Chapter 26 travel with Endo Kazama

Yurika was a fool, she was screaming inside her hand how can you easily give your phone to him. My secret hobby just ruined it because of my foolishness.

Even though I regret it now, it is no use. What is happening has happened. Lucky after that thing happened to me. The teacher quickly found us in the forest Clif. The teacher immediately sends Arima to the hospital to get treatment for their broken leg. Well, I only get a small wound, so I only need rest in my resort.

I also feel bad for not joining other students to see a sunset on top of a mount, it must be beautiful. After that, all students get to sleep well before we go back home. I sleep too much so, at night I can't sleep at all. So I think I should do some work to finish all my reports. Thank that Ii gIt to go home early after school. When I submit my report.

Also, the good thing happened to me, that's when I go back to school, Arima was not in class because he was broken his leg. He stays in hospital and can't go to school for a whole month. It was a peaceful time in my life, and I was enjoying myself with friends on my classmate without being a guard up to my body.

It was a happy moment, that's what I thought it. Who's never knows, my happy time it only a few minutes when it was destroyed by the news that I need to join Sano and Kazama to go travel to Korea.

I hear it because this time the teachers discuss with each other teachers to pick a time and place to go have a school trip for every student year. When it did, the student council will send each member to go check and make a report to each place they visit and gives in an opinion.

I was confused, as to why a teacher needed our opinion. I mean, they can go by themselves and enjoy it. But, why do I need to go and what important is, it if I need to go with Kazama. It should be Sano right.

Maybe because our members of students count are is an odd number. It needs Kazama to join it, but why do I need to go with him. I know my luck is always horrible when I play stick games.

To make a report for the school trip, we need to divide it into 3 teams with 2 people on each team. I got to pair with Kazama, well Sano get to pair with Mabu senior. And we got another couple here, Agaki senior with the president. I can see how good this two are, they were always together were there a couple. But I don't see something like Bubble feeling in love around them, It is suspicious.

I remember, we have a teacher follow us. One teacher in each team and my team teacher will be the supervised teacher of the student council. Mr. Arai Maruo.

At the camp, he was one of this teacher who tried to be a ghost. I did see a pretend ghost, and tried to punch the ghost. But, when I look back at the ghost, I realized she was my homeroom teacher. So I can't punch her, because I scary she will hold a petty mind and get my mark test red. That's I don't want it. So I hold myself, and because of Arima's fault, I do not meet another ghost again after that.

Let's forget it, now I need to focus. This time I will be trip with Kazama alone, it is not a date. I lose, what should do. Okay, Yurika you need to calm down first.

Think about it, this was a good chance to get close to Kazama and know he is. And to make sure, If I fell in love with him or not with this trip. I don't know what to, do if this thing happened. All I can do now is look and see.

I know we go this trip is for investigation and make a report. But, what is necessary to go with a private airplane. Can we just go on a normal airplane like other people, even rich people don't have an airplane.

Now I waiting at the airport, I thought we go on a normal airplane and he had already reserved a seat for me. But I never thought we go in his private airplane, what is this. He did it and used his family's power to get a private airplane. That was the Endo household. Amazing.

" Lady Yurika same, our young master is already waiting in an airplane. Please follow me "

Said the man who look like a bodyguard of a rich family. 4 Man with black suits and dark eyes and glass make a normal people around me look at me. As they thought I was a VVIP person, they look at me with eyes shocking, surprising, ed, and envious of me. I only said thank you to the guard and follow them as I ignore all these people.

" Thank you, let's go "

I got up from my seat and walk away as I follow them, well my bag was taken by another guard. When I arrive on the private airplane, I was shocked by how awesome this place was. It looks like a hotel than an airplane.

"Miss Hanami, I'm sorry for not welcoming you at the airport. Please make it as your self "

Said Endo Kazama, at moments he sees me. His smile soft with his face was already sweet, it make people can't help but p look at him. His clothes were a t-shirt and jeans like a person who wants to go on a holiday. It also brings a fresh feeling with his like this, even with this type of closet his prince's aura will never be lost. It still looks elegant and gentlemen with this. What a good eyes candy.

" You don't need to apologize for it, besides I don't know we going on your family's private airplane. "

Said Yurika, she was not mad at him. She indeed doesn't about this, besides is she knows it. She doesn't know where that place is. I mean this airport is quite large how to find it. Better sit first then, informed him, so he can come at me to pick. I never care much about manners.

" I was surprised by how amazing your airplane was, I never got a chance to ride a private airplane like this. It looks like I am the lucky one to get a chance by a ride with you "

Yurika family is indeed the best and top 1 in the bank industry. But, her family was not a family that liked to spend money to get this type of airplane. They don't show how much money they have.

" I happy, if you think like that. Let's get along on the whole trip "

Said Endo Kazama, as he smile and extended his hand to shake with me. When I saw it, I do not hesitate to shake his hand even though I knew how nervous my heart is. I also smile back at him, it was manners and don't have any other meaning. Please don't misunderstand it my heart.

" me too. And I am also sorry if I cause trouble for you on this trip. "

Yurika quickly said apologized as she remembers how worried Yumiko is when she goes travels with someone else she doesn't know it. My mother also remembers me taking care of myself when I was there and making sure I don't make rude things to other people. Why I got family to worry too much about me. I have no clue.

" Oh… please don't think like that's, it was very helpful for you to be on my team "

Said Endo Kazama, as he small laughed and smiled at me as I tell something he aspect it. I wonder why he said that.

" What you mean, Endo sama"

I asked Endo back, I don't know want he wants from me. I did meet him at sports faculty with Sano Fuji before. But, Ii was my first time together alone with him. and talking directly to him like this.

" I hear from Fuji you good the t Korean language, so I thought we should it good if we get to be together. I can't speak this language. That's why I feel lucky you here "

Said Endo as he is very happy about this, His face didn't look like the face of a lie. sorry, Endo, it is Happy for you but not for me. I not responding to it, just give him a smile that's all.

Finish talk, the stewardess comes to me to show me my room. So I can relax, our travel to Korea is only take minutes to arrive. So I was wondering what a useless package of luxury in an airplane, I can feel an only a short period. I am not satisfied yet experiencing this kind of luxury feeling. Uhhh…