Chapter 13 be secretary

After finishing, her work, the senior take her for a rest. As she begins to serve me a sweet like a shortcake and macarons, with a tea. It is delicious.

How can It not be delicious, with Arima Shun not here anymore? She can enjoy and relax her body to her heart content.

She wondered why Aroma Shun is there. If she is not mistaken in the story, Arima Shun hated the student council office because of how anyone when was always governing to not be bullied at school.

Maybe he had not met Yumiko yet and fallen in love yet, that's why his personality was diffs differ that of a future person. So, it is up to me to not let him meet Yumiko. I need to warn Yumiko back home after this.

" Agaki senior why, that's a person is here"

Yurika asked the senior, Arima Shun was not a member of the student council also it doesn't look like he has a problem with asked student council. He just plays with other members student council and then gets back home.

" Ho.. are you talking about Arima Shun. He always comes here sometimes, get used to it."

Was that's it bad news, why does he need to come here. Can't it be here, it must be a reason why he is always here. I don't think Sano Fuji is the reason because he always works with me and the president. So not him.

I look at Agaki senior again and asked again.

" I don't understand it, he doesn't have some affairs on us. But he just plays. Why"

I'm sorry senior that's, a busy body person. I don't like him to Walk around here as thus the place was his home or playground. His existence here was hurt my eyes, it not good to have a bad person on this student council.

" It rare to see someone just does like him. Arima was pretty popular in your year. "

Said Agaki senior, she had never seen someone hate this handsome first-year student. She doesn't seem why Yurika hates Arima. Because to her, Arima was not too bad as a person. Sometimes, e a good student with a little tricky personality.

" He comes here a lot because Mabu senior invites him to play the game here often. "

Sano Fuji said it, he just finished his work and walked to my place as he sit down. He begins to drink some tea that Agaki senior served with elegance.

" Mabu senior?"

Yurika was confused, who was this person. Was he a person who was playing with Arima at the time I come inside? I don't look at him too much as I was pretty nervous, I don't remember it.

" Oh… right I forget to introduce everyone else to Yurika, the person who plays with Arima was Mabusaki Ogita. He was the second year and was our member of the student council. He was executive order of relationships in the student council. "

Told Senior, that she remembers that she did not introduce him yet to me. It can't be helped, she must hurry to finish up all work. That's why she asked me. She begins to introduce everyone member of this room.

" That's person, You already saw it in the morning today. He was our president Uehara Tokiya. "

She shows me a person who's still sitting at top of the place with their head still reading a document on the table as he looks so busy.

Next the senior show me to Sano Fuji and introduce me to him.

" This person was the same year as you. And the one talking in the morning in the student hall. Sano Fuji is our new member the treasurer of the student council. "

Senior, I already know him. But to be a treasure this year, I think it suits him a lot. Oh, right he saw me at the door of the office.

Let's forget about it.

Sano Fuji just look at me with no inter in showing in his eyes. And look back at his tea as he drinks it. His face shows how cool and mature he is.

" And the last member is Yurika, "

The senior looked at me as if she was happy having me here. Her eyes were shining as she hope that Yurika likes to be there, she begin to introduce me to others. I was shocked by her word.

" At this time, Yurika will be our student council, new secretary. Welcome Yurika"

As senior Agaki said it. She begins to clap both hands a loud, as she is happy. Her face shows a happy smile as she found a good person for this job. With Yurika here, her job will be decreased and she can have last time to relax.

" I was glad you join us Yurika, the right president"

The senior was very happy and asked a president decided to take Yurika. The president looks at me and remembers how I work, he begins to smile at me as he welcomes me to the student council and agreed with the seniors.

" That's right, welcome Yurika. Let's work hard together"

Yurika is still feeling complicated as she accepts this job. She smiles awkwardly as she is surprised. Yurika got a job that she wants, but with Arima, Shun comes here often. It is hard to describe, whether this job is good or not. Because she wants to avoid him.

What can she do, she already accepted it. Just continue to ignore him in my work mode. Don't worry as he did not being to talk to me, then nothing happened.

That's right, I don't need to be afraid of it Yurika. You can do it.

I hold firm my hand as determined to continue a strategy to avoid him in my heart. I closed my eyes and talked to my heart 'nothing going to happen again and again.

Besides, I and don't know each other even though we the same class. I tried to be reasoning about this situation, to calm down my heart.

" Yurika… what wrong"

Asked senior, saw her close her eyes and silent, doesn't have any reaction from her. She begins to worry, as she doesn't like this job.

" No, nothing thank you senior. I think I need to go back home now. Thank you"

Yurika hurried open her eyes and see a senior she looks worried. She remembers that she needs to go home and meet Yumiko. She hurry tell a senior and Stans up from her place. She begin to tidy up her thing and walk to the door as she said to the senior in hurry.

" See you tomorrow "

Yurika also had time to say goodbye to a senior and people on the student council. She open the door and walked out of this place.