Chapter 14 get a minion

It was a month on the day she be a member of the student council. She just thought that nothing happened between her and Arima Shun Even did come over often. She is just busy working and after finishing work he was desperate. 

What a good day. 

I also have happy news, I got a minion. I mean it a friend. She is that's a gossip girl that I meet at the cafeteria. Kikuzaki Mirae and Yuzaki Imai. 

Of course, there come to me first. It was a surprise to me when there come to talk to me first. At that time I was focused on doing my job as secretary of the student council with Sano Fuji. 

They looked at me with strong stares. And I replied to them with my elegant smile, as I did my work back. I thought there was stalking me, as everywhere I go they follow me. 

It is pretty mysterious to me, why they stalked me. It was a new feeling for me to be a stalker, as I am a celebrity. The truth is, I felt nice when they stalked me because I thought how cute they tried hard to hide from me. 

" Hanami Yurika same, it always cools when handling some jobs. I wish I can be good as you " 

Said Mirae, with a sweet and admiring tone of voice. Both Mirae and Imai look at me as if I am a person who's supposed to be looking up to others. 

" That's right, I also hear Hanami Yurika sama good at dance." 

Agreed with Mirae, Imai continue to speak as she admired how good I am. Indeed, I am good at dance. The reason was it was my past life. When I stress so much about work, I dance up my body like crazy. This way my body can be moved around a lot, so I don't tire myself. 

The used head will take a lot of stamina, that way I need to move or exercise my body to get a lot of stamina to do work. Besides I can take care of my body in good shape. 

It pities that my crazy dance can be used here, with my status as a noble lady. Lucky I am a quick learner of dance when I started ballet class in elementary school. It is not hard if you have a little trick about a dance. 

Now I don't need to worry about getting fat, because of sweet food. Yumiko and my mother will always bring me to a spa or sports social of the high-end class to get a fitting. 

Being a rich girl is good. You can be a beauty and pretty if you have money. You can also buy beautiful clothes even at was so shocking price. 

" It was normal if you practice always and get used to it. By the way, can you two call me a Yurika, call me a full name or my family name? It makes me confused because my twin's sister is also Hanami " 

I told Mirae and Imai to stop calling me a Hanami or my full name. It confused. Think it, if I with Yumiko, and their both call me Hanami, it brings confusion and awkwardness for me and Yumiko because we both are Hanami. 

Better chance a called name, it easy to know and it makes you pretty familiar it. It makes us friends and looks close. Their look at me with hesitant faces, as if it is okay to call that. 

"It's okay, I also called you two by name. Mirae, Imai. We friend right " 

I said it with a smile on my face to make them relief. I wonder why they hesitate to call me that. I not that's amazing as Four Prince in this school. Their more amazing than me if you asked about ability and fan. 

" If Hanami sama said it " 

They still call me my family name. 

" I said Yurika, can't you " 

As I said. I make my face feels sad that's it makes me hurt if they do not do it. As my eyes look at them with sadness and tears in my eyes. It makes other people can't help to give up and agreed on it. Same as them. They can't look in my eyes as they Give up on it. 

" Okay, " 

" We called Yurika sama " 

They lose to Yurika's eyes and have no choice but to call His name. But, when they look at how happy Yurika is. They then smile as accept it. 

Of course, I am happy, how can I not be happy. I get a free minion without hard work. Only shows my elegance and smile, they fall for me. What a good I am. 


Now I feel like a real noble lady in the drama. In the drama, the noble lady is always shown as arrogant and has the power to toss a female lead around. They also have a minion. I mean a partner in crime to bullying female lead. 

This is a feeling when you get a man to do a bad thing. Of course I not that's person, how can I do something like that. I want a peaceful life, no way I got myself to be bullied. But, one thing is for sure. I will not be bullied by others. this is useful as a minion is. 

My goal is to use these two gossip girls and get lost information about what happened in this school. So I can get a late New where I go and must make sure to not make this two to be a bully. 

" By the way, Mirae, Imai. I hear you know a lot about these four Prince. I was new here, so I want to make sure I do not make this popular person's bad side. Can both of you help me " 

Said me, as I show how worried I am when I talked about four Prince. That's right, I need to know more about them as they may be will my potential enemy when it comes to Yumiko. I need to a knight of my princess Yumiko. Besides to make an enemy lose, one must know other lots.

When both Mirae and Imai hear it. Their eyes were shining as their excitement to share some information about how amazing they were. And the same story they want to bring up as they want to make it a secret. What a good friend I get it. I smile happily at my heart as I start to plan an evil plan to avoid them.