Chapter 16 jogging

I was lazy on the weekend, but Yumiko got to be a couch of hell because she found out I eat too must of sweets in the student council office. That's why I was running now. 


Tired, I only run for 2 hours. It is limited for me. How can Yumiko do it to me like this, okay I did gain some weight in the last one month on a half? It can help right. They give us food, of course, we must not refuse good intentions and avoid bad luck. What is a way to be a peaceful life? 

Why they don't understand it. Okay, the truth is, I really can't refuse if was a sweet thing. Who's can refuse it, it was delicious and sweet. 

Now is not time to think about this, I want to rest. I tired myself from running around the park. The place we are is sports faculty for rich people sports. It has a lot of sports here, like basketball, tennis, swimming and a lot of things. 

Now I was at the park where people are jogging around or walking with their dogs. After Yumiko know I eat a lot of sweet things in the student council office, she begin to train me on my running. 

" I tired Yumiko, can't we rest for a little" 

I beg Yumiko to let me rest. My heart beat fast, with my quick breaths in and out. My hand message around my chest as am very tired. My leg was also tired from running for a day. 

" Okay, we rest for a little. After this, we continue it " 

Said Yumiko, she was also tired but not much as Yurika. As she planned weakened, so her body was used to this running. She looks at her twin's sister pity at her body stamina. 

We this stamina problem, no wonder she not counting be ballet dancer again. Indeed, with music on play and moving her body, Yurika was a genius. But her ability is too poor with her stamina. She can't do it for a long time. 

Lucky this Ballet class was only a hobby, not her dream. If it was her dream, Yumiko will begin to worry about Yurika's future carrier. 

When we sit on a stone chair at the park on the side road. We see someone we know, it was one of four Prince and my friends on the student council. Sano Fuji. We begin to call his name with my hand is waved at him. 

" Sano" 

Sano recognizes my voice and looks at me, his eyes show how surprised he is. As he also running in the park, he runs close to us. And he stops and begins to ask us as he never aspect we are here. 

" Yurika, Yumiko. Why you two here?" 

His question was normal because we are not a sports Type person. Especially me, I don't look like a person who likes sports. I indeed not good as much as them, but dance I am a genius. Hey, dance is also one of the sports, because of how a lot they move a cording the music playing. 

It also types a noble lady can play for example a ballet or ballroom dance. This type of ballroom dance is used a lot at every prevents in high society. 

" Running, you?" 

I asked back him. He used to come here a lot with how he clothes today. I remember he was good at running, on this day he must do a lot of work as a student council. He must have no time to do a running. 

" I running here quite a lot. It was our regular activity on weekends. " 

Said Sano Fuji, he look at me up to down as he observe me. His eyes show something surprised look me as I jogged around. He then looks at beside me and realized it was Yumiko also running together with me. 

" Yumiko, are your company Yurika. " 

" Yes, I worry she will seek behind my back at lazy again. If Yurika does eat a lot of sweets, this thing will not happen. " 

Yumiko said it as she look at me with her eyes glare. I smile awkwardly, no voice can come out to protect it. Just give up on it Yurika. 

" That's good because in this place it's big. It easy to get lost, with your look at her I relief. " 

Said Sano Fuji, he already experienced this situation. Because of the job student council, we need to move around the school a lot to patrol the situation. At that time I was walking alone and getting loose, what you aspect for the first time in this school. Of course, I lost, I don't know around this school. 

It takes a lot of time for me to get on the location mission. When I arrive, Sano already there's and finish doing my work. All I can do is make face sorry. And give a reason. Starting at that time, Sano will be my leader if I need to go everywhere. Sorry, Sano. Of course, I pay back my debt by helping him finish his job. 

" Oh, right. At that time, thank you for helping my twin sister. She always Crosses trouble for you " 

Yumiko tells Sano as she apologizes on that day. She also hear what happened on that day from Agaki senior, I never aspect Agaki senior will sell me out to Yumiko. My capability in Yumiko's eyes was down because of my senior. 

" Even if you apologize to me, it never changes the fact. She was blind direction " 

Said Sano with a cool face, as he was used to this problem. This type of problem for him is normal, different from his 3 childhood friends' problems. It worsens. 

Yurika was shocked by Sano's words, she knew that she was bad in the direction. But she never thought she was that's bad. I mean, for a time in a new place is normal for a person to lose. I a new person have their forget it. I know that Yumiko never lost, but now can't you compare her to me. I need to protest it.

" I not that's worse, I just need time to get used to a new place. That's all "