Chapter 17 meets a two prince

Sano Fuji and Yumiko look at me not believing what I said. It hurts my heart you know it. Sano has only known me for a month but, also has the same reaction as Yumiko. Chiho never did that to me, at least she just laughed it.

Wait a minute, it better not believe than laugh. If I got laugh my heart feels like someone stabbed my heart. It hurts.

" We are still not very familiar here, how about you tell us about this place as we run together "

Yumiko looks back at Sano Fuji, she remembers that Sano also still jogging and she invited him to run together and get to know how Yurika doing on the student council. She was curious and worried about this twin's sister. Only a month she already gained weight, did she do work or just have some fun.

" Sure "

Sano does not refuse Yumiko. With that our rest was stopped and we continue running. At the time we jogged, Yumiko and Sano only talk well I was tired to focus on running and getting my tail on them.

Their look happy when they talk as if they forgot about me. Should I just miss it, I mean with Sano, Yumiko is safe

Because he doesn't like someone falling in love.

Sano know Yumiko when we worked together to patrol and meet Yumiko at school. Of course, I introduce Yumiko to Sano. So they can get familiar with each other. But now I feel complicated, how can they happy talk back to me and forget about me.

Now I am thirsty, should I just go buy some drink and come back quickly and quietly. With that's thoughts on my mind, I slow my running Phase as quickly with no sounds.

When I see Sano and Yumiko do not realize it, I quickly run to the store and buy some drinks. As I finish buy it, I tried to run back to that place back.


Suddenly I bumped into someone, and I fall together with my drink. My back hurts from falling and I want to know who's the person dared to do this to me. I am so hurry that I don't realize a person.

When I look at the person who just bumped me. I was surprised. No. I was so shocked at my bad luck. Why must he be here? I don't know it.

Arima Shun was looking back at me, With his hand on his chest. He looks also surprised too as he never aspect to meet me here. He thought just some mad fan of him playing some prank on him. And he was irritated just thinking about it.

My heart beat already clam down as I rest when I was waiting to pay for a drink. Now it beat hard because of this situation, what should I do.

As Yurika realize that she just bumped into Arima Shun, she quickly organized her mind. She hurried to pick up her drink and running fast as she could from him.

Scared. She was scared that Arima Shun remembers or recognize her. She feels cold just think what happened to her in the story. How can I be bad luck, I just want to drink and despair for only a second to buy it. And then I just meet him. This time our eyes meet.

" Yurika "

I hear Yumiko call my name and look back to see how angry she is. Oh right, she was on the way to them in hurry. Now my missing just broke. They found me. Well, it is better than Arima Shun found me. Even I know, I will get a long speech from my mother later. It's better than, the hell with Arima Shun.

Just think about it, my tear gets out of my eyes. I was very scared, thank you Yumiko for finding me.

" Yumiko…"

As I ran and hugs Yumiko. Yumiko was abrupt as when Yurika did it to me. She holds Yumiko tight as she never let it go. Yumiko who wants to get angry at Yurika, take back by her surprised attack. She wondered what happened to her twin's sister, making her do this to Yumiko.

" okay, I not angry anymore."

Said Yumiko trying to calm down Yurika who still does not want to let go of Yumiko.

"What's wrong with Yurika "

Sano just arrived at Yumiko and Yurika's place. When he sees this situation, he is curious about what happened to Yurika. Was something bad happen to her.?

When Yurika hear the voices of Sano, she got hold of herself back. And relief Yumiko, as she looks at Sano and begins to ask a question.

" Sano, was other your friend always come here. "

This question is very important to me. To make sure that the accident well never happened. She looks at Sano with serious eyes as if she is not a joke.

Sano was taken back by Yurika's serious face. Was this have something to do with his friends. Yurika these look like a face as some mad fan of them. He thinks is okay to tell her about it.

" Yes, often on weekends. Mostly on the day close to the sports festival. "

When I hear the answer from Sano, Yurika decided to never come to this place ever again. Just she thought what to thank Sano. She hears some man's voice call Sano from afar, So she looks at the person.

Oh, no is Endo Kazama. Why this day I meet a lot of members of the four Prince. One then one I meet it. I look at Yumiko and quickly hid her from being seen by Smile Prince.

She also put some masks and caps on Yumiko's Head to hide her face. Yumiko was taken back by Yurika, she tried to stop it. But the eye of Yurika shows how panicked she is. As she said to Yumiko. Lucky Yumiko's height the as the same as Yurika's.

" Please Yumiko, just put it. It is for our future life. Or not we are death"

Yumiko was stung by Yurika's words as she wondered if her twin's sister was thinking of weird again.