chapter 22 helping, work and rest

Yurika was crying in her bed at the cottage on the resort places. It can't be helped, Agaki senior does know that I left for my friend. Also, she didn't know I hate the four Prince except for Sano. What can I do is cry in my bed. 

Your all a fool, four prince. 

Yurika just screams inside her heart. She still doesn't want to let others people know about this. Besides she needs to take care of her image as a school goddess and be a star student together with Yumiko. 

She also made as to why this so-called Four Prince came here to camp. Normal for rich people like them well not coming to a place like this, if they want to camp. They can just come here not with a school. If you can here with the school, of course, they need to follow a rule given by the school. 

This person never left food at all, what more, they asked me to make for them. What bunch of rich kids, how dare they be told that's. What I am, I not they servant that's need to cook for them. Let's see in a game this afternoon if they can play well or not. I hope they lose, forever. 

" Yurika, let go help a teacher. " 

Called Agaki senior, when she looked at me who was landing on my bed. I get up from my bed and walk to the toilet to wash my face. After I put some skin care, I go with Agaki senior. 

"What's wrong, with your face " 

Asked senior, I was sure that my face did not let any scars left on my eyes. When I washed my face. Let's random give answers, as I am lazy to explain. So I smile and tell the senior.

" Nothing, I'm just sad. When I read some sad story. That's all " 

" I see, other students will gather later at a park near a River. All we need to do is, put some rope between this tree and the river. " 

As the senior said it, she pointed at the tree from our side and to another opposing side. Between two trees it has a long river, that's some students need to Cross. After all, the preparations finished, we waited for students to come to hear to cross this River. 

Today, some students will play 3 steps the need to be fast to be a winner. They also need to complete all these 3 steps. The Winner will get some secret presents. The first step is, there need to crawl on the ground to get and get past a net. 

I am on the second step. After this step, is the last step at a mounting. There need to Climb the hills quickly and safely. a lot of people and teachers waiting on the mountain to make sure, every student is in a safe place. 

My job as secretary needs to write a report and take some pictures of students who do this activity. I can't see a lot of smiles and, laughter from the student as there look like they enjoy it. I got to take a good picture for my report. I will never take this picture of four Prince, okay if you what to promote our camp or make a video to show other people. It going to be another story. 

I don't want to take pictures to make a video but, the president told me to do it. I have no choice, at this the c, amp I am a camerawoman. As I take a role as, a camera woman I need to do a good job. 

To be a good camera woman, you need a good position to take a photo. Good light, good camera lenses, and something interesting that makes people like it. For example, the picture of the Four Prince. 


I don't like it, let's think of them as handsome bugs. Forgot they exist as one group popular in schools. As I thought of this, I try to take a lot of pictures of them and other students. Sometimes I take a video to make good memories. 

When I take a look back at my picture I am very satisfied with how good my work is, and what it says. Oh.. it masterpiece. Yup, my talents on camera it pretty good, I can't help to be proud. 

Finish all programs on afternoons. Every student goes inside the cabin in the resort, to clean themself and take a rest for a little. Because we still have a program on the night side. 

For my job. I go back as secretary to take note of what happened on the program and put on one document in one fail. All I need to do is to take notes of every program that students participate in the activity. 

Oh right, I forget to report the result of today's winning. The first place is in Male class 1A, and the second place is in my class 1D, who led by Arima Shun. It is not surprising because this two always rival each other. What a kid. And sadly the third place is Chiho class 1C, I voted for my best friend. Uhh…

" Rest well senior, " 

Said me to Agaki senior. Today she was a busy woman ever, she has to run from another place to another. To make sure nothing happened, congratulations today I saw a superwoman in Agaki senior.

She also likes a mother who's running around to take care of her lot of children. It's kind of funny. Sorry senior. 

" Thank you, Yurika. I take nap for a little, wake when in 2 hours. I need to wash and eat some..."

I can see how tired the senior is, as she just sleeps like that. Should we off got tonight's program, better let a senior sleep a lot? As I think that, I took senior work for tonight as soon I finished eating. 

I also tell other members of the student's council and teachers for assurance of their ease, I work hard for the senior side too. Finish the program for today, and all students go to sleep. 

Today I can't sleep, so l walk around and I get some spots that very nice places. It's a quiet and calm place, it good a perfect place to relax. It has fireflies around this place with sounds of water from the river. It is beautiful. 

 a quiet place like this makes me want to sing. To relieve all my emotions and be free, I don't need to worry about anything. The truth is, I am quite tired to hides myself and Yumiko from these people. But it can't be helped if I do not do it. Who's going to it. 

I also thought, it easy if Yumiko nodded t die or not fall in love. But no want know about it, I can't prevent something the heart it falls in. But, I can hide it. Even it is not forever.