exam. He serious person as aspect son of the director of the Hospital, I remember every member of the Sano family that own a company related to health and beauty. Sano Hospital was top in the country and is the best choice to get treated for all types of illnesses. Sano company also calibration with this school with send a good doctor and nurse to this school. "

It doesn't have much role in n story about Sano Fuji, it only plays the role of the friends of these Four characters male lead, the second Male lead, and the villain. But when Arima broke up his friendship with Ichijo. Sano still is his friend, but he is scared to leave him alone. He always advises Arima every time he wants to do a back thing. He is one of my true and loyal friends.

And Chiho clicks their tongue again. Every time these two talks about School, Chiho faces like a person not satisfied with this. Was it because she hate these Four Prince or something about them that she doesn't like.

" What wrong Chiho "

Yurika tries to ask Chiho. She must have reason to not like these four Prince. Besides, her reason must not like me who's know the future.

" Nothing, it just that's there are the really rich and busy people to sponsor Everywhere. Thanks to that's they got to be a star student "


Chiho doesn't like them because they always give sponsors to this school. It can't be helped, in the world of business. One must help each other to make more money, Like in my family business. My family business is a bank and it was the no.1 bank in the country. That's why we are an elite family.

" And only that's. They have 5 things that are other students don't have in this school"

I forget about these two gossip girls. Their still not finished talking yet about this 4prince. Well if useful information, then I can hear it. Why not.

" One. They have handsome faces. "

I agree with this Mirae Imai. They do have a pretty face there enough to charm every girl in school.

" Second. Their son of a rich man who's best and top companies "

Agree. They do bear with gold spoons and luck. But, fate in love something is questioned about it. I am glad in this life I too. One of these golden spoons.

" Thirds, there all good in study and sport."

" Yes, I hear Ichijo sama good in basketball. When Endo sama good in Archery. Also, Sano sama is good at running, I always see him at the sports school festivals. And lasts Arima sama good at fighting, maybe because his family that's the way."

Imai sounds not very much like this type of sport from Arima. Well, no lady of noble like a violent man. We do have something common here. Mirae begins to continue a gossip.

" And four there are best friends and also childhood friends. It that's amazing"

Oh, this I know already next.

" Least, this prince has a lot of fans more than idols on TV. I hear other schools also have their fan club."

I don't think, I need this information. It's not very good to hear it. I begin to pity 4prince, it is very hard for them to walk outside alone with this a lot of fans.