Chapter 25 together with Arima shun

Yurika is not successful in running away from Arima Shun. What does Happens to me, all I did was run away from this man? But now I was stuck close to him, isn't that worse.

When I was running from him, one of my legs slipped and caused her to fall off a cliff. Arima who's running after her sees her fall on a cliff trying to save her and also fall together.

he managed to save me by hugging my head from being hit hard while falling to the ground. It makes him get hurt from his back. I was trembling from falling, I tried to calm down by looking at him. As I realized how he was hurt because of me. I quickly get up to check on his body if it has any broke.

Lucky the cliff is not high enough, but my feet and Arima's leg were hurt. I think the left side of his leg was broken. Uh… it's my fault. Don't know what to do, I'm clueless about medicine. But, I remember. If someone just broke their leg or hand, we need a stick to bindings together.

Yurika immediately searches for small wood to put on Arima's leg. As she found it, she quickly put two sticks of wood on both sides of Arima's leg. It Is, good that she always brings her handkerchief around. She used her handkerchief to bind wood together with his leg.

Finish it, she also check with his body was her again. I have a lot of blood, she needs to bind it. Lucky it was only small wounds I found it. She relief, but she knows she can leave Arima alone to search for another person.

She remembers she has a phone with her. She quickly call Agaki senior, to asked help and tell her about the situation she is. She needs to wait with Arima Shun here for someone to come rescue them.

"I'm sorry, "

Said Yurika, she never thought that Arima will jump to save her. I feel like I am in the plot where the female lead was rescued by the male lead. But the person who is saving me is Arima. It is not romance at all. She also feels guilty for making Arima hurt.

Arima looks at Yurika, he sees how sad, worried, and restless she is when she looked at him. She must stop feeling guilty or worried about me. Arima only flicked his finger near Yurika's forehead, as he laughed at it and thought it was funny.

" Your face is already ugly, you make it more ugly. This is not a big problem for me with these wounds"

Said Arima as he smile and tell her, that he did not have any problem with his condition now. He so relaxed and have time to make a joke, which makes me who's was worried about him, like an idiot. Now I got mad, did he just ugly to me.

I am a genius pretty talented girl, Where are the ugly come from. He needs to go to an eye doctor to see it, he has a problem with his eyes. I need to tell the teacher to check his eyes when they send Arima Shun to the hospital.

I ignore him if I continue playing along with him. My heart will be burning with madness, let's cool down. In this situation better if we have a calm thought to make something, I cannot panic.

Then we waited for a while, with a silent and quiet atmosphere around us. I feel like want to sleep, sorry. Silent and dark is the perfect place for me to sleep. My mind waits back when I hear Arima's voice.

" I boring "

Said Arima as he look at me. He must hope that I answer his calls, no I don't want to. Ignore.

" Hey you, make something funny. I am boring now "

Ariam continue called me again and again. It makes me mad again, with him here. He always makes me so angry, can he be silent.

" Why, I need to do that"

Yes, I don't seem to see a reason for me to follow his order. I, not your servant, to make you can order me around.

" You make my leg hurts"

Arima's words make me want to beat him now. Cool down Yurika, you can't do that to your savior. I need to remember his kindness, even if it is only a little. If not for him saving her, she never cares if he dies or not.

" Fine "

Answer Yurika, but her body doesn't show anything that makes it funny. The truth is, that Yurika doesn't have any ideas about how to make a joke or funny thing. She was clueless about this. Even though she said 'fin was I, it not fine at all.

What should I do, oh… I remember that. When I meet him at the student council office, he always plays the game with Mabu senior. Why not just play some game, besides he said he was boring.

" Do you want to play a game "

Asked Yurika to Arima as she look at Arima. When Arima hears it, he looks at Yurika back. He was puzzled as to why she suddenly talks him about the game. Besides he didn't think about this situation, we can play a game.

" do you think with this condition I am, I can play a game"

" But, both your hand is not broken yet "

Said Yurika, why not. We can play, I mean as long we have a battery on phone. We can play a game, when we go back we can charge it. Besides, I don't have any ideas about jokes. Playing games can also help him relieve some boredom.

" So you want both my hand a broken ahaha… "

Arima laughs when he hears Yurika answer. He never thought Yurika want to make both his hand broken. Well if this happened, he going to apply for her parents to take Yurika to service him until he gets well. How can she not take a responsibility for what he didn't her?

" No… of course not. I don't mean it " she just thought, with both his hand and arm is fine. He can play a game by herself with his phone. Why need to ask for her. Aha…. She doesn't understand, why he made her do it.

" Then"

He knew that Yurika did mean it. He just can't help to tease her, as she was cute in his eyes. He then smiles at her.

" I just thought you want to play a game if you a boring. Because last time when I saw you, you play a game with Mabu senior. That's why with your hand it is okay, you can play a game. "

Said Yurika as she tried hard to explain to him. She can't help but to felted as he asked questions, she is not good at this. Suddenly she feels nervous around him. Because she feels mistakes, what she said to him earlier, was something she should say.

" But I don't bring a phone with me, give me your phone"

Yurika then gives him, her phone. When Arima gets Yurika's phone, he does not directly play a game. But he types his phone number and makes a call after that's he then researches on contact number if he sees something like a boyfriend or bug on it.

As he checked it everything is fine, he then look for a game on her phone. What's is this, role play game a lot. Most of it was a date game or harems dating sim game. He laughed at it, he never know. What's she like about this type of game.

" I never thought you play this type of game "

" What the game you said it ?"

Asked Yurika, she was very clueless about what Arima Shun is talking about. She has a lot of types of games on my phone, but she doesn't know what the type of game is. I wonder what game he usually plays.

When Arima looks at Yurika and how clueless she is, he begins to laugh hard at her. Yurika only looks at Arima Shun with a weird look as she thinks this person hasn't gone crazy.

Arima then shows the game fail fails Yurika's face and he sees how she reaction it. Yurika immediately takes away her phone back, at that time she wishes to be transparent. How can I forget about my secret hobby? No wonder, this bastard just laughed at me, even now he still laughing at me.


Older people said, if you laugh too much you will forget a lot of things. Let's hope what the old man said is true, please. Or not. I just kill him to hide my secret. When I saw how happy he laughed, it make me mad more.

This man is good to make me angry, I wish I can just kill him directly now. That's why I don't like this person. Arima Shun just, wait I will never talk to you or help you again.