Chapter 34 the Truth

Yurika, can't help herself from being uneasy. Because what happened to her in their past life made her feel worse. In the past, she already disappointed her parents when she couldn't get a job and only do nothing at home.

The truth she is was not something bright as Yurika now projects it, she is a loser in life. At first, she didn't even have a job and always did useless things like dance or sing pop songs. My parents were disappointed in me at that time, what a sad thing they left me after I successfully got a job. I want to tell my parents and make them happy, I want to get the news of deaths.

It was horrible at that time. I was the only child in my family. I have nobody to share my happy and sad things with. I cried like a crazy thing, at that time I thought should I kill myself. But, when I remember back what my parents always told me. What they want me most is to have a job and be happy.

" I can't be happy without you all, please don't leave me alone. "

I cried a lot, my eyes were red because of that. At that time she thought if she dies now and meets my parents. My parents will be more disappointed in me because I will leave my life when I know how to get a job.

Then, I have no choice. To continue a life, with pain in my life. I need to show my parents that their daughter has finally got a job, and they can't be proud in heaven as they will see me now. Please be relieved now.

That's why Yurika was not good when she saw Yumiko's eyes. As she sees how disappointed she, is in me. She can't take it anymore, she doesn't want to make her family disappointed in her again. This time, she wants to make her family happy and proud of him. That's why she does a lot of hard work when she can now.

" Yumiko, if I tell you the truth will you two see me as a weird person And you will leave me "

Asked Yurika, she was scared if Yumiko would leave her like her parents. She doesn't want Yumiko to leave her, she loves her current family. She doesn't want her to know about this because this reason did not make sense to others.

" What are you talking about, you are already weird enough. Even if you add me or any of your weirdnesses, we still believe you. Or not, why do we still speak to you now"

Said Chiho, she agreed with Yumiko to make Yurika tell them the truth. She never noticed that Yurika suddenly was a coward to not tell them, and asked this question. She doesn't realize how weird she is in everyone's eyes.

" I talked a serious now"

Tell Yurika, how can Chiho make a spoiler in this mode. My sadness is blown away thanks to her, she feels like a patient person.

" Will we be serious too "

Chiho replies to Yurika's words with a half-baked, it can't be helped that she doesn't look like a serious person. Because of her personality, she doesn't like serious things, which is why Yurika doesn't believe it.

Yurika ignores Chiho and looks at Yumiko, she can see how Yumiko is still waiting for Yurika to tell her. She can't help but give up, it's better to make them think I am a crazy person than make Yumiko disappointed in me. Yurika was determined to tell the truth about this world and the story everyone is in.

She then looks at Yumiko with a serious face as if what she going to tell was something it was unreasonable but was true.

" Yumiko, do you remember that I did tell you it was to save your life and my life too. It was to save everyone else's life too, it sounds like it's not logical at all. But it is true "

Yumiko remembers back, at that time it was the first time Yurika did a weird thing to her. At the sports faculty when she meets a Sano friend Endo. She was wondering why Yurika did it.

" I thought it was because of your sudden strange ideas. It was funny when you remember it "

" It is not funny and I am not strange, where did you learn this thing? I am a creative person "

Said Yurika defiant Chiho, some people don't understand the art feeling. You need to trust yourself to be creative in your head. Chiho looked at me and she said it.

" Well I learn from you "

Oh my… that's what other people said if you want to choose a friend. Choosing a friend with a good personality may bring a good effect on themselves. Indeed, in friendship, they will influence each other in their behavior. Yurika gives up on Chiho because she is too lazy to pay attention to her, as she looks at Yumiko.

"I never thought it was the same reason, was it the warning you tell about Four Prince it the same too "

Asked Yumiko, she picked a logical quickly. She originally thinks that it must be hard for Yurika to say it when she thinks back on how she forced Yurika to say it. It must be hard for her when Yumiko sees how Yurika's actions later.

" Yay, that's right. It same "

" Soo…"

Yumiko looked at Yurika as she was nervous. Yumiko then took her hand and held it, to make the nervous despair. As she looks at Yurika's eyes, as told him don't worry with a warm feeling around them.

" I can know the future a little, like how Yumiko or Chiho's future will happen. And also the future of four Prince "

Yurika then begins to tell Yumiko and Chiho about this world. It was based on the story 'Love Only You' and she was a second female lead who's the saddest story character. And about what Chiho did after Yumiko's death.

She also tells her the reason why she does that. She loves Yumiko and doesn't want to lose her, not because of the story. At first, all she did was prevent the horrible future from happening. But as she begins to know Yumiko and live together for years. She changed her mind and begin to protect Yumiko from death.

She also told us about the main story of 'love only You'. How the true Male lead Ichijo Hayato, and the female lead. Also, our fate as a side character in the story must be so unreasonable at They do not think this was real, but what I say is the truth.

" No, I believe it "

Said Chiho. I was surprised by her words, I never thought Chiho would be on my side even though she said that's not logical at all. I think Chiho will be the first to laugh at me and say I was crazy, but it was the opposite of what she thought. My impression of Chiho increased as she was the first one to trust me.

" Chiho…"

" I believe myself in your story is was not cool enough"

Yurika's impression of Chiho decreased because of Chiho's words. I should believe in her, on a serious topic like this she can't say that.

" You must be hard to hold this secret for yourself, it is indeed harder to believe it. But, you don't need to worry about this thing now "

Said Yumiko as she gives some spirit to Yurika and she looks at Yurika as she smiles at her. Because she knows this thing that Yurika said about her in the story she said, it will never happen. Even if it happens, I think current Yurika will protect herself. She believes in Yurika.

Yurika was taken back by Yumiko's words, she was wondering why Yumiko said that as she was very confident about this. Yurika wanted to ask back, but Yumiko only smiled at me and said nothing. This makes me curious, I hope Yumiko will tell her. So I keep asking her.

" Why can't you tell me? I want to no, maybe it can make my mind ease "

" No, it was a secret. "

" But, I'm curious "

" Still no"

Said Yumiko and continued to smile at Yurika, with this. The people who know about my secret are my best friend and my precious twins. When I told them about this, I felt relieved. Because they quickly accept my story, even though it has a different opinion me and Chiho. Forget about that.

" Oh right, Yurika even for this reason. You can't do, what you did last time again. "

Said Yumiko, she suddenly remembered the accident. That's why she needs to give her a warning early. So she will not do something like this again. Seeing how she feels kind of guilty, Yumiko was satisfied with it.

With these two know, I can direct discussion about this openly. As people said, three brains are better than one brain. Let's help each other to get out of future disasters together and get a happy life