chapter 21 camping

Camp of class representation will begin after all students finish exams. It takes 3 days and 2 nights for camping, it says a campaign but to me, it is a resort. All students will stay at the resort that we have in the camping fire. 

 This place is closed to the mountains, it has a jungle and river to play with water or fishing. It's the perfect place for camping, with family and friends. The wind and sound here are also fresh, I like it. 

It pity that's Yumiko can't come here, because of the computation on her club. I believe in her strength, she is a pretty amazing person. She will bring the honor to the school and make it straight up to be a star student. It looks look like I need to work hard to catch up with her. 

" Yurika, can you cook. I don't know how to cook " 

Tell Agaki senior, as soon we arrive here. We need to gather together to make food for ourselves. The chefs of this resort will arrive when the sun is going down. they all have to break up into several groups to cook meals for each other. 

Some teachers who've come with us just left to eat outside. What luck to be an adult, left us with only two teachers. Out student council will cook together for teachers. Because teachers will be busy handling a program for other students. We are here as helpers for teachers. 

" I only know to make simple food. I don't know how to make difficult food " 

Said Yurika, in her past life she was an independent woman who lived alone. Of course, she needs to make food by herself, well a lot of time I only buy food takeaway. Because my life is busy with work, work and work. What a gloom.

"It's better than me, can't you be chefs and lead it. I can wash a vegetable or rice to cook. " 

Said Agaki senior. It's a good idea. Then I need to think about what should we eat today. So I tried to ask seniors what food we have, and it is easy to make a food decision. 

" What ingredients do we have, can't you cut some veggies. It's easy if you can cut. Make men get to look around the at the campfire. We don't what problem happened at camp. " 

Said Yurika, we are lucky. Because we are student council and can access a kitchen at the resort. But other students need to cook outside, it feels like a very cam fire. When you need to search for wood to make a fire to cook. When you need to go to the river to wash and fish to get food. 

We only give a vegetable and rice to them, if they what more. They need a to-go find for themself. 

" If you asked this, then no problem. We have a lot of kinds of vegetables here, and we have fish and chicken. Oh.. we have fruit here too. " 

Said Agaki senior as she checked on the refrigerator. With this, we are women mano man on the student council to cook together. I think, I going to make a Curry rice. It's easy, besides we are here for camp. It perfect theme for eating it. 

After I finish cooking it, I make some fruit drinks for the teacher. I wonder what's Chiho eating today, I curious about it

 Let's make space for more. If some other students or teacher is hungry in the afternoon later. We finish bringing food to the teacher and we start eating ourselves. 

Chiho sits with me on bass, it sad that's I need to sleep together with student council members. Well only me and Agaki senior, so it have some empty place for other students to come to sleep. should I bring my food to them or not, I worry. As I think about what should she do when she goes to Chiho places.

Some boy has come to us and asked what is this allowed it. I wonder what this boy talk about. So we asked what was wrong, from what we heard. The four Prince have crossed some problems and made some other students jealous. 

So I and Agaki senior was wondering what a man from the student council doing, they should handle this problem. So I asked if that was a boy. 

" Why you do not tell, to Mabu senior, or other students council at camp. I mean they did go outside to patrol it. " 

I was surprised by the boy's answer. What, they do it. They do not do a job, instead, they are also joined eating together when. Okay, this is not something forgiveness. 

How can the four Prince just called someone else from outside, okay not totally outside? I know it was their servant who came here and cook for them. And all they did was sit and eat. What meaning of camping, it is ruined. 

This is a reason, you should not believe that rich people are nice. There are is useless if not for their parents. Fine, I need to make them realize this place was not a place you need to be pampered. Rich boy. 

As soon I finish eating, I go to the teacher and tell them the situation. The teacher also agree with me, we called security and called for each family of four Prince and Tell them to not bring an aide again. And told them to take away their servant from this place. 

It takes 1 hour for each family of guards to take servants away from this place. When the guard takes the servant away, the four Prince and my two seniors not yet have eaten. No didn't they have time to cook for them, they only finished prepared for cooking. 

I can imagine how sad and angry they are when a guard takes away the servant. Ah… what a good feeling, in this place we need to hard together. Not easy only them.  

I am very happy mode now, so I go to the campsite to look for Chiho and see what she doing. Maybe I can help her, helping it no problem. But not outside people but are students.  

As I think it, I go walk outside. And go to Chiho places as I Left Agaki senior at kitchen to clean by herself. I walk happily as I sing lala. 

Know to me that's the food I left for teachers will be eating by this four Prince and two my senior. And they did not leave any food for me. All I could do is crying in my bed at my resort place.